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Discounts can be used to give users money off their purchases within myClubhouse. This can include Bookings, Event sign-ups, Subscriptions, add-ons, and Shop purchases.

If your Discounts are based on multiple Subscriptions within the same season, based on different sections within your club, Membership Combination Discounts may be a better fit. Learn more about them here: Membership Combination Discounts

Discounts are calculated around Product Categories, if you need help creating Product Categories for each of the components of your Discount, use this guide: Product Categories

Creating a Discount

  1. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Manage Discounts.

  2. Click “Add Discount” in the top right corner.



  3. Code: A unique code made up of capital letters and numbers to identify the Discount and to be used by users if the Discount is not automatically applied.

  4. Description: A detailed description of what the Discount applies to and how much the discount is.

  5. Expiry Date: Set an expiry date if the offer only lasts for a fixed stretch of time, if left blank the Discount will not expire.

  6. Member Restriction: Select whether to limit the Discount to a specific Member List or a specific member.

  7. Auto-Offer: If not checked, the user will have to enter the Code (defined in step 3) in order to benefit from the Discount. If checked, the Discount will be automatically applied in the basket.

  8. Required Purchases: Set the minimum and maximum number of individual items which must be purchased in the selected Product Categories. If these categories are optional, set the minimum to 0. If there is no maximum, leave it blank. You can have as many criteria as you want, but all purchases included must have a Product Category assigned to them so that a criterion can be made to include them. You can find help with Product Categories in this article: Product Categories

  9. Scope: This will determine which purchases are eligible for the discount before they are checked against the required purchases (defined in step 8).

    1. In the basket: The Discount will only apply to purchases in the basket at the same time. This means that all elements of the Discount must be purchased at the same time. If you want to apply a Discount to items from your Club Shop, this is the option you will want to choose.

    2. Subscription-related; same season/year: The Discount will apply to Subscriptions bought within the same season. Subscription joining fees and Add-ons are included in Discounts with this scope. This means if one subscription was bought at the start of the season, and the second was bought a few months later, the discount would still apply. This is a popular choice for sibling discounts as sometimes the second sibling will join later in the year.

    3. Subscription-related; same member and season/year: The discount will apply to Subscriptions bought within the same season as long as the owner of the Subscription is the same. Subscription joining fees and Add-ons are included in Discounts with this scope. This means if one subscription was bought at the start of the season, and the second was bought a few months later, the discount would still apply, as long as the Subscription owner is the same.

    4. Event-related; same event instance: The Discount will apply to all costs associated with a single instance of any Event (either a one-off event or a single instance in a series) including all sign-up costs and add-ons. This can include multiple sign-ups (attendees) as long as they are for the same instance.

    5. Event-related; same event series: The Discount will apply to all costs associated with a single Event series, including sign-up costs and add-ons. This can include multiple sign-ups (attendees) as long as they are for the same event series.

    6. Event-related; same event sign-up: The Discount will apply to all costs associated with a Single Event Sign-up (attendee), including sign-up costs and add-ons. This will only apply to one attendee for one event instance or one whole-series sign-up.

  10. Type: Select the type of Discount so you can set the relevant details.

    1. Fixed Discount: This is the amount that will be taken off the entire total in the basket. If the discount is greater than the total in the basket, the total after the discount will be 0.

    2. Percentage: This is a percentage discount to be taken off the total cost of all items included in the discount.

      1. Apply Discount To: Select whether to apply the Discount to all items that meet the criteria, the cheapest, or all except the most expensive.

        1. Number of Purchases: If you select “Cheapest” or “All Except Most Expensive” above, you can enter the number of items to count. In this example, “Cheapest” has been selected and the Discount will be applied to the cheapest 1 item.

    3. Fixed Total: This is the total cost for all items covered by the Discount. If there are no other items in the basket, this will be the total cost.

  11. Save: Once happy with the discount, click “Save” to save the Discount so it is ready to use.

  12. Repeat all steps to create all Discounts. Please make use of the green “Create Copy” button to create a Discount with similar settings.

Using a Discount

The are 2 ways that a discount can be applied in the basket, manually or automatically. This is determined by the option chosen in step 7 above.

If the Discount is automatically offered, the Discount will appear when qualifying items are added to the basket, and the user is given the option to apply it. If there are multiple discounts, the user can choose which one/s they wish to apply.

For manual Discounts, the user will have to enter the code defined in step 3 in order to apply the Discount.

Enter the code and click “Apply”.

The Discount will then be applied and can be removed if you wish to apply a different Discount instead. This will also show when a Discount has been automatically applied.

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