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Certifications allows members to apply for certifications and administrators to evaluate and approve. Certifications can be anything from coaching qualifications to first aid certificates. It can even be combined with the Equestrian add-on module as the perfect solution for tracking Equine Flu Vaccinations.

Member lists can be defined against the presence or absence of certifications. So, it is easy to get a list of members who do or don't have a valid certification of a particular type. Certification information is also available for display in the event attendees page and validity is cross-referenced against the date of the event.

Adding a New Certification

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Certifications.

  2. Click “Add Certification”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Certification.

    2. Type: Select what the Certification belongs to. NB: Vehicle requires the Vehicles Add-On Module, and Horse requires the Equestrian Add-On Module.

    3. Owner: The owner (main administrator) of the Certification.

    4. Obsolete: Leave unchecked. You can edit the Certification at a later date if you want to make it obsolete when it is no longer needed.

    5. Request Form: Select a Form to gather extra information for those applying for the certification. This is an optional field, as some Certifications won’t require additional information Learn more about Forms in this guide: Forms

    6. Certification has cost: Set to “Yes” if you want to charge for each Certification. If set to yes, complete the extra options:

      1. Cost: Set the cost per Certification.

      2. Payment Scheme: How you want the applicant to pay for the Certification. Default is used in the example, which offers Cash, Cheque, and Stripe. You may need to define a payment scheme specifically for Certifications (you can do so by clicking the green '+' button). You can read more about Payment Schemes in this guide: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes.

      3. Product Categories: Optional. You can assign product categories to certification purchases so that they can be analysed in the Finance section; they can also be used to calculate discounts in the basket. Select the Product Categories that apply to the Certification (as defined under Admin > Finance > Manage Product Categories). For more information please see Product Categories.

    7. Reference Number Template: Certification requests will be assigned the same reference number as the Request ID unless you enter a number template here. The template must contain at least one counter. There is guidance about number templates above the field by clicking “Show Details”.

    8. Entitlements: Set any extra Entitlements on this Certification on top of the ones set in General Club Settings (Admin > Settings > General Club Settings).

      1. Apply for Certification: Set who can apply for this Certification.

      2. Process Certification Requests: Set who can approve or reject requests for this Certification.

      3. View All Certification Requests: Set who can see all pending, approved, and rejected requests for this Certification.

      4. View Approved Certification Requests: Set who can see only approved requests for this Certification.

    9. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Certification.

Create a Certification Request

As an Admin

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Certifications.

  2. Click “Requests” next to the appropriate Certification.

  3. Click “Create Request”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Certification: Select the Certification from the dropdown.

    2. Applicant: Start typing the name of the applicant and then select their name from the dropdown.

    3. Application Form: Complete the Form with the relevant information, if there is one.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to submit the request.

The “CERT_REQUEST_ACK” email will be sent to the member acknowledging their request, and the “CERT_NEW_REQUEST” email is sent to the owner of the Certification so that it can be approved. Either of these emails can be edited in Email > Auto-generated Email Editor.

As a Member

  1. Navigate to your name > My Certifications.

  2. Click “Apply for Certification”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Certification: Select the Certification from the dropdown.

      Applicant: Enter the name of the applicant and select their name from the dropdown. This should default to the member’s name.

      Application Form: Complete the Form with the relevant information, if there is one.

      OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to submit the request.

The “CERT_REQUEST_ACK” email will be sent to the member acknowledging their request, and the “CERT_NEW_REQUEST” email is sent to the owner of the Certification so that it can be approved. Either of these emails can be edited in Email > Auto-generated Email Editor.

Administrating Certification Requests

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Certifications.

  2. Click “Requests” next to the appropriate Certification.

  3. Locate the appropriate request.

  4. Click “View”.

  5. Review the applicant's answers to the Application Form (if there is one).

  6. Click “Action”.

    1. Request Information: Select this option if you want some clarification or information from the applicant before you make a decision to approve or reject their application. Complete the Wizard:

      1. Reason: Enter the reason for requesting more information from the applicant, including any questions you wish them to answer.

      2. Send Notification Emails: Check if you want to send the “CERT_INFO_REQD” email to the applicant when the wizard is complete.

      3. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to request more information from the applicant.

    2. Approve: Select this option to grant the applicant their Certification. Complete the Wizard:

      1. Start Date: Enter the start date for this Certification. This could be the date of the application, the date of approval, or something different.

      2. End Date: Enter an end date for this Certification. It could be for a fixed duration, or can be left blank so that this Certification does not expire.

      3. Comments: Add any comments regarding the approval or the application.

      4. Send Notification Emails: Check if you want to send the “CERT_APPROVED” email to the applicant when the wizard is complete.

      5. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to approve the Certification request.

    3. Reject: Select this option to deny the applicant their Certification. Complete the Wizard:

      1. Reason: Enter the reason their request is being denied.

      2. Send Notification Emails: Check if you want to send the “CERT_REJECTED” email to the applicant when the wizard is complete.

      3. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to reject the Certification request.

Other Actions

When a Certification has been approved, extra actions become available:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Certifications.

  2. Click “Requests” next to the appropriate Certification.

  3. Locate the appropriate request.

  4. Click “Action”.

    1. Suspend Certification: Select this option if you wish to temporarily suspend the Certification from a member. Complete the Wizard:

      1. Reason: Enter the reason their Certification is being suspended.

      2. Send Notification Emails: Check if you want to send the “CERT_SUSPENDED” email to the applicant when the wizard is complete.

      3. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to reject the Certification request.

    2. Revoke Certification: Select this option if you wish to remove the Certification from a member. Complete the Wizard:

      1. Reason: Enter the reason their Certification is being revoked.

      2. Send Notification Emails: Check if you want to send the “CERT_REVOKED” email to the applicant when the wizard is complete.

      3. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to revoke the Certification.

Purge Old Requests

Certification Requests can pile up, especially if you have lots of members and lots of different Certifications. This can take up some of your disk space so it can be useful to clear them from time to time. You can purge old Requests by:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Certifications.

  2. Click “Requests” next to the appropriate Certification.

  3. Click “Purge Old Requests”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Certification: This highlights which Certification you are purging requests for.

    2. Remove Superseded Requests: Set to “Yes” to remove Requests that have not necessarily expired, but for which there is a newer Certification of the same type for the same user.

    3. Remove Expired Requests: Set to “Yes” to remove all expired Requests, whether they have been superseded or not.

    4. Remove Defunct Requests: Set to “Yes” to remove all Requests that have been revoked, cancelled, or rejected.

    5. Cut-off Date: Enter a date to only remove Requests that expired up until the date. If left blank, ALL Requests will be eligible.

    6. Request Counts: This shows the number of Requests that will be deleted when you click “OK”.

    7. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to purge the selected Requests.


On the Certification Requests page, create Views to see the pending, expired, and active Certifications to make it easier to navigate around them. This guide will help you with Views: Views

Certifications can be used as criteria in Member Lists so can be used to restrict access to CMS pages, Forms, Entitlements, as well as for sending Emails or filtering tables. Learn more about Member Lists in this guide: Member Lists

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