File Manager

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File Manager

When making your myClubhouse site your own, you will often add images throughout your site to help show everything that your club has to offer. However, with restricted disk space, you may want to manage these images more easily and get rid of ones that are no longer in use.


  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > File Manager.

  2. Sections: On the left, you can see each of the sections that images are sorted into.

    1. CMS/Event Page Images: All images that have been used in Event Descriptions or on a CMS page. Learn more about Events and CMS in these guides: How to Create a Single Event | How to Create an Event Series | CMS

    2. Shop Images: All images that have been used for products in the Shop. Learn more about the Shop in this guide: Club Shop

    3. Carousel Images: All images that have been used in an Image Carousel (as often found on the home page). Learn more about Image Carousels in this guide: Image Carousel

    4. Site Banner/Footer Images: All images that have been used in the Banner or Footer. Learn more about customising the Banner and Footer in this guide: Site Styles & Colours

  3. Folders: You can sort images in each section into folders to make it easier to navigate between them and find the image you are looking for when adding an image to a page. To add a new Folder:

    1. Click “Create Folder”.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the Folder.

      2. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to create the Folder.

  4. Table: This shows all the images within the selected Section and Folder; one row per image. The columns give the following details:

    1. Image: A small preview of the image.

    2. Filename: The name of the image file. You can rename the file by clicking “Rename”. This will also change the name of the file in all the places the image is used.

    3. Size: This shows how much disk space the image is using as well as the dimensions of the image.

    4. Details: This shows when the image was originally uploaded (Created), and changed (Updated).

    5. Usages: This will list every place on your site that the image has been used along with a link to the pages it is on. If used on a CMS page, it will show the latest version in which the image is featured.

    6. Delete: Click to delete the image. You will be asked to confirm the action in a pop-up. This action can not be undone.

  5. Actions: You can select multiple images from the list by clicking the checkbox to the left of each one and then performing one or more of the following actions on the selected files:

    1. Consolidate Selected Files: All images that are selected will be replaced with whichever one is selected last. The ones that will be replaced will be highlighted in blue, and replacing image will be highlighted in green. You will be asked to confirm the action in a pop-up. This action can not be undone.

    2. Move Selected Files: Move the files into a different Folder. Select the folder and confirm:

    3. Delete Selected Files: Delete the files completely. You will be asked to confirm the action in a pop-up. This action can not be undone.

    4. Filename Search: Search for specific image files within the selected Folder.

    5. Fix All Bad File Names: This will adjust any filenames that contain bad characters and replace them with underscores. Bad characters are any characters that are NOT letters (a-z,A-Z), numbers (0-10), underscores(_), full stops(.), dashes(-), or tildes(~).

    6. Delete All Unused Files: Any files that are not being used anywhere within your site will be deleted. You will be asked to confirm the action in a pop-up. This action can not be undone.

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