Default Registration Mode

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Default Registration Mode

When you have multiple registration wizards, it can be tricky to direct users to the correct one for them to complete. The Default Registration Mode allows you to more easily control where a user is sent when they go to “yourDomain/Registration/Register”.

This guide will help you to understand more about Registration Wizards: How to Create a Registration Wizard


  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

  2. Scroll to the “Default Registration Mode” section and click “Edit Settings”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Mode: Select the mode for the Default Registration.

      1. Default: The link will go to the default Registration Wizard. If no Registration Wizard is set to default, the link will go to the system default Registration Wizard

      2. Selection Page: The link will go to a page with a list of Registration Wizards for the user to choose between. This is a good option if you don’t have a one default but several similar Registration Wizards, such as a separate one for adults and juniors.

        1. Registration Wizards: Select all Registration Wizards that you want to appear in the list. Only public Registration Wizards will be available to select from.

        2. Page Title: The title displayed at the top of the selection page.

        3. Page Content/Introduction: A short introduction between the title and the list of Registration Wizards on the selection page. It is good to include instructions for the user. You can use markdown for the text for basic formatting.

      3. CMS Page: Select an existing CMS page to redirect the user to when they go to the default registration.

      4. No Registration Page: Sometimes you do not want to be open to new registrants at the moment. This could be because you are full to capacity, or that you have a different way of registering that is not open to the public.

        1. Page Title: The title displayed at the top of the page.

        2. Page Content/Introduction: A short message explaining why registration is not currently open.

    2. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Default Registration Mode.

  4. Click the “(/Registration/Register)” link in the intro to the section to see what your chosen Mode will look like.

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