Group Membership Administration

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Group Membership Administration

Group Memberships are a way of selling a block of membership subscriptions together for a fixed price. This can be used as a way of offering a discounted membership to groups of members. Group memberships are commonly used for families, but can be used for any group of members from the same club, team, or company.

Group Subscriptions should not be confused with Family Groups!

Though Group Subscriptions (group memberships) are often designed for families, they are simply a way of offering a discounted membership to groups of members who may or may not be in the same Family Group. In some use cases, they are for members of the same club, team or company.

Family Groups are a way of grouping users for easier administration.

A full guide on Family Group Administration can be found here: Family Group Administration

This article assumes you have already defined at least one Group Membership Category. If not, this guide will help you: How to Create a Group Membership Category.


Each Group Subscription is made up of two or more slots. Each slot corresponds to an individual Subscription that together combine to make the Group Subscription. When creating a Group Membership Category, you can decide how many slots there should be and which Membership Categories can be used for each. For example, if you are using a Group Membership Category for a Family Subscription, you may want one adult slot and two children’s slots.

Assigning Slots

Auto Assign

When setting up a Group Membership Category, you can set “Auto-assign Applicant” to “Yes”. When a new user registers and selects the Group Membership Category for their Subscription, the system will attempt to assign the applicant automatically into one of the first slots for which they are eligible. The default Category for the selected slot will be used, if one has been set.

Registration Wizard

At the end of the Registration Wizard, the user is invited to register users into the additional slots of the Group Subscription.

Subscription Page

From the Subscription page, you can assign slots.

There are many ways to get to the Subscription page, e.g. From the user's profile page, jump to the “Membership” section and then click "<Member Name>'s Subscriptions" or "My Subscriptions" if viewing your own profile page.


Once on the user’s subscription page, click the blue “View/Manage” button against the Group Subscription in question.


When you reach the Subscription page, you will be able to assign slots or register new users from here.


Register: You can click to complete the Registration Wizard for a new user who will be assigned this slot at the end of the Registration Wizard. If there is a range of Membership Categories that can be selected for this slot, the Registration Wizard will include the option to select one.

Assign: Click and complete the wizard:

Register New User: Choose this option to register a new user to assign to this Slot. This is very similar to the “Register” button above.


Existing Registered User: Choose this option to assign a user that already exists to the slot in the Group Subscription. The member look-up does require an Entitlement to find members outside of the user’s Family Group, so this is more likely to be used by admins and for existing members changing their membership than for new members. When choosing an existing member, you can assign an existing Subscription that belongs to that member to the slot, as long as the dates match with the Group Subscription, or you can create a new one.


Admins get an additional option to Send Notification Emails or not using a checkbox at the bottom of the wizard.


New User (by email): This option is similar to the “Register New User” option, except rather than the person sitting at the computer completing the registration, it is emailed to the applicant. They can then click a link in the email and are brought to myClubhouse to register where they will be added to this slot in the Group Subscription.


Dustbin: If you want to remove one of the slots in a Group Subscription, click the red dustbin to the right of the slot. This cannot be undone. If a slot is deleted in error, you will need to add a new slot of the same type. See the section below for more information.

Things to note when assigning slots:

When assigning slots, not all slots have to be filled.

The owner of the Group Subscription still has to be assigned to one of the slots within the Group Subscription otherwise they will not be classed as a current member.

Adding/Re-ordering Slots

Above the Group Membership Slots on the Subscription page, as shown above, admins get an extra pair of buttons to add additional slots or to reorder the existing slots for the Subscription.


On the Subscription page, click “Add Slot”.


Select the type of slot you want to add, and then click “OK”. This will add the new slot to the bottom of the list of slots.



On the Subscription page, click “Re-order Slots”.


Drag and drop the slots to the new order and click “OK” to save.


Other Useful Articles to help with Group Subscriptions

How to Create a Group Membership Category

How to Create a Registration Wizard for Group Slot Memberships

Combine Individual Subscriptions to a Group Subscription

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