Auto-generated Emails

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Auto-generated Emails

Auto-generated Emails are sent by the system automatically when certain things take place. Almost every module and area of myClubhouse has at least 1 Auto-generated Email and help to keep members and admins up to date with what is happening within the system.


  1. Navigate to Email > Auto-generated Email Editor.


As Auto-generated Emails are sent by the system, sometimes members may be confused by what has been sent to them. The disclaimer can be included to mitigate this by explaining it is automatically sent and if something doesn’t look right, to get in contact.

You can edit the content of the disclaimer if you want to give more specific instructions about what to do if the recipient has any questions or queries. Click “Save Disclaimer” once you have made any changes.

If you don’t want the Disclaimer to be included at the top of all Auto-generated Emails, click “Hide Disclaimer”.


Auto-generated Emails can be enabled or disabled in 3 different places:

  1. At the very top of the page, you can enable or disable ALL Auto-generated Emails.

  2. At the top of each section, you can enable or disable all Auto-generated Emails within that section, e.g. all emails relating to Events.

  3. Next to each individual email, you can enable or disable it.

Enabled emails are green in the list and will be sent at the appropriate time, while disabled emails are red in the list and will not be sent at all.


In the example below, we will be editing the Event Sign-Up Confirmation (EVT_CFM) email.

  1. Click “Edit” next to the Auto-generated Email you want to make changes to.

  2. Details: The basic details about the Email.

    1. Name: The name of the Email.

    2. Description: A short description about when the Email is sent and who to.

    3. Code: A short code to refer to this Auto-generated Email. This is included in the footer of Auto-generated Emails to make it easy to identify which one was sent.

    4. Privacy Level: Choose whether to secure this Email. If secured, only those with the “View content of secure emails” Entitlement will be able to view the Email on the system.

    5. Sender/Reply-to: This is the nominal sender that the email will be sent from and that will be used as the reply-to address.

  3. Distribution: This controls who the Email is sent to. You can combine different options from each field if you want to. Anyone listed will receive an email EVERY time the Auto-generated Email is sent.

    1. Context-Specific Recipients: These will be different for each Auto-generated Email and will relate to the purpose of the Email as to who is available to be selected. In this case, you can select recipients relating to Events.

    2. Role Recipients: Select users with certain Roles to receive this Email. Learn more about Roles in this guide: Club Roles

    3. Member Recipients: If this email should be sent to certain specific users, not related to their Role, enter them here. Start typing at least three characters of the name of a registered user and then select their name from the dropdown when it appears.

    4. Email Address Recipients: Enter email addresses of those you want to receive this Email. This should only be used if one of the above options isn’t appropriate, e.g. if the recipient is not a registered user.

  4. Email Subject & Content: Edit the content of the Email itself.

    1. Subject: The subject of the Email.

    2. Body: Add text, links, images, tables, etc to the main body of the Email. You can switch to HTML mode using the “<>” button. You can find an introduction to HTML here: HTML Tutorial

    3. Insert Field: Fields allow you to enter details specific to the context or recipient of the Email. These will be different for each Email, but there are some Fields that can be added to any email.

    4. Partial: Partials allow you to reuse the same sections of content in multiple emails. Click “Partial” and select from the dropdown to add a Partial to the Body of the email. Learn more about Partials in this guide: Email Partials

    5. Reset to Default: Use this button to reset the Subject and Body of the email back to the default content. This can be used if you want to start afresh but don’t want the difficulty of starting with a blank canvas.

    6. Preview: When using Fields and Partials, the Preview button is very useful to see the changes you have made with sample data. Click the “Preview” button and select an option in the wizard to see a preview of the Email.

  5. Save Changes: Once happy with the details, click “Save Changes” to save the Auto-generated Email.

Partner Emails

Certain Auto-generated Emails have a partner that will often need to have very similar edits made if you want it to remain consistent. These Emails will have a warning at the top of the editor to make you aware of which Email you will also want to edit. An example of this is the Subscription Accepted and Multi Subscription Accepted Emails. As both will often be used in conjunction with one another (one for individual Subscription offers, the other for when there is more than one), it is important that the information contained within them is the same.

Identify Auto-generated Emails

Sometimes a member has a query regarding an Auto-generated Email that they have been sent and you need to identify it to make some changes, such as the content, the recipient, or the reply-to address. There are 2 main ways you can do this:

  1. Get the member to forward you the email, or look in the thread if they replied to the Auto-generated Email, and look for the code (e.g. EVT_CFM) in the footer of the email. You can then locate the right email in Email > Auto-generated Email Editor.

  2. Find it in Sent Emails:

    1. Navigate to Email > Sent Emails.

    2. Click “Columns” and select “Auto Email Name” and/or “Auto Email Short Name” so you can see which Email was sent. You can then locate the right email in Email > Auto-generated Email Editor.

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