Product Categories

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Product Categories

Product categories are important way of grouping purchases together for analysis and applying discounts. Items can have more than one category, meaning you could have a Product Category for subscriptions, but then also have adult and junior subscriptions separated, but still be able to look at subscriptions as a whole.

Creating a new Product Category

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Manage Product Categories.

  2. Click “Add Category”.

  3. Fill out the Alert:

    1. Name: The name of the Product Category.

    2. Description: A short description of what the

    3. Is Obsolete: When this Product Category is no longer needed or used, it can be marked as Obsolete. Leave this unchecked when creating a new category.

    4. OK: Click OK when you have completed the window.

  4. Repeat all steps to create all Product Categories. Note: Product Categories can only be deleted when they haven’t been used, after that, they have to be marked as Obsolete instead.

Assigning a Product Category

In order to use the Product Categories, they need to be assigned to products that users can purchase. Below is how to add Product Categories to some of the key products within myClubhouse.


When creating or editing an Event (Events > Events Calendar), the Product categories can be found under the “Costs” tab. If your Event is a series, you can assign different Product Categories to Instance and Series purchases. Click the drop-down check box list and select all categories that apply.


When creating or editing a Bookable Asset (Bookings > Admin Booking Systems and then “Configure”), after applying a cost to each bookable asset type, you can define which Product Categories apply for the bookings.


When creating or editing a Membership Category (Subscriptions > Membership Categories), the Product Categories can be found under the “Costs” tab. If there is a joining fee associated with the Membership Category, this can have different Product Categories to the Subscription itself.


When creating or editing a Product (Shop > Browse Club Shop), the Product Categories can be found under the “Pricing” tab.


Add-ons can be created with Events or Membership Categories, for users to buy alongside their main purchase. Add-ons can have different Product Categories to the main product and to each other.

Using a Product Category


Product Categories are vital for setting up discounts; after creating them and assigning them to products, you can create discounts. Follow this guide to create Discounts: Discounts

Financial Analysis

Using Product Categories can make Financial Analysis easier and more accurate within the myClubhouse system. Below are two examples of how Product Categories can make it easier to analyse part of your club’s finances.

Browse Payments shows all payments that have been or are due to be made through myClubhouse, including refunds and where one purchase has been split into multiple instalments. Browse Sales only shows the purchases that have been made through myClubhouse.

Browse Payments

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Browse Payments.

  2. In the “Filters” button, you can select “Product Category”.

    1. Select the Product Categories you want to filter here. Then click “Apply” to refine the search.

    2. All payments for the selected Product Category will be shown here. This includes payments as well as refunds, irrespective of if they have been paid or not.

    3. This shows the sum of all the payments in the search.


Browse Sales

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Browse Sales.

  2. In the “Filters” button, you can select “Product Category”.

    1. Select the Product Categories you want to filter here. Then click “Apply” to refine the search.

    2. All purchases for the selected Product Category will be shown here. It also shows if the item has been paid for or not.

    3. This shows the sum of all the payments in the search.


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