How to Merge, Delete or Anonymise Duplicate Users

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How to Merge, Delete or Anonymise Duplicate Users

Sometimes you find you have duplicate members/users on your site. This is sometimes because users who cannot remember their login details decide to re-register instead of asking for help, sometimes it is a genuine mistake and ocassionally a member will register seaprately to attempt to get a new member deal! You do not want duplicate members on your site, but you do not want to lose the data associated with the two user accounts, so you need to perform a merge.

Merge Users

Delete or Anonymise Users


  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site as a user who has administrator priviledges.
  2. Go to the Member Directory (by default this is under Information > Member Directory but you may have organised your menus differently). The URL will be <<your.myClubhouse.domain>>/MemberDirectory.
  3. Type in the Search box to find the member you want to 'remove'. You may also need to select 'All' instead of 'Current Members' to find the account in question:
  4. Once you have found the user you want to 'remove' click on the blue 'View' button against their entry:

To Merge

  1. Once on the user's Profile Page, scroll to the bottom and click on 'Merge member':
  2. On the Merge Members page select the 'keep user' that you want to merge data into. Any similar members found will appear in the drop-down list:
  3. Make choices about which data you wish to transfer from the 'delete' user to the 'keep' user. Once you have decided, click the 'Merge members' button at the bottom of the page:

To Delete or Anonymise

  1. Once on the user's Profile Page, scroll to the bottom and click on 'Delete member':
  2. The Delete Member page performs an analysis of the user account and decides whether the use can be deleted. If there is too much critical information that would compromise the data integrity of your site's database, deletion will be prevented and only an 'Anonymise' procedure can be performed.

    Test Data

    We will happily clear out any test data entered during your trial of myClubhouse, ready for your site to go live. Please contact us for advice.

    Note: Test data should not be entered onto your live system; instead you should use our Sandbox Site at https://sandbox.myclubhouse.co.uk/. A fee will be charged for the removal of any test data entered onto your live site.

  3. Review the data connected to the user you wish to delete.

  4. If you are happy to go ahead, click the 'Delete member' or 'Anonymise member' action button:

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