Importing Your Data into myClubhouse

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Importing Your Data into myClubhouse

This is a guide to formatting your data for use with the Data Import Wizard, which can be found under Admin > Launch > Import Data in your myClubhouse site.

File Format

Your data import file must be in CSV UTF-8 format. Don't forget to save your spreadsheet as a .csv file e.g. "members.csv".

Free Data Import Service

Simmetrics Ltd offers a free data import service to all new myClubhouse clients. Please prepare your data to the format specified below, then send to us for import!

Data Import File

Your file of member/client data should be in CSV (comma-separated value) format. You should be able to export this type of file from Microsoft Excel or a similar spreadsheet-style application. The first line of the file should contain the field names; each subsequent line should contain the information for a single user. The fields do not need to have specific names - but if you use the names provided in the Sample File, myClubhouse will be able to do the mapping for you (and it will make our lives easier, if using our free import service).

Standard User Fields

Please Note: You cannot assign User ID, it is automatically assigned by the database. You would only include a User ID in your import file if you wanted to update existing user records already in the database.

In the Sample File, the fields from 'User ID' to 'MembershipNumber' are the Standard User Fields. Note: User ID should only be used if re-importing data, as it is used to match to existing users and cannot be assigned.

Membership Subscription Fields

As well as the standard user fields, you can also import the details of each user's current membership subscription, if they have one. Fields include Membership Category, Start Date and End Date. If no matching membership category exists in myClubhouse, one will be created for you. Once the import has been completed, you will be able to find these in the Membership Categories admin page on your myclubhouse site (navigate to Subscriptions > Membership Categories).

In the Sample File, the fields from 'StartDate' to 'Cost' are the Membership Subscription Fields.

Currency Symbols: Currency symbols are not required and it is safest to leave them out. If your csv file does contain currency symbols, you will need to save it in CSV UTF-8 format, or the currency symbols will not be imported correctly and will result in affected row being ommitted.

Custom Fields (Forms/Questionnaires)

You can also import custom fields into myClubhouse Forms. Navigate to Forms > Forms Manager to set these up. For example, you can import the answers that users would have given to your registration questionnaire. New forms and questions will be created if your custom fields cannot be mapped. These questions can then be marked out as attributes of the user, ensuring they will appear in the Member Directory.

In the Sample File, the fields from 'Reasons for Joining' onwards are just examples of Custom Fields.

Mapping to Questions

In order to easily map to existing Form Questions, please ensure the column heading in your import file exactly matches the Question Short Name (not case sensitive) in myClubhouse. For new questions, please enter the Question Text, Short Name, Answer Type and specify if the question is compulsory. For questions with answer list options, please specify if "other" is allowed.

Tip: To get a csv file of existing Question Short Names, export to csv from the Forms Analysis Table (go to Forms > Forms Manager, then select Analyse > Answer Table).

Answer List Options

If an imported field maps to a Form Question which has Option or List type answers, the answers imported must exactly match the text of the answers in the options list (but are not case sensitive). If more than one option is allowed, answers must be separated by commas. If an imported answer is not in the existing list, it will be added as new option. Prefix any "other" type answers with "Other:" in order to prevent them from being added to the list. Questions must be configured to allow "other", to prevent all "other" type answers being added to the list of options. For an example, see the sample entry for Reasons for Joining in the Sample File.

Entity Type Answers (e.g. Users)

If an imported field maps to a Form Question which has Entity type answers, you can format your answers as "id: name" e.g. "1: Joe Bloggs", if multiple selection is allowed, answers should be separated by commas (as for answer list options, above). Other-type answers can also be used and should be prefixed with "Other:" as described above. IDs and names can be entered on their own, without use of a colon, and will be looked up in the database e.g. "1,17,10" or "Joe Bloggs, Jane Bloggs, John Bloggs" would be looked up in the database and paired with their IDs, or names where possible. A mixture of all these formats is allowed, so long as all answers are comma separated e.g. "Other: Janet Friend, 1: Joe Bloggs, 13, Jane Bloggs, Other: Donald Duck".

Duplicate Users

If you wish to re-import data for users already in the myClubhouse database, you can do so, but you must import and map the myClubhouse User ID, in order to match to the existing user and prevent duplicates. (To get the correct User IDs, you can export existing users to csv files from the Member Directory or from the Forms Analysis Table.) You may wish to re-import existing users to correct some details or add extra information that wasn't initially imported. Any mapped fields will overwrite those for matched users. If you do not wish to overwrite certain fields, either do not include them in your import file, or select "-- none --" from the myClubhouse Field dropdown.

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