How to Cancel a Subscription or End it Early

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How to Cancel a Subscription or End it Early

Sometimes Membership needs to be cancelled part way through the season for a variety of reasons. It may be for injury, for disciplinary reasons, or simply that someone moved away, all depending on your club and your rules surrounding Membership. This guide shows how a Member can request a cancellation, and an Administrator approve it, or an Administrator do it independently.


  1. Navigate to Subscriptions > Manage Subscriptions.

  2. Locate the subscription you wish to cancel.

  3. Next to the appropriate subscription, click Action > Cancel Subscription or Action > End Subscription Early.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Subscription End Date: Select when the subscription will end when the Cancellation has gone through.

      1. Today: The Subscription will end at the end of today.

      2. No Change: The Subscription will end at the original end date set for the Subscription.

      3. Date: Select a date for the Subscription to end. This will take effect at the END of the day on that date.

    2. Subscription Cost: Select how much of the cost of the Subscription the Member will get back for the Subscription being cancelled.

      1. No Refund: The Member will get no refund. If they have not paid for the subscription yet, they will still be obligated to.

      2. Full Refund: The Member will get a full refund for the cost of the Subscription. If they have not paid for the subscription yet, the payment will be cancelled. If the Subscription has been paid for, a Refund will be generated.

      3. Partial Refund: Set the amount that will be refunded to the Member. If the amount is less than what has already been paid, there will still be an outstanding balance to be paid. If the amount is more than what has been paid, a refund will be generated of the difference.

    3. Invalidate any applied discounts: If checked, any discounts granted because of this subscription will be removed. More information about discounts can be found in this guide: Discounts

    4. Revoke any Token awards: If checked, any tokens awarded for the purchase of this subscription will be taken away. This requires the Token payments module.

    5. Reason: Write a reason for the Cancellation.

    6. Send Notification Emails: If checked, the Member will get an email informing them of the Cancellation.

    7. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to confirm the cancellation.

  5. The Subscription will now be cancelled at the end of the day of the date chosen, and any refunds will be generated. Note it will only be marked as “Cancelled” if the subscription started and ended on the same day, otherwise it will be marked as “Expired”. More information on Refunds can be found here: Refunds

Member Requested Cancellation

Members can request a cancellation to their subscription at any time. An Administrator will then have to

  1. Navigate to Your name > My Subscriptions.

  2. On the appropriate Subscription, click “Request Cancellation”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Reason: Type the reason that you are asking to Cancel your membership.

    2. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to complete the request denial.

If a member changes their mind before the Cancellation has been approved, they can click “Withdraw Request to Cancel”.

Once a Member has requested a cancellation, it needs approving by an Administrator.

  1. Navigate to Subscriptions > Manage Subscriptions.

  2. Locate the subscription you wish to cancel in the “Requiring Action” section.

  3. To approve the Cancellation: Click Action > Approve Request to Cancel, and complete steps 4 and 5 in the Instructions above.

  4. To deny the Cancellation: Click Action > Deny Request to Cancel, and complete the wizard:

    1. Reason: Type the reason that the Cancellation isn’t being granted to the Member.

    2. Send Notification Emails: If checked, the Member will get an email to inform them that the Cancellation has been denied and why.

    3. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to complete the request denial.

  5. The Subscription will now be cancelled at the end of the day of the date chosen, and any refunds will be generated. More information on Refunds can be found here: Refunds

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