Membership Combination Discounts

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Membership Combination Discounts

Some clubs offer discounts to members when they have certain combinations of memberships in any given year. This is most commonly found in multi-sport clubs where each section requires its own Linked Subscription, but if you belong to more than 1 section, you get a reduced rate. Membership Combination Discounts allow for these types of discounts to be applied automatically to Subscriptions when they are offered, rather than relying on members to add them in the basket. Furthermore, when a new member is registering, the discounts will be shown and calculated within the Registration Wizard.

If additional Linked Subscriptions are added for a member at any point during the season, the discount will be applied then too.

In this example, we will be creating a discount for those who have a cricket and tennis Subscription.

Learn more about other types of Discount in this guide: Discounts



  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > General Club Settings.

  2. Click on the “Membership” tab.

  3. Scroll down and change “Support Membership Combination Discounts” to “Yes”.

  4. Click “Save changes”.


  1. Navigate to Subscriptions > Membership Categories.

  2. Scroll down to the “Membership Combination Discounts” section.

  3. Click “Add Discount”.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: Enter a name for the Discount.

    2. Discount: Set the percentage that the Discount will be.

    3. Requirements: Set the quantity of different Linked Subscriptions that must be included for the Discount to be applied. All Requirements must be met for a Discount to be applied. There must be at least 1 Requirement in order to save the Discount.

      1. Add Requirement: Click to add additional Requirements to the Discount.

      2. Quantity: Set how many of the selected Linked Subscriptions need to be held for the Discount to be applied.

      3. Linked Subscription: From the dropdown, select any Linked Membership Category that you want to be included in the Requirement. If you select more than one Category, any combination of the Categories may be chosen by the member. If you want a specific combination of Categories to qualify for a Discount, you will need to create additional Discounts. In this example, there is more than one cricket Category that the member could choose, so the member would need only 1 (but not both) of them to meet the Requirement towards the Discount.

      4. Dustbin: If you have more than one Requirement, you can click the dustbin button to remove any unwanted Requirements.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Discount.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more Membership Combination Discounts. You can also make use of the green “Copy” button if you are making a similar Discount.

This is what the discount will look like in a Registration Wizard:

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