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When running your club or organisation, there can be a myriad of documents that you need to share with your members, or other admins. Document Downloads allows you to keep them on your site to make them easily accessible. You can restrict who has access to which documents, meaning you can show different documents to the public, to members, and to your committee.

Document Categories

  1. Navigate to Information > Document Categories.

  2. Click “Add Category”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Parent Category: Choose “(top level)” to create a new Category, or an existing Category to create a Subcategory within it.

    2. Name: The name of the Category.

    3. Description: A description of the types of documents that should be placed in this Category.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the new Category.

Document Downloads

  1. Navigate to Information > Document Downloads.

Adding Documents


  1. Click “Add Document”.

  2. Complete the wizard:

    1. Title: The name or subject of the document. This can be different from the filename of the actual file.

    2. Description: A short description about what the document is.

    3. View Document: Enter any individual or combination of Roles, names, Member Lists, and security levels to set who can view this document. This will be in addition to the defaults from Entitlements Manager (as shown in italics).

    4. Administer Document: Enter any individual or combination of Roles, names, Member Lists, and security levels to set who can make changes to this document. This will be in addition to the defaults from Entitlements Manager (as shown in italics).

    5. Categories: Select the Document Category or Categories to which this document will belong.

    6. File: Click “Choose File” to select the appropriate file from your device or computer.

    7. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to upload the document to your site.

In Bulk

  1. Click “Bulk Add Documents”.

  2. Complete the wizard:

    1. Choose File: Click to select a series of files to upload from your device or computer. Alternatively, you can select multiple files from another window or application on your computer and drag them to the “Drag files here” area.

    2. Title: The name or subject of the document. This can be different from the filename of the actual file. To speed up the process, myClubhouse will create a default, based on the filename, but you can change this for individual documents if required.

    3. Bin: Click to remove the file from the upload queue.

    4. Settings: Set the details of all the files.

      1. View Document: Enter any individual or combination of Roles, names, Member Lists, and security levels to set who can view these documents. This will be in addition to the defaults from Entitlements Manager (as shown in italics).

      2. Administer Document: Enter any individual or combination of Roles, names, Member Lists, and security levels to set who can make changes to these documents. This will be in addition to the defaults from Entitlements Manager (as shown in italics).

      3. Categories: Select the Document Category or Categories to which all of these documents will belong.

    5. Upload: Once happy, click “Upload” to upload the documents to your site.


When uploading documents, be mindful of the amount of disk space you have left. This is displayed at the top of the Document Downloads page. You can purchase more disk space if you need it by making a request through the Service Desk.

PDFs are a good file format for documents that don’t need editing as they can be opened on all devices without extra software and are usually a smaller file size. PNGs are also recommended over JPEGs for images as they are smaller file sizes.

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