How to Enter a Payment

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How to Enter a Payment

When a member pays for something using a manual Payment Method, such as cash or bank transfer, you need to record it in myClubhouse.

You can read more about Payment Methods in this guide here: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes

Any Payment

This method can be used to enter any payment from any part of the site, or even multiples at once (providing they are being paid to the same person by the same method).

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Enter Payment Received.

  2. Complete the fields on the page:

    1. Paying User: The user who has made the payment. Start typing and select the name from the drop-down.

    2. Payment Date: Type or select the date the payment was made.

    3. Payment Method: Select the appropriate Payment Method from the drop-down.

    4. Amount: Enter the amount paid.

    5. Notes: Record any accompanying notes to the payment.

    6. Allocation to Due Payments: Select all the payments that are being paid for. If the total of the items selected does not match the Amount entered, it will be displayed in the “Unallocated Amount” field. This must be rectified before the Payment can be saved.

    7. Send Notification Emails: Uncheck if you don’t want the user to be sent an email to confirm the payment has been recorded.

    8. Save Payment: Once happy with the details, click “Save Payment” to save the payment.

  3. You will be returned to the previous page. Repeat for any other Payments you wish to record.

Subscription Payments

Subscriptions payments can be entered directly from the Subscription pages.

  1. Navigate to Subscriptions > Manage Subscriptions or Subscriptions > Browse Subscriptions.

  2. Locate the appropriate subscription.

  3. Click Action > Record Payment or Action > Accept & Record Payment depending on which state the Subscription is in.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Payment Date: Type or select the date the payment was made.

    2. Payment Method: Select the appropriate Payment Method from the drop-down.

    3. Amount: The full cost of the subscription will be entered here

    4. Notes: Record any accompanying notes to the payment.

    5. Allocation to Due Payments: The Subscription will already be selected.

    6. Send Notification Emails: Uncheck if you don’t want the user to be sent an email to confirm the payment has been recorded.

    7. Save Payment: Once happy with the details, click “Save Payment” to save the payment.

  5. You will be returned to the previous page. Repeat for any other Payments you wish to record.

Event Sign-Up Payments

Events Payments can be entered directly from the Event Page.

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on it.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Next to the appropriate attendee, click “Record Payment” and select the payment from the drop-down.

  5. Complete the fields on the page:

    1. Payment Date: Type or select the date the payment was made.

    2. Payment Method: Select the appropriate Payment Method from the drop-down.

    3. Amount: The full cost of the Event Sign-Up will be entered here

    4. Notes: Record any accompanying notes to the payment.

    5. Allocation to Due Payments: The Event Sign-Up will already be selected.

    6. Send Notification Emails: Uncheck if you don’t want the user to be sent an email to confirm the payment has been recorded.

    7. Save Payment: Once happy with the details, click “Save Payment” to save the payment.

  6. You will be returned to the Event page. Repeat for any other Event Payments you wish to record.

When using the Admin Sign-Up, you can record the payment at the same time as signing users up to an Event. You can read more about Admin Sign-Up in this guide: How to Sign Up For an Event

Shop Payments

Shop Payments can be recorded via the Shop Pages.

  1. Navigate to Shop > Manage Shop or Shop > Browse Shop Purchases.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate Shop Purchase.

  3. Under Due Payments, click Admin > Enter Payment.

  4. Complete the fields on the page:

    1. Payment Date: Type or select the date the payment was made.

    2. Payment Method: Select the appropriate Payment Method from the drop-down.

    3. Amount: The full cost of the Shop Item will be entered here

    4. Notes: Record any accompanying notes to the payment.

    5. Allocation to Due Payments: The Shop Item will already be selected.

    6. Send Notification Emails: Uncheck if you don’t want the user to be sent an email to confirm the payment has been recorded.

    7. Save Payment: Once happy with the details, click “Save Payment” to save the payment.

  5. You will be returned to the Shop Purchase page. Repeat for any other Shop Purchase Payments you wish to record.

Booking Payments

  1. Navigate to Bookings > Browse Bookings.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate booking.

  3. Click “Record Payment”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Payment Date: Type or select the date the payment was made.

    2. Payment Method: Select the appropriate Payment Method from the drop-down.

    3. Amount: The full cost of the Booking will be entered here

    4. Notes: Record any accompanying notes to the payment.

    5. Allocation to Due Payments: The Booking will already be selected.

    6. Send Notification Emails: Uncheck if you don’t want the user to be sent an email to confirm the payment has been recorded.

    7. Save Payment: Once happy with the details, click “Save Payment” to save the payment.

  5. You will be returned to the previous page. Repeat for any other Booking Payments you wish to record.

You can also enter Booking Payments from the Booking Grid:

  1. Navigate to the Booking Grid.

  2. Locate the appropriate Booking. (Tip: Bookings that haven’t been paid for have a “£” symbol next to them in the Booking Grid)

  3. Click it.

  4. Follow Steps 3-5 as above.


Refunds can also be processed via the “Processing Refunds” page. Read more about Refunds in this guide here: Refunds

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