Renewal Payment Reminders for Members

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Renewal Payment Reminders for Members

After sending out bulk renewal offers towards the end of the season, in time for the next season, some members require a reminder to accept the membership offer, and/or to pay for their new membership. There are 2 ways of doing this, individually, or in bulk.



  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Manage Subscriptions (admin) page:

    1. by default this is under the Subscriptions menu.

    2. or type “/Subscriptions/Admin” into your browser’s address bar e.g.


  3. Under “Pending Member Action”, find the member you need to remind, then click “Email” on the right hand side of the screen. Click “Email” and choose “Renewal Offer”.


  4. This takes you to the “Send Email” page with an email already typed out.

    You shouldn’t edit any of this text unless absolutely necessary, but you can add more information if you want to. If you want to change these emails permanently, you can edit it under Email > Auto-Email Generator and find the one named “Membership Renewal Offer“ under the Membership section.

  5. Select the Email Category under which to send the message. “Important Information (legitimate basis)” (meaning a member cannot opt out), would be appropriate as it relates to their membership subscription.

  6. Click “Send” to send the email to the user, and remind them about their subscription that needs dealing with.

  7. Repeat for all subscriptions that need reminding.

In Bulk

  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Member List Manager (admin) page:

    1. by default this is under the Email menu.

    2. or type “/MemberList” into your browser’s address bar e.g.


  3. Click “Add new” to create a new member list.


  4. Details: Basic information about the member list.


    1. Name: The name for this Member List.

    2. Description: A short description about the purpose of this Member List.

    3. Owner: This will usually be the person who created the Member List.

    4. Categories: Member Lists can be sorted into categories. If you want to select a category for this Member List, select it here.

  5. Entitlements: Leave these as the site-wide default.


  6. Design: Enter elements to build up the criteria for the Member List. Add in the following elements to match to get the right outcome.


    1. Subscription: Select “Subscription” under the “Has any” section of the drop down.

    2. Is current: Select “Is future?” and tick “Yes” only. Note: this will only find subscriptions with the current date, if your new season has already started, you will want current subscriptions, so change this to “Is current?”.

    3. Is paid: Select “Is paid” and tick “No” only.

    4. Lifecycle status: Select “Lifecycle status” and then “Offered to applicant” and “Accepted by Applicant /Live“.

    5. Family Extension: Leave this unticked.

  7. Test Run: This can be used to test the Member List before saving and using it. Just click the “Run” button and you will be shown a list of all users in the list along with a count of how many users in the list.

  8. Save: Save the Member List.


  9. Now go to Email > Send an Email.


  10. Enter who the email is from and to.

    1. Sender: Who the email is from. As an official communication, this could be left as from the club itself, but could be changed to the membership secretary if more appropriate.

    2. To: Type the name of the Member List you just created and select it from the drop down.

    3. Category: “Important Information (legitimate basis)” (meaning a member cannot opt out), would be appropriate as it relates to their membership subscription.

  11. Write the email.

    1. Subject: The subject of the email.

    2. Main body: Write a message reminding members to accept and pay their new subscription. Include a link to “yourclubdomain/Subscriptions/View/MySubscriptions/” as this is where members can accept their new subscription once logged in. It can also be helpful to put in a reminder for members who have forgotten how to sign in.

    3. Send: Click to send the email.


  12. After a certain amount of time, you may have to chase individuals who ignored the bulk reminder using the steps at the top.


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