Events FAQs

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Events FAQs


Sometimes you want to have a list of attendees for multiple events, this can be done very easily using “Analyse Event Attendance”. To do this;

  1. Navigate to Events > Analyse Event Attendance

  2. Filter the table of all event sign-ups down to the desired results.

  3. Add or remove appropriate columns.

  4. Export.

If you export the attendees for the series, or an instance within the series, the instance sign-up rows will be showing zero because they didn’t have a cost; the cost was charged against the whole series event. In the database, we treat series events as events in themselves and the instances also as events (with the series as the parent event). So when you view the attendees against the whole series there is one entry for the series (with the cost) and 4 individual instances (with no cost).

If the series had been set up to allow sign up to individual instances, the cost would show against the instances (where signed up to individually) and only show against the series for those that signed up using the whole series option.

You can print an attendance sheet with the basic information of each participant for the Event. You do this by clicking the “Print Attendance Sheet” button at the bottom of the Event page. Right click on the page and choose “Print” and follow your browser instructions from there.

Sometimes you want to include more information on your register than the default view. To do this, go to the bottom of the Event page and click “View/ Export Attendees” instead of “Print Attendance Sheet”. You will then be able to add and subtract the columns you want for your attendance sheet. Once happy, click on the “Export All Pages” button in the top right, open in Excel, and print it off with all the extra columns included; or just print directly from your browser.

You can learn more about Event registers in this guide here: Events: Registers/ Tracking Attendance

You can edit the cost for any attendee; to do this:

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on its name.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Find the attendee, then click the pencil next to their cost.

  5. Change the amount.

  6. Click “OK”.

You can generate a partial refund by editing the cost for any attendee; to do this:

  1. Navigate to Events > Events Calendar.

  2. Locate the appropriate Event and click on its name.

  3. Scroll down to the attendees list.

  4. Find the attendee, then click the pencil next to their cost.

  5. Change the amount.

  6. Click “OK”.

  7. A refund will be created for the difference between the two amounts. You can process the refund or leave it for the member to use as a refund credit. Learn more about refunds and refund credits in this guide here: Refunds

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