Competitions: Ladders

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Competitions: Ladders

Ladders are competitions where players challenge others to matches, the victor then takes the position of the higher ranked player on the Ladder. You can keep track of recent matches including how far each player has climbed or fallen at the completion of each fixture.

Follow this guide to create the Competition before following these instructions: Competitions



  1. Click the orange “Edit Settings” button.

  2. Complete the wizard:

    1. Matches can be drawn: Set if matches can be drawn, or if a match has to have a winner.

    2. Entrants Enter Own Results: If set to “Yes”, players will be able to enter their own results, for any matches that they’re involved in. If set to “No”, only organisers with Administrator checked (as set when creating the Competition) will be able to enter results.

    3. Maximum Places Above: Set the maximum number of places above an entrant's current position that they can challenge. If left blank, there will be no limit.

    4. Maximum Places Below: Set the maximum number of places below an entrant's current position that they can challenge. If left blank, there will be no limit.

    5. Winning Challengee Moves Up: If set to yes, when somebody challenges down the ladder, if the challengee wins, then they will move above the challenger, just as they would have done if they had been the challenger themselves. If not set, then there will be no change in position if the challengee wins.

    6. Prevent Back-to-Back Challenges: If set to yes, challengers can’t challenge the person they last played. Walk-overs do not count.

    7. Max. Consecutive Received Challenges: Set the number of times that an entrant can be challenged in a row before they have to be the one to challenge another entrant. This allows time for entrants to make their own challenges without being constantly challenged by others.

    8. Schedule Deadline: Set the number of days that participants have to schedule their match after a challenge has been issued. If the challenge isn’t scheduled before this deadline, it will be automatically expired and cancelled, and the challengee will receive a black skull next to their name. If you leave it blank, there will be no deadline.

    9. Play-by Deadline: Set the number of days that participants have to play their match and record the result after a challenge has been issued. If the match isn’t played and the result recorded before this deadline, it will be automatically expired and cancelled, and the challengee will receive a black skull next to their name. If you leave it blank, there will be no deadline.

    10. Send Reminders: If set to “Yes”, Email reminders will be sent daily to remind both players/teams of any challenges that have not been scheduled or completed (i.e. had their result submitted).

      1. Days before deadline: The number of days before the schedule/play deadline that reminder emails should be sent. A value of zero means that the reminder will be sent on the morning of the deadline day.

    11. Introduction: This text will appear at the top of the Results page. This could be used to include instructions, rules, or an introductory message to the entrants.

    12. OK: Once happy with the settings, click “OK” to save the configuration.


Challenges allow the ladder to run smoothly. Entrants can challenge each other to matches to try to move up the ladder. Entrants can be limited to only be able to challenge a certain number of places up or down from their current position. Once an entrant is in a challenge (either as challenger or challengee), they cannot challenge or be challenged until the result has been submitted, or the challenge has expired.

Create a Challenge

  1. Navigate to the Results page of the Competition.

  2. Entrants can click “Challenge” next to the person they want to challenge. Note: the button will only show for entrants that can be challenged.

  3. Admins can click “Create Challenge”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Challenger: Select the person issuing the challenge. For entrants, this will be themselves.

    2. Challengee: Select the person being challenged. For entrants, this will be pre-selected based on who they clicked “challenge” next to.

    3. Comments: Add comments to be sent to the challengee. Contact details and availability are common things to include here.

    4. Let’s Go: Once happy with the details, click “Let’s Go” to issue the challenge.

  5. The “COMP_LDR_CHALLENGE” Auto-generated Email will be sent to the challengee. If entrants are a team, the email will be sent to the captain/s.

Schedule a Match

Once a challenge has been issued, the match needs to be scheduled.

  1. Navigate to the Results page of the Competition.

  2. Scroll down to the “Active Challenges” section.

  3. Click “Schedule” next to the appropriate challenge.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Fixture Date: Enter the date the match will take place.

    2. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the schedule.

  5. If a court or other asset needs booking for the match, this will need to be done separately through the Booking System.

Record a Result

Once a match has been played, the result needs to be entered so the ladder can be updated and both entrants can engage in new challenges.

  1. Navigate to the Results page of the Competition.

  2. Scroll down to the “Active Challenges” section.

  3. Click “Record Result” next to the appropriate challenge.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Date: Enter the time the match took place. You can type the time and date in or use the date and time selectors to the side.

    2. Was the match played: Select if the match was played or not.

      1. Walkover awarded to: If you select no, you can select which entrant the walkover should be awarded to.

    3. Score: Enter the score.

    4. Result: Select which player or team won, or a draw (if this setting is turned on).

    5. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the result.

  5. The “COMP_RESULT_RECORD” Auto-generated Email will be sent to both entrants. If entrants are a team, the email will be sent to the captain/s.


Punishments can be given to entrants for a variety of reasons. This can be for misconduct during a match, missing too many challenges, or anything else.

There are two indicators to assist with punishments:

  • Black marks: Challengee’s receive a black mark if either the schedule or play-by deadline are reached and the challenge expires.

  • Red marks: A red skull is shown next to the entrant when they have not played a match for 14 days.

To punish an entrant:

  1. Navigate to the Results page of the Competition.

  2. Click the black skull next to the appropriate entrant in the ladder.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Punishment: Select the type of punishment to be given to the entrant.

      1. Move to bottom: The entrant will be moved to the bottom of the ladder.

      2. Move down N places: The entrant will be moved down the set number of places in the ladder. If the entrant is too low down the ladder, they will be moved to the bottom.

    2. Clear black marks: Select to remove all or only a specified number of the entrant’s black marks.

    3. Comments: Enter any comments, including a reason for the punishment.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to apply the punishment.

  4. The “COMP_LDR_PUNISH” Auto-generated Email will be sent to the entrant (or captain if the entrant is a team).

Star Performers

This section of the Results page shows the top 5 in the following categories:

  • Challenges Made: To Date: Which entrants have made the most challenges since the Competition began.

  • Challenges Made: Last 7 Days: Which entrants have made the most challenges in the last 7 days.

  • Matches Played: To Date: Which entrants have played the most matches since the Competition began.

  • Matches Played: Last 7 Days: Which entrants have played the most matches in the last 7 days.

Recent Results

This shows the 20 most recently entered results. This provides easy access to edit any results that need adjustment.

For help with Competition Entries and Importing Results, follow this guide: Competitions

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