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How to Create a Registration Wizard
This article shows how create a new registration wizard so that your members can register for membership or as a guest on the website. Sometimes you may have different registration wizards for different memberships because you want to control who can access certain memberships or require different information for different membership categories. For example, you need information about the parents and an emergency contact when registering a child for junior membership, whereas you don’t need that when registering an adult for adult membership.
If you are creating a registration wizard for a new membership category, make sure the category has already been created. If you need help doing this, you can find a guide here: How to Create a New Membership Category
Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.
Navigate to the Configure Registration Wizards page:
by default this is under Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.
or type “/Registration/Admin/” into your browser’s address bar e.g.
Click the “Create New” button to add a new Registration Wizard.
Enter the basic details of the wizard.
Name: The name of the registration wizard.
Description: A description of the registration wizard, give a short overview of which membership categories it is for. Date of creation can sometimes be useful too.
Owner: This will usually be the person who created the registration wizard.
Availability: Defining who has access to this registration wizard.
Public: This will make this registration wizard available to members of the public who are not logged in to your website.
Default: If the registration wizard has been set to Public, then you have the option to set it as the default registration wizard. This means that when a user goes to <yourclubdomain>/Register, they will be taken to this wizard to register.
Restrict to Member List: This allows you to restrict who can use this registration wizard to a specific group of people using a member list. This won’t be used when making a registration wizard public, as users can’t be sorted into member lists until they have registered on the website.
Completion: This will decide what happens when a user completes the registration using this wizard.
Send Emails: If checked, the appropriate club officers will be sent an email confirming that the registration has been completed along with the user who filled it out.
Registration Complete Message: This message will be displayed when the user completes the registration.
Next Steps: These will be displayed alongside the completion message. They are buttons that will take the user to other parts of the website, such as events for them to start using their membership to the fullest. The option to go to their Profile or to the Home page will be displayed by default.
Link: Choose where you want the next step to go, either one of the built-in pages, or one of the CMS pages that you have created. In this example, this Next Step will take the user to the Events Calendar.
Caption: The name that will be displayed on the Next Step. This will automatically update when you choose a link but can be changed afterwards.
Description: A short description of what can be found at this link. This will automatically update when you choose a link but can be changed afterwards.
Icon: The icon that will be displayed with the Next Step. This will automatically update when you choose a link but can be changed afterwards.
OK: Press OK to confirm your choices, and continue on with the rest of the registration wizard creation.
Title: The title of the registration wizard as displayed to the user.
Caption for Completion Button: What is written in the button at the bottom of the registration wizard that will complete it.
Child Registration: This is help text that can be shown on the registration wizard that aids a parent registering their child for membership. For example, if asking for Date of Birth, the help text will remind the user that it must be the child’s date of birth that is entered. You can choose to turn these hints on by default and/or set them so the user can turn them on and off while using the Registration Wizard.
The introduction appears at the top of the registration wizard and can be used to explain how to fill out the form or give any other information. It is recommended to keep this description brief as users are less likely to read it the longer it is. If your registration wizard has more than one page, the introduction will appear at the top of EACH page.
To add an element to the introduction, press the “Add Element” button on the bottom right. Below is an example of adding an Alert Message to the introduction.
Type: This defines what the colour and the alert will be which relates to the type of message the alert is for.
Info: For general information.
Success: For a message following or indicating the success of something.
Warning: To warn the user about something
Danger: To display errors or warn the user about something significant.
Title: The title that appears at the top of the alert.
Icon: The icon that appears next to the title at the top of the alert.
Text: The main body of text that will appear in the alert.
OK: Confirm the details for the alert message and go back to the registration wizard.
Pages: The wizard can be split into multiple pages if you want it to be. Keeping it on one page is recommended as it is less intimidating for users to fill out.
Sections: Sections help break down the page so that certain inputs can be grouped together. This can make the registration easier to follow. This can be used alongside pages to break up the information within the registration wizard.
Title: The title of the Section that appears at the top.
Icon: The Icon that appears next to the title.
OK: Confirm choices and go back to the registration wizard to add elements to the section.
Elements: Choose different elements to include in the registration to find out the appropriate information from the user. For most elements, you will be able to choose if it is “Optional”, “Required”, or “Hidden” as well as write help text for both everyone and for when registering on behalf of children.
Name: The name of the user, including Title, Forename, Middle Name, Surname, and Company Name. Each can be set to “Optional”, “Required”, or “Hidden” separately, as well as having separate help text.
Date of Birth: When the person being registered was born. For a child registration, the help text is really important here so that the user doesn’t enter their own DOB instead of their child's.
Gender: This will give the user a dropdown to choose their gender from the list of genders defined in settings (Admin > Settings > Gender Options), by default, this is Male and Female.
Photo: Users can upload a photo to identify themselves on the website. This could be mandatory, if your club requires a photo for other purposes, such as photo ID cards.
Occupation: Finding out users' occupations can be useful for the club and other members to use them to provide a service if the need arises, such as a plumber or electrician, amongst others.
Biography: Provides a text box for the user to write a short description about who they are. This could be used if other members are able to see each other’s profile pages, or for coaches to tell members about who they are and what services they offer.
Family Group: Allows the user to add themselves to an existing family group, or to create a new one. Requires the Family Groups module to be switched on (Admin > Settings > Configure Modules). Learn more about Family Groups in this guide: Family Group Administration
Parent: When registering a child, the parent’s name can also be collected. The same options are as Name above, but with the added option to assign this name to Parent 1 or Parent 2. Learn more about Registration Wizards with Parent elements in this guide: Registration Wizards including Parents: Step by Step
Address: Where the user lives. This can be set to default to the address of the logged-in user, which can be useful for existing members registering siblings or other children.
Email Addresses: The user’s email address. There can be up to two email addresses included, with primary and alternate email address options. It is strongly advised to have at least one email address as a required option.
Telephone Numbers: The user’s phone number. This is split into Home, Mobile, and Business phone numbers with each being set to “Optional”, “Required”, or “Hidden” separately, as well as having separate help text. There is also an option that means at least one phone number is required.
Emergency Contacts: This allows users to enter Emergency Contact information when they register, including their name, relationship to the user, and contact details. Learn more about Emergency Contacts in this guide: Emergency Contacts
Ability Levels: This allows users to set either or both ability levels that have been defined in settings (Admin > Settings > Ability Levels). Learn more about Ability Levels in this guide: Ability Levels
Branch: This allows users to choose a branch from those defined in settings (Admin > Settings > Set Up Sections & Branches). Learn more about Branches in this guide: Branches & Sections
Team Squad Assignment: This allows a user to select a team to join when registering. Upon approval and joining, the user will be added to the team squad. Learn more about Teams in this guide: Leagues/Teams
Horse: This allows users to enter the details of their horse when they register themselves. This can be set to be optional or required as part of the Registration Wizard. NB: This option requires the Equestrian Module.
Form: Used when you want the user to complete an entire Form, such as a parental consent form. Forms can be created and managed under Forms > Forms Manager. Learn more about Forms in this guide: Forms Note: Forms that have been limited to a Member List will be shown to everyone who completes the Registration Wizard.
Form Question: Used when you want the user to complete one question from one Form. Forms can be created and managed under Forms > Forms Manager. Learn more about Forms in this guide: Forms Note: Questions from Forms that have been limited to a Member List will be shown to everyone who completes the Registration Wizard.
Membership Request: This is where the user chooses which membership they would like to sign up for. They will be given a drop-down box with all the membership categories that you have chosen (which can be all of them). A default can also be set if desired.
Group Membership Slot Assignment: For registering as part of a group membership. Learn more about Group Membership in this guide: How to Create a Group Membership Category
Username & Password: Set a username and password to log into the website. The username can be set to be the user’s email address, but this can cause an issue as usernames must be unique so if signing up parents and children, they can’t use the same email address for several accounts. Passwords can also be set to have to be entered twice and to not allow weak passwords.
If the registration wizard is set to default, then this element is mandatory, and you will be unable to save the wizard until you have included it.
Mandatory System Consents: In order to use the website, the user must agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. If they do not agree, they will not be allowed to register on the website.
If the registration wizard is set to public, then this is mandatory to include, and you will be unable to save the wizard until you have included it.
Agreements: Ask the user to agree to some or all of the agreements created under Admin > Settings > Consents & Agreements. As they are agreements, if they don’t say yes to them, they will not be allowed to register, such as agreeing to abide by the club’s Code of Conduct. Learn more about Agreements in this guide: Consents & Agreements
Messaging Consents: Users can choose which messaging categories they will receive. Certain messaging categories cannot be opted out of, such as membership renewal emails. Learn more about Consents in this guide: Consents & Agreements
Non-Messaging Consents: Ask the user to agree to some or all of the consents created under Admin > Settings > Consents & Agreements. As they are consents, if they say yes or no to them, they will still be able to use the website. Learn more about Consents in this guide: Consents & Agreements
Select Existing User: This can be used for users to look up an existing member, such as to say who recommended them. This option cannot be used if the wizard is public, as they will not have access to the list of current users.
Access Code: This requires the user to enter a code in order to complete the registration. For example, if you only wanted to offer membership to those who attended an open day or trials, they can be given the code so that they are able to sign up when they get home, but not someone who didn’t attend so didn’t get the code.
Alert Message: A message that appears within the wizard to give information to the user. They can be coloured depending on the purpose of the message being displayed. An example of this can be seen in Step 8 when added to the introduction.
Formatted Text: A block of text, often instructions or further information for the user. This uses markdown for any formatting. There is a link when you add this element to help you with markdown syntax.
Registration Summary: This summarises all the answers given in the registration wizard. This is a good addition to the bottom/last page of the wizard so that the user can double-check the information they have entered is correct before completing the registration.
In this example, for a registration wizard for signing junior members up, you can see each of the elements that I have used and how I broke them down into suitably named sections to break the form up and make it easier to read and follow.
Once there is more than one section, page, or element on a registration wizard, they can be moved around to reorder them. You press the button below on the right-hand side of the screen
Below is an example of how to reorder sections.
Then use the 3 lines to drag each section into the order desired. Press OK to confirm the new order or Cancel to revert back to the previous order.
At any point during the creation of a new registration wizard, you can click “Preview” at the bottom of the screen to see what it would look like to the user. Once you have completed the creation of the wizard, you can save it by clicking “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen. This will raise any issues that will not allow you to save the wizard, which you will be able to correct before saving.
Repeat these steps to create as many registration wizards as necessary, however, it is best to keep as few as possible, unless each membership category has vastly different information requiring to be collected.
You can change which Registration Wizard is the default by following this guide: Default Registration Mode