Events: Pricing Structures

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Events: Pricing Structures

Pricing Structures allow different attendees of an Event to pay different amounts or for the attendee to choose from a range of differently priced options. You can add as many different options as you would like, they can be restricted to users in different Member Lists, for different costs, for different horses (if you have the Equestrian Add-on Module), and for certain windows of time. They can be grouped together into classes to make it easier to navigate as well as using variables to make the Structure more flexible for multiple Events. Common uses are to charge a different price for adults and children or to charge non-members a different price to members.


Basic Pricing Structures

  1. Navigate to Events > Edit Pricing Structures.

  2. Click the “Add Structure” button.

  3. Name: Enter the name of the Pricing Structure.

  4. Structure cost options into classes: Leave this unchecked. More information about Classes can be found in the Advance Pricing Structure section below.

  5. To add a new Pricing option click the “Add option” button.

  6. Complete the Option wizard:

    1. Name: The name for the pricing Option.

    2. Description: A short description of the pricing option, possibly including who it applies to.

    3. Class: This is set to none. More information about Classes can be found in the Advance Pricing Structure section below.

    4. Obsolete: Leave this unchecked. If checked, the Option will no longer be available.

    5. Pricing: Define the Costs for this Option.

      1. Instance Cost: The cost of the event, or instance in money. For single events, this is how much the entire event will cost for this option. For Series that can be signed up to individual instances, this is the cost for each instance. (More information can be read about Events here: How to Create a Single Event)

      2. Series Cost: The cost of the whole series, or instance in money. For series that can be signed up to as a whole, this is the cost for each sign-up. (More information can be read about Events here: How to Create an Event Series)

      3. Instance Token Cost: Token payment module only The cost of the event, or instance in tokens.

      4. Series Token Cost: Token payment module only The cost of the whole series in tokens.

      5. Instance Token Reward: How many tokens the user will be rewarded when they sign up and pay for an event using this Option.

      6. Series Token Reward: How many tokens the user will be rewarded when they sign up and pay for an entire series using this Option.

      7. Attendee Count: The number of attendees that will be counted for one sign-up of this cost option.

    6. Eligibility: Define who is eligible for this Option.

      1. Available to: Select “Members”, “Non-members and Guests”, or both to limit who can choose this Option.

      2. Age Range: Limit this Option to a certain age range. The boxes are inclusive, but if left blank will be open.

      3. Included Member Lists: Limit this Option to specific Member Lists. More help on Member Lists can be found here: Member Lists

      4. Excluded Member Lists: Exclude this Option to specific Member Lists.

    7. Horse Eligibility: Equestrian module only. Define the Horse details for this Option.

      1. Horse Sign Up: Check this box if a horse is required to be specified when selecting this Option. The setting here overrides the similar setting for the event in general.

      2. Available to: Select “Members Horses”, “Non-members/Guests Horses”, or both to limit which types of horses can be selected when choosing this Option.

      3. Log Book: Check this box if a horse must have a log book to sign up with this Option.

      4. Horse Age Range: Limit the horses to a certain age range. The boxes are inclusive, but if left blank, will be open-ended.

    8. Ability: Define the Ability Level restrictions for the Option. Learn more about Ability Levels in this guide: Ability Levels

      1. Minimum Ability Level: Select the minimum Ability Level a user must have to select this Option when signing up.

      2. Maximum Ability Level: Select the maximum Ability Level a user must have to select this Option when signing up.

      3. Enforcement: Select how rigidly the minimum and maximum should be enforced for sign-ups.

    9. Sign-up Window: Limit this Option to a particular window in time in relation to the start of the Event for which this Pricing Structure is used. This can be used for early-bird discounts or charging more for attendees who sign up closer to the Event. Note: The system prioritises the sign-up window set in the “Sign-Up” tab over the sign-up window set on individual cost options. If you remove this window, the cost option windows should apply.

      1. Reference Point: Set the point, in relation to the Event, from which the Sign-up open and close will be calculated.

      2. Sign-up Opens: Number of days before the Reference Point that the Option will be available from.

      3. Sign-up Closes: Number of days before the Reference Point that the Option stops being available from.

      4. Visibility when unavailable: Choose whether this Option will be visible to members on the Event page when it is not available.

    10. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Option.

  7. Repeat steps 6 & 7 for as many Options as needed or make use of the green “Copy” button to create similar Options.

  8. OK: Once happy with all the Options, click “OK” to save the Pricing Structure.

  9. Repeat all steps to create other Pricing Structures. Please make use of the green “Copy” button to create a Pricing Structure with similar settings.

Advanced Pricing Structure

Pricing Structures can be made more advanced to give more functionality and make them more adjustable each time they are used.


Classes are a way of grouping cost options together. If your Pricing Structure doesn’t have classes, all cost Options will appear together. Classes can be used to assign different Fields to different Options as well as set attendee limits on certain Classes.

  1. Structure cost options into classes: Check this box, so you can add Classes to the Pricing Structure.

  2. To create a new class, click the “Add Class” button.

  3. Complete the Class wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Class.

    2. Class Number: A short code for the Class.

    3. Description: A short description of the options inside the Class.

    4. Max. Attendee Count: Use this to limit the number of attendees that can be signed up to options within this Class. The attendee count for the Event itself will still take priority over the limit set here.

    5. Day(s) on which class occurs: If you have an event that lasts more than one day, you may have different activities on different days, in which certain classes may not be available.

    6. Additional Class Fields: Any additional fields can be added to the class for additional information. These can be added to attendance sheets within Events that use this Pricing Structure. For example, you can have a Field called “distance” for races, you can include the distance in the attendance sheet to help tell the racers apart.

    7. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Class.

Templates and Variables

Any field that has the “x1” next to it can be set to be a template, rather than just a normal input field. You can then create variables by putting a % at either end of the variable, such as “%cost%”. For text fields, the variables will be entered in number form.

When creating Additional Class Fields, these can also be created as variables.

Variables, once created, appear on the main wizard.

Type: The variables can be set to be a String (words and numbers), an Integer (a whole number), or Currency (a number with 2 decimal places).

Caption: The caption for the variable if you want it to be different to the variable name.

Default Value: Set a default value for the variable.

Integer and Currency variables can also be used for calculations. For example, if you have a standard price for an adult and a child is £2 cheaper, this can be achieved using a variable calculation: “%StandardPrice% - 2” for the child option and “%StandardPrice%” for the adult option.

Using a Pricing Structure

When creating a new Event or editing an existing one, to include a Pricing Structure, you need to do the following:

  1. Under the Costs tab, scroll down to “Pricing”.

  2. Click “Pricing Structure”.

  3. Click “Load Structure” and select the appropriate Pricing Structure.

  4. Enter any variables (Advanced Pricing Structures).

  5. Make any tweaks to the options for the Event.

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