How to Customise the Main Menu

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How to Customise the Main Menu

You may wish to customise the main menu. This can involve renaming, reorganising, adding new items and removing items.


How to Add a New Menu Item for Re-Use


You may want to add a new menu item for a link to an external website or a direct link to a particular page or page anchor on myClubhouse which does not already have an item in the menu. This would typically include a query string (the bit after the question mark). Anything added here will appear under “myClubhouse” in Configure Menu.

For example, a link to the Member Directory filtered to only show members called “Dave”:


You do not need to add external menu items or CMS items here, as they can be added directly from Configure Menu. However, you may want to add them here in order to save the Caption, URL and Icon for re-use or to link to a particular anchor on the page (the bit denoted by the # symbol).

For example, a link to the Committee section on an About Us CMS page:


Please do not delete a standard myClubhouse menu item from this list. Items can be removed from Configure Menu, there is no need to delete them.


  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as an administrator.

  2. On the standard main menu, go to Admin > Page Customisation > Set Up Main Menu Items

  3. Click the green “Add Item” button.

  4. Enter the details:

    1. Caption: the text that will appear on the menu by default (can be changed when you configure the menu).

    2. Description: A short description of the purpose of the link (does not appear on the menu).

    3. Custom Type Name: This allows you to add some custom behaviour to the menu item.  Mainly, custom control over whether the menu item is visible or not.  For example, a registration item needs to look at the access control on the underlying registration wizard to decide whether to show the item or not. If no custom type applies, leave blank.

    4. Icon: Choose an apropriate icon from the wide selection available. Will be shown on the menu next to the text (can be changed when you configure the menu). Can also be left blank.

    5. Link URL: The address of the website or page on myClubhouse to which the menu items points. For external links give a full URL starting with http:// or https:// e.g. http://www.google.co.uk; for pages within your myClubhouse site, use a relative URL starting with a forward slash which would go after the domain name and any subdirectory e.g. /MemberDirectory?filter=Forename%3D%21%7CDave.

How to Add an Item to the Main Menu

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Menu ~/Admin/MainMenu/Edit

  3. From the tree on the left, expand the section to which you wish to add the menu item e.g. select Profile.

  4. Select the menu item below which you wish to add your new item e.g. select My Profile to add your new item below it.

  5. “Add Item”.


  6. From Menu Item Link choose as follows:

    1. myClubhouse - to select a standard myClubhouse page e.g. My Subscriptions

    2. CMS Page - to select any CMS page which you have added to the site

    3. External - to add a link to any external web page e.g. http://www.google.co.uk


  7. When selecting from myClubhouse, a default Caption, Description and Icon will be shown. These define what will appear in the menu. You can override these settings by replacing them with your own choices. For CMS and External pages, select your own icon.

  8. After adding the new menu items you can re-organise them by drag and drop.




  9. Click “Save”.

How to Remove an Item from the Main Menu

You can remove an item from the Menu Menu without deleting it from the system.

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Menu ~/Admin/MainMenu/Edit

  3. From the tree on the left, expand the section to which you wish to remove the item.

  4. Select the item e.g. Subscriptions Summary:


  5. From the main panel, click “Delete”:


  6. Click “Save”.

  7. Note: the item is still available in the list for you to add back in at a later time:


How to Rename an Item on the Main Menu

You can rename an item from the Menu Menu at any time:

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Menu ~/Admin/MainMenu/Edit

  3. From the tree on the left, select the sub-menu or menu item you wish to rename, e.g. Subscriptions.

  4. Enter your new name in the Caption field:


  5. Click “Save”

How to Re-Organise Items on the Main Menu

Drag and Drop

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Menu ~/Admin/MainMenu/Edit

  3. Select an item you want to move and drag it to its new location:




  4. Click “Save”.

How to Insert a Section Break (Group)

Items in a menu can be grouped together into sections. These are denoted by a fine horizontal line and extra line spacing between groups:

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as an administrator.

  2. Go to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Menu ~/Admin/MainMenu/Edit

  3. Select the first item in the group

  4. Check the box “Is Group Start?”. For example, to make My Events the group start:


  5. Select the first item in the group below

  6. Check the box “Is Group Start?”. For example to make My Purchases the following group start:


  7. Click “Save”. My Events and My Purchases are now in separate groups in the profile menu:


How to Add a Sub-Menu

Menu items can be nested within sub-menus. To create a sub-menu:

  1. Select the menu item under which you wish to add the sub-menu, e.g. select Register for %Usership%, then click “Add Sub-menu”:



  2. Give the Sub-menu a Caption and an icon e.g. “Management” and the tasks icon:


  3. Drag and drop all the menu items you want into the sub-menu:


  4. Click “Save”.

  5. Refresh the page and the sub-menu will appear:


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