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Token Payments

Tokens can be used as an alternative way to pay for items in myClubhouse. Tokens can also be used as a pre-payment system, or as a reward scheme.

Token Setup

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > General Club Settings.

  2. Navigate to the “Finance” Tab.

  3. Complete the “Tokens” section:

    1. Term used for a payment token: Set the name of each token, such as coin, or point.

    2. Low Token Warning Threshold: If set, an email (Auto-generated Email “TOKENS_LOW”) will be sent to the user when their Token balance is less than or equal to this threshold. Whether it is set or not, an email (Auto-generated Email “TOKENS_NEGATIVE”) will be sent to the user when their Token balance drops below 0.

    3. Maximum Token Overdraft: Set the number of Tokens that each user can go below 0. For example, if you enter 10, each user’s balance can go as low as -10 Tokens.

    4. Token Value: You can assign a monetary value to each Token if you want users to be able to spend their Tokens on anything in their basket. This will often be used as a part payment, with the remaining balance to be paid for by another payment method. If not set, users will only be able to pay for items pre-set with a Token cost, see below.

    5. Time to expiry of transferred Tokens: When Tokens are transferred between users, they will expire after the number of days set here. If blank, the transferred Tokens will not expire.

  4. Save Changes: Once happy with the details, click “Save Changes” to apply them.

Token Amendments

Token Amendments can be used to credit or debit a user’s Token balance.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Browse Token Transactions.

  2. Click “Add Amendment”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Token Account: Start typing the name of a user and select it from the dropdown.

    2. Time: Set the time and date the amendment should take place.

    3. Description: Enter a short description of why the amendment is being performed.

    4. Amount: Enter the amount of Tokens to be added to or removed from the user’s balance using positive or negative numbers as appropriate.

    5. Expiry Date: If crediting a user with tokens, enter when these Tokens should expire. If left blank, these Tokens will not expire.

    6. Notes: Enter any notes regarding the amendment.

    7. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to make the amendment.

Token Transfer

Tokens can also be transferred from one user to another. The “Transfer Tokens to another member” Entitlement controls who can transfer Tokens from their own or a family member’s account to another.

  1. Navigate to the user’s profile.

  2. Click “Token Transactions” to jump down to the correct section.

  3. Click “Transfer”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. To Member: Start typing the name of the receiving user and select it from the dropdown.

    2. Amount to transfer: Enter the number of Tokens to be transferred. This must be less than or equal to the user’s current balance.

    3. Comments: Enter the reason for the transfer, and any other comments.

    4. Transfer: Once happy with the details, click “Transfer” to perform the transfer.

Awarding Tokens

There are a variety of ways that Tokens can be given to users. Different methods suit different scenarios depending if it is recurring or a one off, if money is being paid in exchange for the Tokens, and if the awarding of Tokens needs to be carried out by the user themselves, or an administrator.

Bulk Award

Sometimes you want to award Tokens to a group of users for the same reason, this tool makes it easy.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Browse Token Transactions.

  2. Click “Bulk Award Tokens”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Mode: Select to choose your members individually or from a Member List.

    2. Members: Select the Member List from the dropdown, or start typing the names of users and select them from the dropdown.

    3. Time: Set the time and date the amendments should take place.

    4. Description: Enter a short description of why the amendment is being performed.

    5. Amount: Enter the amount of Tokens to be added to each user’s balance using positive or negative numbers as appropriate.

    6. Expiry Date: If crediting a user with tokens, enter when these Tokens should expire. If left blank, these Tokens will not expire.

    7. Notes: Enter any notes regarding the amendment.

    8. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to make the amendment.


Attendees to an Event can be rewarded for attending with Tokens. For Event series, this can be on an instance or series level.

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Click “Create Event”.

  3. Click on the “Costs” tab.

  4. Event has costs or sign-up options: Change this to “Yes”.

  5. Payment Options: Make sure “With Money” is selected. You can either select or deselect “With Tokens”.

  6. Instance Reward: Enter the number of Tokens awarded per instance, or for the whole single Event, to each attendee.

  7. Series Reward: If creating an Event Series, enter the number of Tokens the Series sign up will cost.

  8. Token Expiry: Enter when these Tokens should expire. If left blank, these Tokens will not expire.

  9. Complete the rest of the wizard.

  10. Create Event: Once happy with the details, click “Create Event” to create the Event.

Learn more about Events in these guides: How to Create a Single Event | How to Create an Event Series

Pricing Structure

When using Pricing Structures for different sign-up options, you can also have different options with and without Token Rewards.


This is often the most common way that members purchase Tokens to spend in other parts of your myClubhouse site.

  1. Navigate to Shop > Browse Club Shop.

  2. Click “Add Product”.

  3. Navigate to the “Pricing” tab.

  4. Complete the “Token Reward” section:

    1. Tokens per unit: Set how many Tokens the user is purchasing at a time.

    2. Token Expiry: Set how many days after purchase that these Tokens will expire. If blank, the Tokens will not expire.

  5. Complete the rest of the wizard.

  6. Click “Save” to add the new Token product to the Shop.

Learn about selling Tokens in the Shop in this guide: Club Shop | Add Product, making sure to complete the


Tokens can be awarded to a member when they accept and pay for a Subscription.

  1. Navigate to Subscriptions > Membership Categories.

  2. Click “Edit” or “Copy” next to an existing Membership Category, or click “Add Category”.

  3. Navigate to the “Costs” tab.

  4. Award Tokens on purchase: Set to “Yes” to award Tokens to the member who purchases a Subscription of this Category.

  5. Token Award: Set how many Tokens will be awarded to the member when they purchase a Subscription of this Category.

  6. Token Expiry: Choose whether these Tokens expire on the end date of the Subscription, a set number of days after the Subscription is paid for, or not at all.

  7. Complete the rest of your Membership Category setup, and click “Save Changes” to save the new configuration.

Learn more about Membership Categories in this guide: How to Create a New Membership Category

Spending Tokens

When spending Tokens, the system will always prioritise spending the user’s Tokens that are set to expire first.


Events can be paid for with Tokens. Whether it is a Series or Single Event, the cost can be set using money and/or Tokens.

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Click “Create Event”.

  3. Click on the “Costs” tab.

  4. Event has costs or sign-up options: Change this to “Yes”.

  5. Payment Options: Select “With Tokens”. You can either select or deselect “With Money”.

  6. When will the Tokens be debited: Choose when, in relation to the Event, that the user’s Tokens will be deducted from their Token balance.

  7. Instance Cost: Enter the number of Tokens an instance, or the whole single Event, sign up will cost.

  8. Series Cost: If creating an Event Series, enter the number of Tokens the Series sign up will cost.

  9. Complete the rest of the wizard.

  10. Create Event: Once happy with the details, click “Create Event” to create the Event.

Pricing Structure

When using Pricing Structures for different sign-up options, you can also have different options with Tokens.


Tokens can be used as well as or instead of money to pay for Bookings. You set it at the Asset level, so you can choose certain Tokens to be paid for using Tokens, and some with money if you wish.

  1. Navigate to Bookings > Admin Booking Systems.

  2. Click “Configure” next to the Booking System you want to edit.

  3. Click “Edit” next to a Bookable Asset Types, or click “Add Bookable Asset Types” to create a new one.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Costs Apply: Select “Yes”.

    2. How members can pay: Select “With Tokens”. You can either select or deselect “With Money”.

    3. Token Cost: Enter the cost of each Booking in Tokens. This can be adjusted in the Booking Rules.

    4. Complete the rest of the wizard.

    5. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Asset Type so it is ready to use.


As well as being a place to sell Tokens, it can also be a place for users to spend their Tokens.

  1. Navigate to Shop > Browse Club Shop.

  2. Click “Add Product”.

  3. Navigate to the “Pricing” tab.

  4. How can members pay for the product: Select “With Tokens”. You can either select or deselect “With Money”.

  5. Token Cost: Set how many Tokens the product will cost.

  6. Complete the rest of the wizard.

  7. Click “Save” to add the new product to the Shop.

Other Token Admin

Token Balance

A user’s Token balance can be located in 2 places:

  1. When signed in, the user can see their current Token balance in the menu bar.

  2. A user’s current Token balance can also be viewed on their profile page.

Token Transactions

History of Token transactions can be viewed in 2 places:

  1. All Token transactions can be viewed at Admin > Finance > Browse Token Transactions. You can sort, filter, and add and remove columns to narrow down the list. You can also save Views to refer back to later.

  2. You can view a user’s Token transaction history from their profile. The most recent transactions are displayed there, but a full list can be seen by clicking “Manage” to the top right of the table.

Refund Unused Tokens