Email Partials

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Email Partials

Email Partials allow you to create prewritten sections of an email and use them over and over again in different emails. The most simple example is a header or a footer at the top and bottom of an email, but others can also be used for other reusable bits of information. Unlike Email Templates , the content of each Partial cannot be edited for each email, so will always be the same, unless “Fields” are used within it, in which case, they will update automatically based on the recipient/ sender.

More information can be found about sending emails here: How to Send an Email


  1. Navigate to Email > Auto-generated Email Editor.

  2. Click “Add New Partial”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Partial.

    2. Description: A short description of what the Partial is and contains.

    3. Short Name: A short name for the Partial to be used to refer to it in other emails.

    4. Is Partial: This needs to be checked.

    5. Automatically include in all email headers: If checked, this Partial will appear as a header at the top of all emails, both ad-hoc, and auto-generated.

    6. Automatically include in all email footers: If checked, this Partial will appear as a footer at the bottom of all emails, both ad-hoc, and auto-generated.

    7. Body: Write the body of the partial here. You can include text, images, links, fields, or other Partials. You can even edit it in HTML.

    8. Preview: Click “Preview” to see what the Partial will look like when it is sent.

    9. Save Changes: Once happy with the Partial, click “Save Changes” to save the Partial and make it ready to use.

  4. You can now select the Partial when writing Emails, or editing Auto-generated Emails.

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