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Unfortunately, we can not always foresee all outcomes, and sometimes Events or Memberships get cancelled, and members need to get their money back. The system helps you keep track of the refunds to make sure everyone gets their money back.

Generating Refunds


  1. When withdrawing attendees from events, if the auto refund on withdrawal is off, you need to create a refund from the “Withdrawn” section of the attendees list.

  2. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar and click on the name of the event you wish to refund.

  3. Scroll down the page to the “Attendees” section and click “Show” on the right-hand end of the Withdrawn sub-heading to reveal the withdrawn attendees.

  4. Click the “Create Refund” button against the withdrawn attendee and select if you wish to give a full or partial refund as well as revoke any discounts and/or token rewards.

  5. Complete the pop up window:

    1. Refund: Choose a Partial or Full refund. If Partial, you can set the amount that the refund will be.

    2. Invalidate any applied discounts: If this event sign-up was used as part of a discount, that discount can be invalidated.

    3. Revoke any Token awards: If the user was rewarded tokens for signing up to the event, they can be taken away if this option is checked.

    4. OK: Click OK when you have completed the window, to create the refund.

  6. The refund has now been created, and must be processed using the steps in the section below.


  1. After a member has requested to cancel their membership (by clicking their name and then “My Subscriptions”, then clicking “Request Cancellation”), it will appear in Manage Subscriptions (Subscriptions > Manage Subscriptions) under “Requiring Action”.

  2. On the relevant subscription, click Action > Approve Request to Cancel.

  3. Complete the pop up window:

    1. Subscription End Date: Choose when the subscription will end, despite the cancellation. This could be the end of the current month, term, or the end of the season.

    2. Subscription Cost: Choose a Partial or Full or No refund. If Partial, you can set the amount that the refund will be.

    3. Invalidate any applied discounts: If this subscription was used as part of a discount, that discount can be invalidated.

    4. Revoke any Token awards: If the user was rewarded tokens for purchasing their subscription, they can be taken away if this option is checked.

    5. Reason: Enter a description of why the subscription has been cancelled and refunded.

    6. Send Notification Emails: If checked, the appropriate confirmation email will be sent to the member; either Membership Cancellation Pending (indicating that a refund is due) or Membership Cancelled.

    7. OK: Click OK when you have completed the window, to create the refund.

  4. The refund has now been created, and must be processed using the steps in the section below.


Sometimes a customer wants to return an item they purchased in your club shop, and they need to be given a refund. This is how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Shop > Browse Shop Purchases.

  2. Find the purchase that needs refunding and click “Cancel/Amend”.

  3. Complete the pop up window:

    1. Cancelled Quantity: If there was more than one unit purchased, you can choose to refund all or only some of them.

    2. Refund per Unit: Set the amount to be refunded, per unit. You may only refund part of the product if a full refund is not available.

    3. Reason: Give a reason why the refund is being made.

    4. OK: Click OK when you have completed the window, to create the refund.

  4. The refund has now been created, and must be processed using the steps in the section below.

Processing Refunds

Having followed one of the set of steps above to generate the refund. You now need to process it.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Pending Refunds. You can now see all the refunds that are currently pending and begin processing them.

  2. Stripe payments:

    1. Individually: This can be done by clicking the “Process refund” button next to the appropriate refund.

    2. In bulk: Click the tick box next to each one (or the tick box at the top to select all of the pending refunds) and then click the “Process refunds” button at the bottom of the table.

      Confirm the refunds by clicking “Yes” on the alert that appears.

  3. Manual payment methods (bank, cash, cheque).
    Note that myClubhouse cannot make a manual refund payment, you must pay the refund manually and then use myClubhouse to record the payment:

    1. Individually: This can be done by clicking the “Process manual refund” button next to the appropriate refund.

      1. Payment Date: The date the refund payment was made.

      2. Payment Method: Set how the refund was/will be made. This should be the same method with which the original payment was made.

      3. Amount: This shows how much the refund is. It should be filled in automatically already and should be negative as it is a refund.

      4. Notes: Any useful notes such as about why the refund is being made.

      5. Due Payments: You can select multiple payments to refund all in one go by selecting them here, but must choose at least one for the refund to correspond to.

      6. Send Notification Emails: If checked, the user will get an email confirming their refund.

      7. Save Payment: When happy with everything, click “Save Payment” to record the refund.

    2. In bulk: Click the tick box next to each one (or the tick box at the top to select all of the pending refunds) and then click the “Mark number refunds as Paid” button at the bottom of the table and select which payment method to use to refund all of them.

      Confirm the refunds by clicking “Yes” on the alert that appears.

  4. GoCardless: It is a little trickier to process a refund using GoCardless. If you wish to attempt this you will need to go to your GoCardless account and see if it will let you make the refund; if too much time has passed since the payment then it will not allow it and you will have to make the refund using a manual payment method instead. Either way, once the refund payment has been made, record the payment, following the manual process in Step 3 above. It may also be beneficial to create a separate Payment Method for this purpose. This guide will help you: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes

  5. PayPal: PayPal refunds are processed in the same way as Stripe payments. However, if the original payment is older than 180 days, or there are insufficient funds in your club’s PayPal account, the refund will fail and an error will be returned.

Refund Credits

Refunds can be used as credits against future purchases instead of being paid back to the user. This saves costs and admin time. If you have different payees, the credits will only be able to be used on purchases going to the same payee. For example, if someone withdraws from a coach-led event, and gets a refund, they can use their credit against a different coach-led event, but not against their subscription, as the money goes to different payees.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > General Club Settings.

  2. Click on the “Finance” tab.

  3. In the “Refunds” section, set “Allow Refunds to be used as Credits?” to “Yes”.

  4. Click “Save Changes”.

Using Refund credits


In the basket, users can choose to pay for their items in part or in full using their credits.

  1. To access the basket, click the basket in the menu bar, which will be orange when there are items in it.

  2. To use a credit, click “Use Some/All of Credit”.

  3. Proceed as normal to repay any outstanding balance, or to confirm the zero-cost purchase.


When a user comes to sign up for an Event, the sign-up wizard will show the option to pay with Refund Credits:


When a user comes to make a Booking, the wizard will show the option to pay with Refund Credits:

Unmatched Refunds

When refunds are made directly on the Stripe or GoCardless dashboards, they still need to be checked off in myClubhouse. They appear on the Pending Refunds page (Admin > Finance > Pending Refunds).

These could be refunds that have not been generated yet or refunds that the amount doesn't match with any pending refunds. If you need help working out what the payments are for, you can check Browse Payments (Admin > Finance > Browse Payments) and use that to go and create the refunds. The likely approach will be to cancel a subscription and create a refund, or withdraw someone from an event and create a refund (see the Generating Refunds section in this article for steps). If you then return to the Pending Refunds page, you will see that the refunds have been created and the unmatched are now in a “Matchable” section.

Click “Allocate”, and select the refunds that will add together to the refunded amount (if there is more than one).

Click “OK” to confirm the match-up.

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