Ability Levels

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Ability Levels

Keeping track of your members’ general Ability Level can be very useful. Not only can it give you a rough idea of what to recommend to new members, but it can also be used to restrict certain Events, competitions, etc to certain Abilities to tailor them to the right members. Ability Levels can also be used to track key achievements, such as completing certain milestones that would correspond to a member’s ability.



  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Ability Levels.

  2. Primary Ability Level:

    1. Ability Level Enabled: Click to enable Ability Levels.

    2. Ability Level Term: Set the term for “Ability Level” within your myClubhouse system.

    3. Member can set own level: If set to “Yes”, members can set their own Ability Level. If set to “No”, only those with the “Edit ability level of other members” Entitlement will be able to set Ability Levels.

    4. Member must set level: If members can set their own Ability Level, choose if this will be mandatory.

    5. Member can set level for own horses: Equestrian module only. If set to “Yes”, members can set the Ability Level for their own horses. If set to “No”, only those with the “Edit ability level of other members” Entitlement will be able to set Ability Levels for horses.

    6. Member must set level for own horses: Equestrian module only. If members can set the Ability Level for their Horses, choose if this will be mandatory.

    7. Levels:

      1. Add Level: Click the green “Add Level” button and complete the wizard:

        1. Name: The name of the Ability Level.

        2. Level: The position in the list this Ability Level should come. The bigger the number, the higher the Level.

        3. For Members: Check this if the Ability Level is for members.

        4. For Horses: Equestrian module only. Check this if the Ability Level is for horses. This can be as well as or instead of for members.

        5. Obsolete: Leave this unchecked. You can change this later if the Ability Level is no longer relevant or available.

        6. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Ability Level.

      2. Edit: Click to make changes to an existing Ability Level.

      3. X: Click to delete the relative Ability Level, and then “Yes” to confirm.

      4. Star: Click the star in the “For Member” or “For Horse” column to make that Ability Level the default. The default will be assigned to all who do not already have an ability level and new members/horses.

    8. Repeat step g to create all Ability Levels.

  3. Secondary Ability Level: You can have a secondary scale of Ability Levels if you want to. The controls are the same as for the Primary Ability Level above. Note: You must have the Primary Ability Level turned on for the Secondary Ability Level to be turned on.


Setting Ability Levels

Registration Wizards

Collecting a member’s Ability Level at the point of registration can be very valuable. It is also really easy. When creating your Registration Wizard, you just need to include the “Ability Levels” element, where you can choose to include the primary and the secondary Ability Levels and choose if they are visible, hidden, or mandatory.


Learn more about Registration Wizards in this guide: How to Create a Registration Wizard

Profile Page

To set an Ability Level for a member, including yourself, from their profile page:

  1. Navigate to the member’s profile page, either via the Member Directory or the site-wide search.

  2. Scroll down to the “Ability Levels” section.

  3. Click “History”.

  4. Select an ability level.

  5. Enter a date that the level was achieved.

  6. Click “Add Entry”.

  7. Click “Close”.

Member Directory

To set an Ability Level for a member, including yourself, from the Member Directory:

  1. Navigate to Information > Member Directory.

  2. Add the “Ability Level” column.

  3. Locate the member for whom you want to change the Ability Level.

  4. Click the blue “History” button in the Ability Level column.

  5. Select an ability level.

  6. Enter a date that the level was achieved.

  7. Click “Add Entry”.

  8. Click “Close”.

Data Import

If you are updating large numbers of members' Ability Levels, the easiest way can be a data import:

  1. Navigate to Information > Member Directory.

  2. Filter the results to show only those you want to update their Ability Level.

  3. Adjust the column so only the ID, Name, Ability Level, and Ability Level Achieved On are shown.

  4. Click “Export All Pages”.

  5. Open the export file in Excel (or similar).

  6. Adjust the Ability Level and Ability Level Achieved On columns for each member.

  7. Save the file.

  8. Back on the website, navigate to Admin > Launch > Import Data.

  9. Select your edited export file and load all the data into the import wizard.

  10. Map the ID, Ability Level, and Ability Level Achieved On fields, Name can be ignored.

  11. Check the mappings and once happy, import the new data.


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