Booking Systems: Step by Step - Basic

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Booking Systems: Step by Step - Basic

This is a step-by-step guide to creating a basic Booking System. The Booking System we will be creating will be for members to book tennis courts for either coaching or a private game, with a Blackout Period for a weekly club session. This will not show all options or capabilities of the Booking System module, but will give a brief introduction to some of the most used settings.

For further, more detailed guidance on Booking Systems, read the full guide here: Booking System Configuration

Create Booking System

  1. Log in to your myClubhouse site.

  2. Navigate to Bookings > Admin Booking Systems.

  3. Click “Create booking system”.

  4. Enter “Tennis Bookings” for the name of the Booking System.

  5. Enter a brief description of the Booking System; what is bookable and by whom.

  6. Click “OK”.

  7. Click “Configure” next to your newly created Booking System.

  8. Click the small pencil and enter some introductory text that will appear above the Booking Grid.

  9. Click the green tick to save.

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  1. Click the “Add Bookable Asset Usage” button.

  2. Enter “Private Game” for the Name of the Usage.

  3. Enter a brief description of the Usage.

  4. Select an icon to represent the Usage when booking an Asset on the Booking Grid.

  5. Next to “Colour”, click “Reference Colour”.

  6. Select “Primary” from the dropdown.

  7. Next to “Attendee Tracking”, click “Names Only” so there will be a text box for members to enter the other attendees who will be using that booking slot.

  8. Leave “Require Attendee Count” set to “No”.

  9. Click “OK”.

  10. Click the “Add Bookable Asset Usage” button.

  11. Enter “Coaching” for the Name of the Usage.

  12. Enter a brief description of the Usage.

  13. Select an icon to represent the Usage when booking an Asset on the Booking Grid.

  14. Next to “Colour”, click “Reference Colour”.

  15. Select “Secondary” from the dropdown.

  16. Set “Show Usage Name on Bookings” to “Yes”.

  17. Next to “Attendee Tracking”, click “Names Only” so there will be a text box for members to enter the other attendees who will be using that booking slot.

  18. Leave “Require Attendee Count” set to “No”.

  19. Click “OK”.

  20. Click the “Add Bookable Asset Type” button.

  21. Enter “Tennis Court” for the Name of the Type.

  22. Choose an Icon to represent the Type when filtering the Booking Grid.

  23. Next to “Colour”, click “White”.

  24. For “Usages”, click in the dropdown and click “All” to select both Usages created above.

  25. Select “Private Game” for the “Default Usage”.

  26. Leave “Costs Apply” set to “No”.

  27. Click “OK”.

  28. Click the “Add Bookable Asset” button.

  29. The Type should already be selected.

  30. Enter “1” for the Code of this Asset.

  31. Enter “Court 1” for the name of this Asset.

  32. Leave “Location” as “(none)”.

  33. Click “OK”.

  34. Next to the Asset, click “Copy”.

  35. Change the Code to “2”.

  36. Change the Name to “Court 2”.

  37. Click “OK”.

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Day Configurations

  1. Click “Day Configurations” to move to the Day Configurations tab.

  2. Scroll down and click the “Add Configuration” button.

  3. Enter “Booking Slots” for the name of the Configuration.

  4. Enter a short description of the Configuration.

  5. Leave the “Booking Period” set to “All Year”, so it always applies.

  6. Select all of the Assets.

  7. Select all the Days of the week.

  8. Set the time range to be “08:00 - 22:00”.

  9. Set the “Slot Duration” to be 30 minutes.

  10. Set the “Buffer” to be 0 minutes so that when one booking slot ends, the next begins straight away.

  11. Leave the “Start Interval” blank.

  12. Click “OK”.

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Blackout Periods

  1. Click “Blackout Periods” to move to the Blackout Periods tab.

  2. Click the “Add Blackout Status” button.

  3. Enter “Club session” for the Name of the Blackout Status.

  4. Select an Icon to represent the Status on the Booking Grid.

  5. Next to “Colour”, click “Select Colour”.

  6. Click the box and choose a colour.

  7. Click “OK”.

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  1. Click “Rules” to move to the Booking Rules tab.

  2. We are now going to add the Booking Rules to set who can book what and when.

  3. The first rule we are going to add will limit each Booking to be between 30 and 90 minutes.

  4. Click “Add Booking Rule”.

  5. Enter “Duration” for the Name for the Booking Rule.

  6. Enter a short description of the Rule.

  7. Select all the Assets.

  8. Leave all the other fields as their defaults.

  9. Select “Booking Duration Restrictions” for the Rule Type.

  10. Set the Minimum Duration to 30 minutes.

  11. Set the Maximum Duration to 90 minutes.

  12. Click “OK”.

  13. The next rule we are going to add will limit each member to only be able to hold 1 live Booking at a time.

  14. Click “Add Booking Rule”.

  15. Enter “Limits” for the Name for the Booking Rule.

  16. Enter a short description of the Rule.

  17. Select all the Assets.

  18. Leave all the other fields as their defaults.

  19. Select “Booking Limits” for the Rule Type.

  20. Change “What are we counting?” to “Bookings”.

  21. Change “Which Bookings?” to “Future Bookings Only”.

  22. Set the Limit to 1 booking.

  23. Click “OK”.

  24. The next rule we are going to add will allow assets to be booked a maximum of 2 weeks in advance.

  25. Click “Add Booking Rule”.

  26. Enter “Window” for the Name for the Booking Rule.

  27. Enter a short description of the Rule.

  28. Select all the Assets.

  29. Leave all the other fields as their defaults.

  30. Select “Booking Window” for the Rule Type.

  31. Set “Booking Opens” to 14 days.

  32. For “Slot Release Mode”, select “Fixed Time” and select “08:00”.

  33. Click “OK”.

  34. The last rule we are going to add will make it so that Members can make Bookings without approval.

  35. Click “Add Booking Rule”.

  36. Enter “Workflow” for the Name for the Booking Rule.

  37. Enter a short description of the Rule.

  38. Select all the Assets.

  39. Leave all the other fields as their defaults.

  40. Select “Booking Workflow” for the Rule Type.

  41. Set “Approval Required?” to “No”.

  42. Click “OK”.

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  1. Click “Entitlements” to move to the Entitlements tab.

  2. Scroll down and click “Edit Entitlements”.

  3. The Entitlements set here are on top of the ones set in Entitlements Manager. However, in the example, we will be setting all appropriate Entitlements, regardless of the generic Booking Entitlements in Entitlements Manager.

  4. Set “View Booking Grid” to “Level: Member”.

  5. Set “Create Bookings” to “Level: Member”.

  6. Set “Bulk Create Bookings” to “Level: Administrator”.

  7. Set “View Full Details Future Bookings Only” to “Level: Member”.

  8. Set “View Full Details of All Bookings” to “Level: Member”.

  9. Set “Manage Blackout Periods” to “Level: Administrator”.

  10. Set “Cancel Own Bookings” to “Level: Member”.

  11. Set “Cancel Bookings” to “Level: Administrator”.

  12. Set “Edit All Bookings and Override Rules” to “Level: Administrator”.

  13. Leave Record payments received for bookings” blank.

  14. Leave “Approve/Reject Booking Requests” blank.

  15. Set “Administer Booking System” to “Level: Administrator”.

  16. Click “OK”.

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  1. Click “Settings” to move to the Settings tab.

  2. Leave the Settings as their defaults, double checking that “Allow Multi-slot Bookings” is set to “Yes”.

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Booking Grid

  1. Scroll to the top and click “Booking Grid“.

Add Blackout

  1. We are now going to add a blackout for a weekly club session.

  2. Click “Add Blackout”.

  3. Select today’s date for “Applies From”.

  4. Leave “Applies Until” blank.

  5. Select all Assets.

  6. Select “Club session” for “Status”.

  7. Select “Saturday” for “Days”.

  8. Set the time range to be “14:00” - “18:00”.

  9. Enter “Saturday Club Session” in the “Notes”.

  10. Click “OK”.

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Add to Menu

  1. Now we’re going to add the Booking Grid to the menu.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add this page to main menu”.

  3. For the Page URL, remove everything after Booking System ID as shown:

  4. Enter “Book Tennis Courts“ for the Caption.

  5. Select an Icon.

  6. Select “Bookings” from the “Menu” dropdown.

  7. Select “Admin Booking Systems” for “Position” so it is at the top of the menu.

  8. Click “OK”.

  9. Refresh the page to update the menu.

  10. This is only a basic example of a Booking System. To explore more options, see the full guide here: Booking System Configuration

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