Refund Unused Tokens

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Refund Unused Tokens

This article applies to Tokens with a monetary value, which have been sold to members through the Shop.

When a member leaves the club, you may want to refund the value of their remaining Token Balance. This guide will show you how to create the refund, and if it is a partial refund, correct the Token Balance with an amendment.

Learn more about Tokens in this guide: Token Payments


  1. Navigate to Shop > Browse Shop Purchases.

  2. Locate the most recent Token purchase for the appropriate member.

  3. Next to this Shop purchase, click “Cancel/Amend”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Cancelled Quantity: Leave this at 1.

    2. Refund per Unit: Enter the amount the refund should be. In this example, 15 of 20 tokens (at £1 each) are being refunded so the refund is £15 instead of the full £20.

    3. Reason: Enter the reason for and the details of the refund.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to confirm.

  5. Follow the instructions in this guide to process the refund: Refunds | Processing Refunds

  6. Note: Upon cancellation, the full unit of tokens will be debited from the member’s account (in this case, 20) so if this is a partial refund, this will likely make their Token Balance negative, which we will need to correct.

  7. Navigate to the member’s profile page, either from the Member Directory or via the site-wide search.

  8. Scroll down to the “Tokens Transactions” section.

  9. If the Balance is negative, click “Manage”.

  10. Click “Add Amendment”.

  11. Complete the wizard:

    1. Description: Enter a short description explaining why the amendment is being made.

    2. Amount: Enter the number of Tokens. This should be equal to the number of Tokens that were not refunded, in this example, 5.

    3. Expiry Date: Leave the Expiry Date blank so the Tokens do not expire.

    4. Notes: Add any other notes about the amendment.

    5. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to confirm.

  12. The member’s Token Balance should now be at 0 with the refund paid, so everything should be all squared up.

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