How to Create a Single Event

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How to Create a Single Event

The Events module is a great way to keep track of all the events and courses happening at your club. Users can sign up to the Events, you can track attendance, take payment, and more! Below is an extensive guide on how to create a single Event.

You are reading the full guide, for the Quick Start Guide please click here: Quick Start: How to Create a Single Event

If you want to create an Event Series, read this guide here: How to Create an Event Series


  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Events Calendar page:

    1. by default this is under the Events menu.

    2. or type “/Events/Calendar” into your browser’s address bar e.g.

  3. Click “Create Event” in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  4. Simple/Advanced: There are 2 modes for the Events wizard, simple and advanced. The default mode is controlled in General Club Settings, under the Events tab. Simple mode shows a limited selection of options if you are creating a simple Event. Advanced mode shows all options within the Events wizard. Advanced fields are marked with a green cog symbol. Once you have set an ‘advanced’ Field, you will not be able to change the mode back to simple mode.

  5. Details: Enter the basic details of your Event.

    1. Event Name: The name of your Event.

    2. Event Type: Events are sorted into types to help display them in the Events Calendar. Learn more about Event Types in this guide: Event Types

    3. Additional Event Types: Events can have multiple Event Types (which can aid in sorting and filtering in the Events Calendar), select the additional Types here. Learn more about Event Types in this guide: Event Types

    4. Event Description: A description of what this Event is. It is good to put clear information here including cost, time, date, and place. Use photos and graphics to attract attention and entice people to attend. This content will be copied into the email body when publicising the Event by email.

    5. Details for Attendees ONLY: Enter any information that needs to be shared with attendees but not anyone else. This could be specifics about the location of the Event, a meeting place, or contact details for the organiser. This field can also be used as a field in Auto-generated Emails.

  6. Dates & Times: Enter when your Event will take place.

    1. Single Event or Event Series: Select “Single Event”. (For Event Series, read this guide: How to Create an Event Series)

    2. Start Time: When your Event will start. You can type in a time and date or select it from the dropdowns.

    3. End Time: When your Event will end. You can type in a time and date or select it from the dropdowns.

    4. Duration: How long your Event will last.

      Note: When changing the End Time or Duration, the other will automatically adjust. For example, if you know your Event will be 2 hours long, you can change the Duration and the End Time will automatically update itself.

  7. Organisers & Venue: Enter details of who is organising the Event and where it is taking place.

    1. Organisation: The people or person who is organising the Event. By default, the first will be the person creating the Event.

      1. Add: Click to add additional Organisers.

      2. Name: The user who is the Organiser. Start typing the name of the organiser then select from the drop-down list.

      3. Role: Enter a name for the Organiser’s role e.g. Coach, Assistant Coach, etc.

      4. Options: Select what each Organiser will have access to:

        1. View All: The Organiser can see all details of all attendees.

        2. Manage: The Organiser can manage and approve sign-ups, including signing up anybody at any time, and recording payments.

        3. Cancel: The Organiser can cancel the Event.

        4. Delete: The Organiser can delete the Event.

        5. Notify: The Organiser will be notified whenever somebody signs up to or withdraws from the Event.

    2. Notify on sign-up: If this is set, then any Organisers with the notify option set will be notified by email when somebody signs up to or withdraws from the Event.

    3. Organising Branch: Where appropriate, you can choose which Branch is organising the Event. This can aid in sorting and filtering in the Events Calendar. Learn more about Branches in this guide: Branches & Sections

    4. Organising Section: Where appropriate, you can choose which Section is organising the Event. This can aid in sorting and filtering in the Events Calendar. Learn more about Sections in this guide: Branches & Sections

    5. Venue Name: Where the Event is taking place.

    6. Venue Directions: A description of how to get to the venue. If online, this could be the place to share how to gain access to the Event.

    7. Venue Directions Public: This sets who can see the Venue Directions written above, either “yes” to make them public or “no” to make them visible only to those who have signed up to the Event.

    8. Venue Map Location: Enter the postcode of the event and then a map will appear on the Event page with the venue location. You can also use a what3words location. Learn more about what3words in this guide: what3words Integration

  8. Sign-up: Define who can sign up to this Event. Note: These restrictions do not apply to organisers and administrators when using ‘Admin Sign-up’.


    1. Attendees can be signed up: This stipulates if anyone can sign up to this Event. The options are:

      1. Yes: Sign-up on myClubhouse is required.

      2. No: Sign-up not enabled. This could be used for any event where attendees don’t have to book, they can just turn up.

      3. External: Select this if you want to advertise in myClubhouse but the sign-ups are controlled on another site, possibly at another club or external organiser.

        1. External Sign-up URL: Enter the URL where users can sign up for the Event. This should be as specific as possible.

    2. Registration Wizard: Select which registration wizard will be used by users not registered on the website, in order to sign up for the Event. If the event is not open to newcomers, select “No guest registration”. Read this guide to help with creating a Guest Registration Wizard for an Event: How to Create an Events Registration Wizard

    3. Allowable number of attendees: Set the minimum and maximum number of attendees for the event. If left blank, the minimum or maximum will be open ended. If a maximum is set, you will be able to choose what message is displayed when the Event becomes full.

    4. Waiting List: If you have set a maximum number of attendees you can also turn on a waiting list. If selected, if one of the attendees withdraws from the Event, their place will be automatically offered to the first person on the waiting list. You can choose how long this offer lasts for before it is offered to the next user on the waiting list.

    5. Message when event is full: Enter a message to display when the limit for the Event has been reached. This could be instructions to sign up and join the Waiting List, if applicable.

    6. Sign Up Window: Set when users can sign up for an Event, this can be expressed in specific dates/times or a length of time before the start of the Event.

    7. Horse Sign-up: Equestrian module only. For riding Events, you can select if the user can/must specify the horse they will be riding at the Event.

      Note: This option only appears if you have the Equestrian Add-on Module.

    8. Vehicle Sign-up: Vehicles module only. You can select if the user can/must specify the vehicle that they will be using at the Event.

      Note: This option only appears if you have the Vehicle Add-on Module.

    9. Additional Information: You can gather additional information from attendees when they sign up by asking a single question or selecting one or more Forms for them to fill in. See this guide here for more help on Event Forms: How to Add Custom Fields to an Event Sign-Up

    10. Resource Set: If you are assigning Resources, such as equipment, to attendees, you can select which set of Resources you are allocating here. Learn more about Event Resources in this guide: Resources | Event Resource Sets

    11. Approval Required: If turned on, an administrator will have to confirm each attendee's entry, if off, each attendee will be automatically approved.

    12. Attendees can withdraw: If turned on, attendees can withdraw themselves from this Event, if not, only the Organisers can withdraw attendees.

    13. Allow multiple sign-ups per attendee: If you want each attendee to be able to sign up more than once, select this, if attendees should only be able to sign up once, set this to ‘No’.

    14. Sign-up Term: If you don’t want to use the term “Sign-up”, set the term that is used to on the sign-up button, such as “Enter” or “Register”.

  9. Costs: Define the costs for this Event. Note: If sign-ups for the Event are turned off, these options will not be available.

    1. Event has cost: Select if attendees have to pay to attend the Event. Note: only use this if you intend to use myClubhouse to track and record payments for the Event.

    2. Payment Options: Tokens module only. Choose if attendees can pay with money and/or Tokens. Note Tokens does require the Tokens Payments Add-on Module.

    3. When will the Tokens be debited: Tokens module only. If tokens are selected as a method of payment, you can choose when the Tokens are deducted from the attendees' Token balance.

    4. Sign-up Payment Scheme: How you want the attendees to pay for the Event. Select the payment scheme which best fits your Event, or use the green '+' button to create a new one. You can read more about Payment Schemes in this guide: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes

    5. Payment required within an hour: If selected, attendees who don’t pay within an hour of sign up will be automatically withdrawn from the Event. This can be used if a popular Event has limited spaces. Note, this must not be used if accepting non-integrated payment methods, e.g. cash or BACS, since they would require that the organiser marks them as paid within an hour of sign-up.

    6. Cost Type: Define whether to use fixed or variable pricing.

      1. Fixed Prices: The price for the Event is fixed for everyone at one price.

        1. Instance Cost: How much the Event will cost each attendee. This will be in money and/or tokens, depending on the payment options chosen in step 8b.

      2. Pricing Structure: A Pricing Structure allows different attendees to pay different amounts or for the attendee to choose from a range of differently priced options. You can add as many different options as you would like, they can be restricted to users in different Member Lists, for different costs, for different horses (if you have the Equestrian Add-on Module), and for certain windows of time. You can also save a Pricing Structure to use in other Events. More information on Pricing Structures can be found here: Pricing Structures

    7. Cost Description: A human-readable description of the cost, to be displayed on the Event details page. This is optional, the description generated from the actual costs may be sufficient.

    8. Product Categories: This labels the payments so that they can be analysed in the Finance section, and also can be used to calculate discounts in the basket. Select the Product Categories that apply to the payments (as defined under “Admin” > “Finance” > “Manage Product Categories”). If you need help creating Product Categories, use this guide here: Product Categories

    9. Auto-refund on withdraw: If selected, a refund due payment will be issued automatically for the amount paid to date. If selected, you can define how long before the Event this setting applies. Note that if payment has already been made, the issued refunds will need to be processed via “Admin” > “Finance” > “Pending Refunds”. For more help on processing refunds, see this guide here: Refunds

    10. Token Rewards: Tokens module only. You can reward attendees with Tokens in return for paying for a sign-up with money. You can define how many each attendee gets, as well as how long these tokens will last for.

  10. Restrictions: Define the restrictions for the Event. Note: If sign-ups for the Event are turned off, these options will not be available.

    1. Who can sign people up: Choose who can sign up eligible participants to the Event.

    2. Eligible Participants: Use this to restrict who can sign up for the Event, users will be checked at the time of sign up.

      1.  Anyone (including non-members): Anyone can sign up to the Event, non-registered users will use the Registration Wizard defined in step 8b.

      2. Current Members Only: Only current paid up members can sign up to this Event.

      3. Invited Member Lists Only: Only those on selected Member Lists can sign up to this Event, and those on selected Member Lists can also be excluded from signing up.

        Attendance Tracking: If “Invited Member Lists” is chosen, you can also choose to fill out the register (Attendance Tracker) with all the names of invited members, instead of just those who have signed up, using the “Pre-populate Attendance View” option.

    3. Allow Guests: Choose if you want to allow non-registered Guests to be signed up to this Event (using name only).

    4. Description: A short description of who is eligible to sign up for the Event; this is used in the Events Calendar. This can be used as a guide even if you don’t restrict the sign ups to the Event using the Eligible Participants option (step 10b).

  11. Visibility: Define who can see this Event.

    1. Public or Private: Public events can be seen by everyone, private events can only be seen by organisers, attendees, and invited member lists (if turned on in step 9b).

    2. Sign-up List: Control who can see the names of those signed up for the Event. If ‘Private’, then only the organisers (and administrators) will be able to see who has signed up to the Event. If ‘Members’, then all logged-in current members, whether signed up or not, will be able to see who is confirmed as attending. Leaving the list visible to members, can be beneficial to filling Events, as people sign up because they see that their friends are attending. For Events with children, you may wish to keep the attendee list private for safeguarding reasons.

    3. Attendee Count: Control who can see how many people have signed up to the Event. If turned off, a “Full” indicator will still be shown when the Event is full.

  12. Promotion: Choose the options relating to how the Event is promoted.

    1. Draft event: Draft Events will only appear in the Events Calendar for Organisers and those with appropriate permissions. They are not active and can not be signed up to.

    2. Publicise in event feeds: If turned on, this Event will be publicised in Event feed widgets on other pages on your site (usually including the home page). If the Event is set to private, it will only be shown to those members who are allowed to see it.

    3. Custom description for event feeds: For Event feeds, select “Yes” to write a shorter Event description. It is a good idea to include small, eye-catching images as these will be displayed in the Event feed. If set to “No”, a truncated version of the full description (step 5d) will be used.

  13. Add-ons: Define any Add-ons you would like to offer with this event. All Event Add-ons are optional. Note: If sign-ups for the Event are turned off, these options will not be available.

    1. Description: What the Add-on is called.

    2. Category: This labels the payment so that it can be analysed in the Finance section, and also can be used to calculate discounts in the basket. Select all categories that apply. For help on Product Categories, use this guide here: Product Categories.

    3. Unit cost: How much the add-on will cost.

    4. Add-ons Payment Scheme: How you want attendees to pay for the Add-on. Select or define a Payment Scheme which defines acceptable payment methods and to whom the Add-on costs will be paid. Default is used in the example (as defined under “Admin” > “Finance” > “Payment Methods, Plans and Schemes”). You can read more about Payment Schemes in this guide: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes

  14. Save Changes: Press the Save changes button on the bottom left of the screen.

  15. Invite Members: Upon saving, you will be presented with a pop-up asking if you would like to invite members to this Event. If you select yes, you will be redirected to the “Send an Email” page pre-populated with all the event details; you can modify the message before sending to the appropriate members of your choice.

    Alternatively, you can send the same email at a later date. From the Events Calendar (Events > Events Calendar) you can find your event and click Actions (cog) and choose “Invite Members”.

  16. Repeat all steps to create other Events. Please make use of the “Duplicate” button to create an Event with similar settings.

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