Quick Start: How to set up a Group Membership

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Quick Start: How to set up a Group Membership

This quick start guide will go through the basics of how to create a new group membership category (including the registration wizard) for your club, using an example for the most common options selected.

If you want more detail, or extra options included in your group membership category, the full guide can be found here: How to Create a Group Membership Category

If you want more detail, or extra options included in your group registration wizard, the full guide can be found here: How to Create a Registration Wizard for Group Slot Membership

Group Subscriptions should not be confused with Family Groups!

Though Group Subscriptions (group memberships) are often designed for families, they are simply a way of offering a discounted membership to groups of members who may or may not be in the same Family Group. In some use cases they are for members of the same club, team or company.

Family Groups are a way of grouping users for easier administration.

A full guide on Family Group Administration can be found here: Family Group Administration

The example in the steps below shows how to set up a basic family membership.


  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Membership Categories (admin) page:

    1. by default this is under the Subscriptions menu.

    2. or type “/Admin/Membership/Categories” into your browser’s address bar e.g.


    3. or use the Search tool in the toolbar to search for Membership Categories


  3. If the membership categories that will be included in the group membership, haven’t been created, create them here. Use this Quick Start guide to help: Quick Start: How to Create a New Membership Category

  4. Scroll down the page to “Group Membership Categories” and click the “Add Category” button on the right hand side of the screen.

  5. Enter the basic information for your new membership category:

    1. Name: The name displayed for this membership category.

    2. Description: A description of this membership category, often includes who is eligible for it and any specific perks or restrictions that make it differ to other membership categories. For group membership categories, it is best to include which membership categories are included in the category.

    3. Is Obsolete: Make sure this is set to “No” otherwise no one will be able to use this membership category.

  6. Select the start and end dates for this membership category.

    Note: Start Date settings are specifically for new joiners registering for the first time.

    1. Start Date Mode: Select “User selects start”.

    2. Start Options: Select “As Soon As Possible” so that their membership starts straight away.

    3. End Date Mode: Select “Season end date” so that the membership ends at a fixed point of the year, in time for the new season.

  7. Select the group slot options for this group membership category:

    1. Groups referred to as: This is what groups under this membership category will be referred to. In this example, “Family” is used as it is a family membership, but team, company or another name could be used, depending what the group membership is for.


      NOTE: When creating a Family membership, DO NOT set the referred to as a “Family Group” as this will confuse them with Family Groups which are used for administrative purposes.


    2. Registration Wizard: This is the registration wizard used when adding users to the membership slots, leave as “Use default” for now.

    3. Auto-assign Applicant: Select this, so the user creating the group membership will be put into the first available slot in the group.

    4. Add Slot: This green plus will bring up the following form so that you can add slots to the group membership.

      1. Slot Count: This is the maximum number of this slot that each group membership of this category can have. Set this to 2 for two adult membership slots.

      2. Membership Category Options: Select “Adult Membership” from the list.

      3. Default Membership Category: Select “Adult Membership” from the list.

      4. Registration Wizard: This is the registration wizard used when adding users to these slots, leave as “Use default”.

      5. Reassignment: For a family membership, the slots will not need to be reassigned to other members within a season, therefore, leave this set to “Slots cannot be reassigned”.

      6. OK: Press OK to confirm and save these slots to this group membership category.

    5. Repeat the steps in part e to add 2 slots for Junior Membership so that the slots look like this:

  8. Select the costs associated with this membership category:

    1. Subscription Cost: Fixed cost for this membership for the year.

    2. Payment Scheme: Select Default (this example provides cash, cheque, or Stripe as options for the user to pay for their membership - you will set up your club’s default options later).

    3. Early Payment Option: Select “No”.

    4. Partial Rate Calculation: Select “None”, this will leave the cost as a fixed price at any point during the year.

    5. Joining Fee: Select “No”, this means that there is no joining fee for new members.

    6. Award Tokens: Select “No”, this means that the user won’t be given any tokens on sign up.

    7. Product Categories: Leave Joining Fee blank, and select “Subscription”: for Subscription Product Categories. This is so that payments can be grouped together, for analysis and applying discounts.

  9. Select the workflow options associated with this membership category:

    1. Approval Mechanism: Select “Automatic”, this requires less admin work, and ensures your club gets their subscription fees more quickly.

      Leave all other options on the Workflow tab as their defaults.

  10. Select the renewal options for this membership category:

    1. Automatically Renew: Select “No” so that the renewals can be manually sent out, and controlled.

    2. Allow self-renewal: Select “No” so that members can’t renew their own membership.

    3. Renewal Grace Period: Set to “14” to give a 2 week extension to members' access if they are late in paying their renewal.

    4. Renewal Reminder Period: Set to “14” to give the membership secretary 2 weeks' notice when there are memberships in need of renewal.

    5. Renewal Progression: As there is unlikely to be a group membership that follows on from a Family membership, we shall leave this just as “THIS CATEGORY”.

  11. Select the restrictions that apply to this membership category:

    1. Invitation Only: Untick this option, so that members can sign up for this membership category themselves (rather than an administrator having to do it for them).

    2. New Applicants: Tick this option, so that new members can qualify for this category.

    3. Existing Members: Tick this option, so that existing members can qualify for this category.

  12. Press the “Save Changes” button on the bottom left of the screen.



  13. Now we need to create the Registration Wizard for when adding additional members to the group membership.

  14. Navigate to the Configure Registration Wizards page:

    1. by default this is under Admin> Page Customisation> Configure Registration Wizards.

    2. or type “/Registration/Admin/” into your browser’s address bar e.g.

  15. Click the “Create New” button to add a new Registration Wizard.

  16. Enter the basic details of the wizard.

    1. Name: The name of the registration wizard.

    2. Description: A description of the registration wizard, give a short overview of which membership categories it is for.

    3. Owner: Leave this as your own name, the person who created the wizard.

  17. Availability: Defining who has access to this registration wizard.

    1. Public: This should be unchecked, as when adding additional users to a group membership, the user will already be logged in.

    2. Restrict to Member List: Leave this as “No restriction”.

  18. Completion: This will determine what happens when a user completes their registration using this wizard.

    1. Send Emails: Check this so the appropriate club officers will be sent an email confirming that the registration as been completed along with the user who filled it out.

    2. Registration Complete Message: This is not used when registering for group slots.

    3. Next Steps: These are not used when registering for group slots.

  19. Design

    1. Title: The title of the registration wizard as displayed to the user.

    2. Caption for Completion Button: What is written in the button at the bottom of the registration wizard that will complete it.

    3. Child Registration: Tick the top box so that child registration hints are shown, as additional family members are likely to be children.

  20. Elements

    When adding elements, you can gather lots of information, however for this example, the minimum you will need is “Name”, “Date of Birth”, “Email Addresses”, “Group Membership Slot Assignment”, and “Family Group” elements. Leave the “Family Group” element hidden so that the user will be added to the existing user’s Family Group.

  21. Once you have completed the creation of the wizard, you can save it by clicking “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen. This will raise any issues that will not allow you to save the wizard, which you will be able to correct before saving.



  22. This new registration wizard now needs to be included in the group membership.

    1. Go to Subscriptions > Membership Categories. Next to the your group membership, click “Edit”.

    2. Go to the “Group Slots” tab and change the Registration wizard from “Use default” to “Additional Family Member'.

    3. Press the “Save Changes” button on the bottom left of the screen.

  23. Repeat these steps for registration wizards for group memberships that require different information.

For a more detailed description of all of the options available when creating a new group membership category, read this guide here: How to Create a Group Membership Category

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