Teams: How to Edit Match Fees

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Teams: How to Edit Match Fees

Sometimes you need to edit the Match Fees for an individual within a Team after the Fixture. This may be as a reward, or where a new discount has come into effect but needs to be applied manually, or to zero cost the Match Fee.

This guide is specifically how to edit Match Fees in an existing Fixture. To learn how to add Match Fees to a Fixture in the first place, follow this guide: Leagues/Teams | Fixtures


  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Seasons.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate Season.

  3. Locate and click on the appropriate Fixture.

  4. Find the member in the Participants list.

  5. Click “Change Match Fee”.

  6. Complete the wizard:

    1. Payment Method: Choose whether the Match Fee should be paid in Tokens or money.

    2. Cost: Set the cost for the Match Fee in either Money or Tokens, depending on the option chosen above.

    3. Purchaser: Change the purchaser, i.e. whose basket it will appear in.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Match Fee.

  7. The correct amount should now be showing so the member can make payment through the basket.

If the Match Fee has already been paid, when you edit it, if the new amount is greater, the difference will be put into the member’s basket, if it is less, a refund will be created for the difference.

Learn more about Refunds in this guide: Refunds

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