How to Create an Events Registration Wizard

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How to Create an Events Registration Wizard

When creating an event, sometimes you want it to be open to non-members (possibly as a way to grow your membership) but still want them to sign up in advance. Guest registration is a great option for this. This allows a new user to register minimal information in order to sign up for an event on the website without having to go through the standard registration process, which will often include membership options that they may not be interested in at this point. So to not overwhelm these new people, we create a simplified registration for them.

This is a brief guide on Registration Wizards specifically for Events, for a more detailed guide about Registration Wizards, it can be found here: How to Create a Registration Wizard


  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Configure Registration Wizards page:

    1. by default this is under Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

    2. or type “/Registration/Admin/” into your browser’s address bar e.g.

  3. Click the “Create New” button to add a new Registration Wizard.

  4. Enter the basic details of the wizard.

    1. Name: The name of the registration wizard.

    2. Description: A description of the registration wizard, give a short overview of where it will be used. Date of creation can sometimes be useful too.

    3. Owner: This will usually be the person who created the registration wizard.

  5. Availability: Defining who has access to this registration wizard.

    1. Public: Tick this as the users using this will not be members.

    2. Default: Do not set this Registration Wizard as the default as it is being used for events, not for general registration.

    3. Restrict to Member List: Leave this as “No restriction”.

  6. Completion: This will stipulate what happens when a user completes the registration using this wizard.

    1. Send Emails: Untick this, as the club officers won’t need notifying every time a guest registers for an event.

    2. Registration Complete Message: Leave blank.

    3. Next Steps: Next steps will not be displayed when the Registration Wizard is part of the sign up process for an event.

  7. Design

    1. Title: The title of the registration wizard as displayed to the user.

    2. Caption for Completion Button: What is written in the button at the bottom of the registration wizard that will complete it.

    3. Child Registration: This is help text that can be shown on the registration wizard that aids a parent registering their child for membership. For example, if asking for Date of Birth, the help text will remind the user that it must be the child’s date of birth that is entered. If the events you will be using this registration wizard for are children, it may be good to have these turned on.

  8. The introduction appears at the top of the registration wizard. For a guest registration, it is good to include an alert to remind users who have previously signed up to log in rather than register again.


    Click the “Add Element” button and select “Alert Message”.

    1. Type: This defines what the colour and the alert will be which relates to the type of message the alert is for. For this example, “Warning (yellow)” is the best choice.

    2. Title: The title that appears at the top of the alert.

    3. Icon: The icon that appears next to the title at the top of the alert.

    4. Text: The main body of text that will appear in the alert.

    5. OK: Confirm the details for the alert message and go back to the registration wizard design.

  9. Add other elements to the Registration Wizard. For a guest registration, the amount of information needing to be gathered is minimal. Below are the recommended elements, but others may need to be added to tailor to your event, such as Date of Birth or a parental consent and health form for events involving children.

    1. Name: The name of the attendee.

    2. Username & Password: This allows the user to log in rather than registering again when they want to sign up for an open event. It is a good idea to turn on “Username is email address” for guest registration, as it reduces the number of fields the user has to fill out (if turned off, they would have to enter their Username and email address separately) and makes it easier for users to remember if they want to sign up to another open event in the distant future.

    3. Mandatory System Consents: This is required because the Registration Wizard is public, so users must agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

  10. Click “Preview” to make sure you are happy with how the wizard looks, and then click “Save changes” to save the wizard.

  11. To add the Guest Registration to an event. Locate the event and click Actions (cog) and select Edit (or create a new event by clicking the “Create Event” button). Under the Sign-ups tab, there is an option called “Registration Wizard”, select your newly created Guest Registration Wizard here.

    You must also make sure that your event is “Public” in the Visibility tab, so that non-registered users can also see and sign up for the event.

    Under the restrictions tab, ensure that “Anyone” can sign up, and that “Anyone” is eligible to participate.


  12. If designed well, the Guest Registration Wizard can be used for different events rather than creating a new one for every event open to new members.

Follow-on Registration Wizard

If you are collecting minimal information using the guest Registration Wizard, when someone wants to join properly following an Event, you need to fill in the gaps in their profile. While the user could use the normal Registration Wizard and re-register, you will then need to merge their duplicate profile (this guide will help: How to Merge, Delete or Anonymise Duplicate Users) which means extra admin time. Instead, you can create a follow-on Registration Wizard that will fill in the gaps:

  1. Create a Member List to capture those who have registered, but are not a member, i.e. those who have filled out the guest Registration Wizard.

    1. This guide will help you create a Member List, but it will need to look like this:

  2. Create a Registration Wizard ensuring that you:

    1. Set the “Restrict to Member List” field to be the Member List you just created.

    2. Include a “Select Existing User” element, so that users can find themselves to add the other fields to their profile.

    3. Include all elements from your main Registration Wizard, minus those gathered in the guest Registration Wizard.

    4. Click “Save Changes”.

  3. Add the Registration Wizard to the menu, as you would any other page (this guide should help: Create a CMS Page and Add it to the Menu) giving it an appropriate name even if it will only show for the relevant users.

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