How to Add Custom Fields to an Event Sign-Up

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How to Add Custom Fields to an Event Sign-Up

All custom fields are added to the database as questions on forms. Questions which relate to Event Sign-Ups need to be put on Event Forms. Event Forms can be re-used for multiple events. An event can have more than one form attached.

How to Create an Event Form

Custom fields come from Forms. To create a custom field to an event you need to add it as a Question in a Form.

  1. Sign in as a user that has permission to create and edit forms for events.

  2. Go to Events > Manage Event Forms

  3. Click the green ‘Add New …’ button to create a new Event Form.

  4. Give the Form a Name and Description (try to keep the name generic if you intend to use the same form for multiple events).

  5. Set the permissions on who can see and edit the form by checking the boxes.

  6. You can also check a box to allow a user to come back to the form and modify the answers after completion (check Editable by user after completion).

  7. You can also Allow multiple completions per user/event. This would allow someone to sign up to an event and fill in as many copies of the form as they liked. E.g. if they are using the form to reserve accommodation, they may wish to book more than one room. One form would be completed per room booked.

  8. Select the Applicable Event Types. When creating a new event, this form will be available to any event of the selected types. Note, if no event types are selected, the form will be available to all event types.

  9. Entitlements - edit this section only if you wish to override the site-wide entitlements for forms.

How to Create a Custom Field (Form Question)

  1. Sign in as a user that has permission to create and edit forms for events.

  2. Go to Events > Manage Event Forms

  3. Click the yellow Edit button next to an existing Form (or you can click the green ‘Add New …’ button to create a new Form).

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Form Editor and click the green ‘Add Question’ button (or you can click the green ‘Insert Questions Before’ button to place the question higher up in the form).

  5. Type the question text and give it a ‘Short Name’; the Short Name will be used as a column header in the Attendees List and other table views.

  6. Select the question type from the blue buttons beneath the question text. The types are:

    1. Text - if the answer is to be entered by the user as free text

    2. YesNo - the user may only select “Yes” or “No” to answer the question

    3. YesNoMaybe - the user must select either “Yes”, “No” or “Maybe” to answer the question

    4. Option - the user must select only one option from a list (supplied by you)

    5. List - the user may select multiple options from a list (supplied by you)

    6. Integer - the answer must be entered as a whole number

    7. Date - the answer must be entered as a valid date (a calendar tool will be supplied)

    8. Currency - the answer must be entered in a valid currency format

    9. Double - the answer must be a number and can contain a decimal point

    10. User - the answer must be a user selected from the myClubhouse database

    11. Horse - (Equestrian module only)

    12. Custom Lists - any custom option lists previously saved by a site administrator

  7. If ‘Option’ or ‘List’ is selected:

    1. You must add some options for the user to select from. You can save these options for future questions by clicking ‘Save options for re-use’. If you do this you can also add multiple options at once using a text box (one option per line).

    2. You can select ‘Allow “Other” answer’ and the user will be able to select “Other” and then enter an answer using a text box.

  8. If the question is compulsory to answer, you must click the asterisk button so that it is filled in blue (click again to switch off).

  9. Advanced Options:
    Click “Options +” beneath the question type

    1. Visible/Hidden: by default, the question is visible to the user, click this button to make it hidden (only visible to administrators and form owners) i.e. it is for admin use only. Click again to switch back to visible.

    2. Editable/Read-only: by default, the question is editable by the user, i.e. the user can answer the question themself. Click to make the question read-only, i.e. the user can see the question and answer but only an administrator can change the answer. Click again to switch back to editable.

    3. Depends on Question: This question will only appear if the user selects “Yes” in answer to another question. Select the primary question (with a Yes/No answer type) from the drop-down list.

  10. To make a question obsolete, click the “Obsolete” button. This can be toggled on and off. The question will not appear in the form if it is obsolete.

  11. To delete a question, click the red “X” button. A question can only be deleted if it has not been answered. Otherwise, it can be made obsolete instead.

  12. Once your question is ready, click the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the form editor. You will be taken back to the Forms Administration Page.

How to Add a Form to an Event

  1. From the main menu, select Events > Events Calendar

  2. Click the green ‘+ Create Event’ button or for an existing event click Actions > Edit

  3. In the top section, ensure you select the relevant Event Type from the drop-down list.

  4. Scroll down to the Signing Up section and check the box ‘Enable signing up for this event’.

  5. Scroll down the section to Forms and check the box: Members/Admin should complete form(s) on sign up

  6. A table of relevant forms will appear, check the Select box for any form you wish to make available to the event. Select Mandatory if it is compulsory for all attendees to complete the form.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the editor and click the blue Save Changes button.

How to View Form Fields for Attendees


  1. From the Event page, scroll to the Attendees table.

  2. Next to the appropriate attendee, in the “Forms” column, click the blue magnifying glass to view the Form answers for that attendee.

  3. To edit their answers, click the yellow pencil in place of the blue magnifying glass.

In bulk

  1. From the Event page, scroll to the bottom and click “View/Export Attendees”.

  2. Click “Columns”.

  3. Select the Form Fields at the bottom of the list.

  4. Click “Columns” again to close the list.

  5. You can now see the Form Fields for each attendee.

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