Event Types

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Event Types

Events are sorted into types to help display them in the Events Calendar. They can also be used as filters in the Events Calendar, within Event widgets, and in Member Lists.

You must select one or more Event Type when creating an Event. Learn more about creating an Event in this guide: How to Create a Single Event


  1. Navigate to Events > Edit Event Types.

  2. Click “Add Type”.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Event Type.

    2. Short Name: A short name for the Event Type that will be displayed on the calendar.

    3. Icon: Select an icon to represent the Event Type.

    4. Colour: Select a colour to represent the Event Type.

    5. Obsolete: Leave unchecked so the Event Type can be used.

    6. Save: Once happy with the details, click “Save” to save the Event Type.

Your Event Type is now ready to be used when creating an Event. Once it has been used in an Event, it can no longer be deleted but can be made obselete by editing and checking the “Obsolete?” box.

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