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Message Categories

Message Categories allow registered users to decide which kinds of messages they wish to receive. This means that they get the information that they want and no more. Categories can also be set up to not require consent for important messages, these should be used sparingly, but are very useful.

A Message Category is required every time you send an email, this guide will help you: How to Send an Email

Adding a New Category

  1. Navigate to Email > Message Categories.

  2. Click the green “Add Category” button.

  3. Complete the Wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Message Category.

    2. Description: A description of the types of messages that will be sent using this Category.

    3. Has Legitimate Basis: If checked, users won’t need to consent to this Message Category, but this should not be used for all emails, only necessary ones.

    4. Obsolete: Check when this Message Category no longer applies.

    5. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Message Category.

  4. The consent can now be used when you send emails.

Users will need to consent to the Message Category if it is not a Legitimate Basis Category. This guide will explain more about users consenting to Message Categories: Consents & Agreements