Emergency Contacts

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Emergency Contacts

As part of the 6.1 “Kreacher” release, Emergency Contacts have become a built-in feature of myClubhouse, rather than relying on Forms and Attributes to gather and display the same data. Emergency Contacts are vital pieces of information when running a club, especially when playing sport, or if there are children involved. Emergency Contacts makes it easy to gather a name and contact details as well as a relationship to the member so that the person can be contacted if the need occurs.


  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > General Club Settings.

  2. Click on the “Profile” tab.

  3. Scroll down to the Emergency Contacts section.

  4. Collect Emergency Contacts: Set this to “Yes”.

  5. Minimum Contacts: This is the required amount of Emergency Contacts a member must have. If set to 0, Emergency Contacts will be optional.

  6. Maximum Contacts: This is the limit of how many Emergency Contacts each member can have on their profile at once. This needs to be set to at least 1.

  7. Restrict to Member List: If you only want some users to have to provide Emergency Contacts, you can set this limit here. For example, you may only want junior members to have to provide Emergency Contacts.

  8. Relationship: Choose whether each Emergency Contact has to provide the relationship between themselves and the member. This can be set to either “Not required”, “Optional”, or “Mandatory”.

  9. Telephone Number: Choose whether each Emergency Contact has to provide a telephone number. This must be a valid telephone number, i.e. only numbers, spaces, and the + symbol will be accepted. This can be set to either “Not required”, “Optional”, or “Mandatory”.

  10. Email Address: Choose whether each Emergency Contact has to provide an email address. This must be a valid email address, i.e. name@domain.com. This can be set to either “Not required”, “Optional”, or “Mandatory”.

  11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save changes”.


Converting Existing Attributes to Emergency Contacts

If you have already been collecting emergency contacts within myClubhouse using User Attributes, you can convert these fields across to Emergency Contacts very easily:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > General Club Settings.

  2. Click on the “Profile” tab.

  3. Scroll down to the Emergency Contacts section.

  4. Click “Convert existing user attributes to emergency contacts“.

  5. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name Attribute: Select the appropriate Attribute from the dropdown. You don’t have to select an Attribute if there is not an appropriate one for the field.

    2. Relationship Attribute: Select the appropriate Attribute from the dropdown. You don’t have to select an Attribute if there is not an appropriate one for the field.

    3. Telephone Number Attribute: Select the appropriate Attribute from the dropdown. You don’t have to select an Attribute if there is not an appropriate one for the field.

    4. Email Address Attribute: Select the appropriate Attribute from the dropdown. You don’t have to select an Attribute if there is not an appropriate one for the field.

    5. Emergency Contact Ordinal: Specify the ordinal of Emergency Contact the Attributes refer to. For example, if you had Attributes for Emergency Contact 1, you would put 0 in the field, if you had Attributes for a second Emergency Contact, you would enter 1.

    6. Overwrite Existing: If set to yes, any Emergency Contact (in that ordinal) has already been entered, it will be overridden by the Attributes.

    7. Delete Attributes: If set to yes, once the conversion has been completed, the Attributes with the information will be automatically deleted. This can’t be reversed but can be done independently through from Forms Manager.

    8. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to complete the conversion process.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save changes”.


If you get shown a “Validation failed” error, this will be caused by at least one of the telephone numbers or email addresses not meeting the validation rules set for that field. The best course of action is to:

  1. Navigate to Forms > Set up Attribute Questions.

  2. Next to the Attribute Set housing the Attributes used in the conversion, click Action > Amend Answers.

  3. Work your way through the list to locate the telephone numbers and/or email addresses that are not correct. Often this is someone who has muddled up the fields or has entered multiple phone numbers with a “/” between them.

  4. Adjust the answer for any problem fields.

  5. Once you are happy that the fields are correct, return to General Club Settings and attempt the conversion again.

Registration Wizards

If you have been collecting the data for your Emergency Contact Attributes via a Registration Wizard, you will need to make an adjustment to these too:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

  2. Click “Edit” next to the appropriate Registration Wizard.

  3. Scroll down and locate the “Form” or “Form question” element that includes or included the Emergency Contact Attribute questions. If you have already deleted the Attributes as part of the conversion process, the description of the element may say “NOT FOUND”.

  4. Click on the red “X” next to the element.

  5. Click Add Element > Emergency Contacts.

  6. The wizard should show the settings for each field and the minimum and maximum number of Contacts required from General Club Settings.

  7. Make any adjustments to the caption and help text for each field.

  8. Click “OK”.

  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes”.

  10. Repeat the steps to alter all affected Registration Wizards.

Learn more about Registration Wizards in this guide: How to Create a Registration Wizard

Adding Emergency Contacts

From the Profile Page

  1. Navigate to the profile page for yourself or another member.

  2. Scroll down to the Emergency Contacts section.

  3. Click “Add Contact”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: Enter the name of the Emergency Contact.

    2. Relationship: Enter the relationship between the Emergency Contact and the member.

    3. Telephone Number: Enter the telephone number for the Emergency Contact.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Emergency Contact.

Note: The fields in the wizard will match the ones that are set to “Optional” or “Mandatory” in General Club Settings.

  1. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add new Emergency Contacts.

Reorder Emergency Contacts

From the profile page, you can also swap the Emergency Contacts around to a new order.

  1. Navigate to the profile page for yourself or another member.

  2. Scroll down to the Emergency Contacts section.

  3. Click “Reorder Contacts”.

  4. Drag and drop the Emergency Contacts into the desired order.

  5. Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the new order.

From Profile Confirmation

Emergency Contacts are included in Profile Confirmation if switched on. This allows members to complete missing Contacts to reach the minimum number as well as to check that existing Contacts are still correct.


Learn more about Profile Confirmation in this guide: Profile Confirmation

Using Data Import

When importing data into the system from Admin > Launch > Import Data, you can import the Name, Relationship, Phone, and Telephone Number as well as set which Emergency Contact it applies to.


If you are importing to existing members, remember to include the UserID field, which you can export from the Member Directory.

Displaying Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts can be used in the same way as an Attribute:

  • It appears on a user’s profile page.

  • It can be added as a column in the Member Directory.

  • For Events, it can be added as a column on the “View/Export Attendees” page.

  • For Events (and other places), when you click on a user’s name and get the pop-up window with the contact information and Attributes about the user, Emergency Contacts are included there too.

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