Event Streams

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Event Streams

Event Streams allow you to pre-filter the Events Calendar to make it easier for your members to find Events. This can be especially useful for clubs who have multiple sections as it allows each section to have their own Events Calendar. For example, the tennis and cricket sections can each have their own Event Stream to make finding the appropriate Events easier for members.

Event Streams also play a key role in the myClubhouse mobile app. As the Events Calendar can’t be filtered, pre-streaming makes for easier navigation to find upcoming Events.

In this example, we will be creating an Event Stream for Tennis Events on a Tuesday.

Adding a New Event Stream

  1. Navigate to Events > Edit Event Streams.

  2. Click “Add Stream”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: Enter a name for the Event Stream.

    2. Description: Enter a short description of the Events that will be included in the Event Stream. This will appear as an introduction at the top of the calendar.

    3. Colour: Choose a colour to represent the Event Stream.

    4. Icon: Choose an icon to represent the Event Stream.

    5. Hide if empty: If set to yes, if there are no Events in the Event Stream, it will not be shown in the list of Event Streams in the myClubhouse mobile app.

    6. Filters: Select filters to define which Events will be included in the Event Stream.

      1. Event Types: To base the stream on Event Types, select one of the following options. Once chosen, you will need to select the Event Types from the dropdown relevant to your chosen option.

        1. Match Any Of: Require a match on at least one of the chosen Event Types.

        2. Match All Of: Require a match on all of the chosen Event Types.

        3. Match Any Except: Require a match on at least one Event Type that isn’t in the selection.

      2. Day of Week: If selected, you can select the day/s of the week that Events need to match.

      3. Open Events Only: If set to yes, only Events that are currently open for sign-up will be shown in this Event Stream on the myClubhouse mobile app. Viewing the Event Stream on the website will still show all Events.

      4. Organiser Role: If selected, you can select the Roles that at least one of the Event Organisers will need to match. If you select multiple Roles, only one needs to be a match for an Event to be included. Learn more about Roles in this guide: Club Roles

      5. Organiser: If selected, you can name users who will need to be one of the Event Organisers for the Event to be included. To add users, type at least 3 characters of their name and select them from the dropdown. If you select multiple users, only one needs to be a match for an Event to be included.

    7. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Event Stream.

  4. Click “View in Calendar”, next to the new Event Stream to view it.

  5. This is the result:

  6. If you want to add the Event Stream to the menu, click “Add this page to main menu” at the bottom of the page.

    1. Complete the wizard:

      1. Page URL: This will be filled in already and is the link to the Event Stream.

      2. Caption: Enter the name of the menu item, likely the same or similar to the name of the Event Stream.

      3. Description: A short description about the menu item; this will be displayed if it is used in a Links widget.

      4. Icon: Choose an icon to display next to the Caption in the menu.

      5. Menu: Select which heading the menu item should appear under.

      6. Position: Select the item above which this one should be inserted.

      7. Start new group: If you want a dividing line to appear above this menu item, set to “Yes”.

      8. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Event Stream to the menu.

    2. Refresh the page to view the addition to the menu.

  7. If you are making an Event Stream similar to an existing one, you can click “Copy” to pre-populate the wizard to make it easier to create a new one.

Reorder Event Streams

When the Event Streams are displayed on the myClubhouse app, you can choose to reorder them so that they appear in the order you want them to. To do this:

  1. Navigate to Events > Edit Event Streams.

  2. Click “Re-order”.

  3. Drag and drop the Event Streams to reorder them.

  4. Once happy with the new order, click “OK” to save.

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