Ad-hoc Charges

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Ad-hoc Charges

Sometimes you need to charge Members for something, but it is not an event sign-up or subscription or even a shop item. Ad-hoc Charges allow you to do just this. Additionally, unlike the other types of purchases, this one is added to a Member’s basket by an Administrator. You can have different Charges for different things, with flexible amounts if needed. Possible charges could be fines in matches, bar tabs, or guest fees.

Add a Charge Type

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Admin Ad-hoc Charges.

  2. Click the green “Add Charge Type” button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Description: The name of the Charge Type.

    2. Amount: Set the amount for the Charge Type. This can be changed when a Charge of this type is raised.

    3. Payment Scheme: How you want the Member to pay for the Charge. Default is used in the example, which offers Cash, Cheque, and Stripe. You may need to define a payment scheme specifically for Match Fees (you can do so by clicking the green '+' button). You can read more about Payment Schemes in this guide: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes

    4. Product Categories: Select one or more Product Category for the Charge Type. Product Categories make it easier to group items together for financial reporting, as well as applying discounts. More information on Product Categories can be found in this guide: Product Categories

    5. OK: Once happy with the details of the Charge, click “OK” to save the Charge Type.

Charge a Member

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Browse Ad-hoc Charges.

  2. Click the green “Apply Charge” button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Charge: Select a Charge from the dropdown.

    2. Member: Set the member who is being charged. Start typing their name and select it from the dropdown.

    3. Description of Charge: Write a description about why the Charge was given. This will be included in the email to the member. The name of the charge will be entered here by default.

    4. Amount: The amount will be auto-filled but you can adjust it if you need to.

    5. Charge Date: Set the date when the Charge occurred. By default it will be set to today’s date.

    6. Due Date: Set the date when the Charge will become overdue if it has not been paid. By default, this will be 2 weeks from today.

    7. Send Notification Emails: If selected, the member will be emailed to inform them that they have a charge that needs to be paid.

    8. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to add the charge to the member’s basket.

Cancel a Charge

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Browse Ad-hoc Charges.

  2. Locate the appropriate Charge.

  3. Click the red “Cancel” button.

  4. Click “Yes” to confirm.

Browse Ad-hoc Charges

To help analyse Ad-hoc Charges, you can add columns, and search and use filters to only show relevant Charges. You can save searches as a View to refer back to at a later date. Learn more about Views in this guide: Views

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