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The Teams module is a way to keep track of leagues and teams when they play competitions against other clubs. It can help with team selection as well as tracking how many times each player has played each season. For internal competitions, the Competitions module may be a better choice. Read more about the Competitions module here: Competitions

League Setup

  1. Navigate to Teams > League Setup.

  2. Team Types: Team types help separate out different teams for different seasons and leagues. For example, you may have separate Team Types for Men’s and Ladies' teams. To add new Team Types, follow the steps below.

    1. Click the green plus button.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the Team Type.

      2. Save changes: Click to save the new Team Type.

    3. Repeat to create all Team Types.

  3. Division Regions: Divisions must belong to a region. These are usually geographical region, such as “Surrey” or “South West”.

    1. Click the green plus button.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the Division Region.

      2. Save changes: Click to save the new Division Region.

    3. Repeat steps to create all Division Regions.

  4. Divisions: Divisions allow you to track where each team sits within the whole league.

    1. Click the green plus button.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the Division.

      2. Character: A character to identify the Division.

      3. Region: Select one of the Division Regions created above.

      4. Save changes: Click to save the new Division.

    3. Repeat steps to create all Divisions.

  5. Availability Reasons: These are extra reasons that players can give for their availability. There is a standard Available/ Unavailable option, but you can add more options, such as “Morning Only” or “Need transport”.

    1. Click the green plus button.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the Availability Reason.

      2. Availability: Choose which Availability this Reason will be for: “Available”, “Unavailable”, or “Not sure”.

      3. Icon: Select an icon to represent this reason on the Match Availability screen. If you do not choose one, it makes it much more difficult for players to enter their availability.

      4. Save changes: Click to save the Availability Reason.

    3. Repeat steps to create all Availability Reasons.

  6. Team Selection: Team Selection can be set to either Independent or Centralised.

    1. Independent: If you want to leave team selection to each team captain/manager, choose this option.

    2. Centralised: If you club has a selection committee, then this is the option to choose.

  7. Fixture Selection Types: You can define roles here for when selecting players for fixtures, to assign them into these roles.

    1. Click the green plus button.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the role.

      2. Count as Played: Roles such as a referee, may not want to be counted as played, but still need to be selected for each fixture.

      3. Ordinal: Where this role will appear in the player list.

      4. Save changes: Click to save the Fixture Selection Type.

    3. Repeat steps to create all Fixture Selection Types.

  8. Score Units: You can define Score Units to be more specific with results, rather than just having a win or a loss.

    1. Click the green plus button.

    2. Complete the wizard:

      1. Name: The name of the Score Unit.

      2. Rank: How high the Score Unit is in the result list.

      3. Low Score Wins: If checked, a lower score will be counted as a “win” instead of a higher score.

      4. Affects Result: If checked, these scores will be used to determine which team won

      5. Save changes: Click to save the Score Unit.

    3. Repeat steps to create all Score Units.


  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Seasons.

  2. Click the green “Add New Season” button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Season.

    2. Year: The year the Season is taking place.

    3. Player Pool: Select a Member List to use as the Player Pool. This should be as wide as possible and include anyone who is eligible to play in this Season. If you need help creating a Member List, follow this guide: Member Lists

    4. Section: Where appropriate, assign the Season to a Section.

    5. Teams: Select all Teams competing in this Season. Leave blank if following the steps in this guide.

    6. Default Match Event Type: All fixtures get entered into the Events Calendar. Select the default Event Type for these events. (To create a new Event Type go to Events > Edit Event Types or type “/Events/Admin/Types” into your browser’s address bar e.g. https://demo.myclubhouse.co.uk/Events/Admin/Types)

    7. Selection Day: Choose when the team will be selected for each fixture. This can be a certain number of days prior to the fixture, or on a specific day of the week at least a certain number of days prior to the fixture.

    8. First Selection Reminder: Set how many days before selection day do you want players to be reminded to enter their availability.

    9. Second Selection Reminder: Set how many days before the selection day you want players to get a second reminder to enter their availability. Note: You will only be able to set a Second Selection Reminder if you have set a First Selection Reminder.

    10. Send Reminders To: Choose for reminders to be sent to all players in the Player Pool or only those within squads who are playing on the given fixture date.

    11. OK: Once happy with the details, press OK to save the Season.

  4. Repeat steps to create all Seasons.


Create Team

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click the green “Add Team” button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Team.

    2. Type: Select one of the Team Types defined in League Setup.

    3. Branch: Where appropriate, assign the Team to a Branch.

    4. Section: Where appropriate, assign the Team to a Section.

    5. OK: Once happy with the details, press OK to save the Team.

  4. Repeat steps to create all Teams.

Map to Season

The information set when creating the team is the same for the team all the time, however some things are more likely to change on a season by season basis so are set when assigning a Team to a Season.

  1. Click “View” next to the Team you’ve created.

  2. Click the green “Map to Season” button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Season: Select the season from the drop down or create a new one by clicking the green plus.

    2. Division: Where appropriate, select the division the team is in within the Season.

    3. Captain: Start typing the name of the Captain and select them from the drop down. This is optional, so leave blank if this Team doesn’t have or need a Captain.

    4. Vice Captain: Start typing the name of the Vice Captain and select them from the drop down. This is optional, so leave blank if this Team doesn’t have or need a Vice Captain.

    5. Manager: Start typing the name of the Manager and select them from the drop down. Managers are able to make changes to the players in the squad, add and remove fixture, record results, and enter the availability for any player. This is optional, so leave blank if this Team doesn’t have or need a Manager. If left blank, anyone with appropriate Entitlements will be able to perform the same actions as a Manager.

    6. Co-Manager: Enter up to 2 Co-Managers who have the same powers as the Manager.

    7. Match Event Type: Select the default Event Type for the fixtures for this Team when they are entered into the Events Calendar. (To create a new Event Type go to Events > Edit Event Types or type “/Events/Admin/Types” into your browser’s address bar e.g. https://demo.myclubhouse.co.uk/Events/Admin/Types)

    8. OK: Once happy with all the details, click “OK” to Map the Team to a Season.

Adding Players to a Team


  1. Go to the “Squad Members” section on the bottom right hand corner of the page.

  2. Click the green plus button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Members to Add: Start typing the name of the Member you want to add to the Team and select their name from the drop down. Add as many names as you like.

    2. Save changes: Once happy, click “Save changes” to add these players to the team.

To remove players from the Team, click the little red dustbin next to the player in the Squad Members section.

In bulk

  1. Navigate to Teams > Manage Team Squads.

  2. Team Squad:

    1. Select Season: select the appropriate Season from the drop down.

    2. Click on the Team you want to add players to.

  3. Player Pool:

    1. Team: Select a Team from this or another season to add players from. This is useful if teams are based on age, so the whole Team will move to a new Team compared to last season.

    2. Member List: Select a Member List to add players from.

    3. All: This will allow you to look through all members (you can limit to Current members only using the checkbox at the top of the list) to select players to add to the Team.

  4. Select players from the selected Player Pool by checking the box next to the player’s name.

  5. Click “Add players”.

To remove players from the Team, select them from the Team and click “Remove Players”.


  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate team.

  3. Click the green “Add Fixture” button.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Date: The date of the Fixture.

    2. Time: The start and end time of the Fixture.

    3. Home/Away: Choose if the Fixture is at your Home ground, the opposition’s ground (away), or a Neutral ground.

    4. Venue: The name of the location for the Fixture.

    5. Venue Directions: A description of how to get to the venue.

    6. Venue Map Location: Enter the postcode of the venue and then a map will appear on the Event/ Fixture page with the venue location.

    7. Opposition: The name of the opposition team.

    8. Notes: Any notes about the Fixture.

    9. Match Fees Apply: If there are fees for this Fixture, select “Yes”.

      1. Flat Rate: If every player pays the same fee, select “Yes”. Otherwise select “No”, and then add different price options and set which Member List each applies to.

      2. How members can pay: Select either “With money”, “With tokens”, or both. Note tokens does require the Token Payments Add-on Module.

      3. Payment Scheme: How you want the player to pay for the Match Fees. Default is used in the example, which offers Cash, Cheque, and Stripe. You may need to define a payment scheme specifically for Match Fees (you can do so by clicking the green '+' button). You can read more about Payment Schemes in this guide: Payment Methods, Plans, and Schemes

      4. Product Categories: This labels the payment so that they can be analysed in the Finance section, and also can be used to calculate discounts in the basket. Select the Product Categories that apply to the Match Fees (as defined under Admin > Finance > Manage Product Categories). For more information please see Product Categories .

      5. Cost/ Token Cost: Set the cost of the Match fees in either tokens, money or both. Note tokens does require the Token Payments Add-on Module.

    10. OK: Once happy with the details of the Fixture, click “OK” to save it.

Alternative Method

  1. Navigating to Teams > Browse Seasons.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate Season.

  3. Click “Add Date” at the top of the far right column.

  4. Complete the wizard:

    1. Date: The date of the Fixture.

    2. Selection Date: Choose when the team will be selected for this fixture.

    3. Playing: Turn on which teams are playing.

    4. Home/Away: Choose if each Fixture on this date is at your Home ground, the opposition’s ground (away), or a Neutral ground.

    5. Start Time: The start time of each Fixture.

    6. End Time: The end time of each Fixture.

    7. Venue: The name of the location for the Fixture.

    8. Opposition: The name of the opposition team.

    9. Save: Once happy with the details of the Fixtures on this date, click “Save” to save it.

    10. Save - Add Another: This will also save all the Fixtures on this date and open a fresh version of the wizard to add another Fixture.

This method is good for adding Fixtures for multiple Teams playing on the same day, however, you may have to use the first method to make adjustments to the finer details. Instead of clicking “Add Fixture”, click “Edit” next to the appropriate Fixture to set the finer details.

Note: If you have 2 Teams in the same League and Division and they have to play each other, you will need to set a Fixture for each of them in order to record all the player counts and select a team for both sides etc.

You can also import Fixtures from a spreadsheet. This guide will help you: Leagues/Teams: Import Fixtures


Availability is the biggest strength of the Teams module as players can declare their availability for the fixtures, to aid in Team selection.


  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate team.

  3. Click “View Availability” in the bottom right.

  4. Click on a player’s name to set their availability for any given Fixture.

  5. For each Fixture, select “Available”, “Not Available”, or “Not Sure”, and then choose the specific Availability Reason, from those set in League Setup. There is a coloured square next to each Fixture date to show which Teams are playing.


Players can also set their own Availability.

  1. Navigate to Name > My Match Availability.

  2. For each Fixture, select “Available”, “Not Available”, or “Not Sure”, and then choose the specific Availability Reason, from those set in League Setup. There is a coloured square next to each Fixture date to show which Teams are playing.


Availability by Email

An alternative way for a Player to set their availability is by email. When a reminder email is sent out a number of days before the Selection Date reminding players who have not done so to set their availability for the upcoming Fixture, they will get a series of buttons in the email to set their availability. This saves the Player from having to sign into the website in order to set their availability.

Team Selection

Once you know who is available for a Fixture, you can select who is going to play.

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate team.

  3. Click “Select Players” underneath the appropriate Fixture.

  4. Select players from the right, or assign them to specific Roles within the team by clicking the arrow and selecting the appropriate role.

  5. Change the player view from those in the Squad to All players in the Player Pool, if needed.

  6. Once happy with the selection, click “Publish Team Selection”.

  7. You will be presented with the Edit Match Fixture wizard so you can make any final adjustments to the details of the Fixture.

  8. Once happy with the details, click “OK”.

  9. If you make any changes to the Team Selection, you will have to re-publish the Team Selection.

Move Players

Players can be moved to different Roles within the team.

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate team.

  3. Click the appropriate Fixture.

  4. Next to the appropriate Player, click “Move” and select the Role you want to assign them to.

Release Players

Players can be released to other Teams who have a Fixture on the same day. This might be used in the case of a Player pulling out last minute due to illness or injury and a pPlayer has to play for a different team.

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate team.

  3. Click the appropriate Fixture.

  4. Next to the appropriate Player, click “Release” and select the Team you want to release them to.

Player Confirmation

Once players have been selected, they can optionally confirm their place too.

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Teams.

  2. Click “View” next to the appropriate team.

  3. Click the appropriate Fixture.

  4. Next to the appropriate Player, click the tick to confirm them for the Fixture.

Contact Players

If you need to contact all the Players for a particular fixture, rather than creating a Member List, you can do it directly from the Fixture page. If you click the “Contact Participants” button, you will be taken to the “Send an Email” page where all players selected for the Fixture will be in the “To” field.


Entering Result

  1. From the Fixture page, click the “Enter Result” button.

  2. Complete the Wizard:

    1. Result: Select the outcome of the match from “Played”, “Won by Walkover”, or “Lost by Walkover”.

    2. Score: Enter the number of each of the scoring units (defined in League Setup) both for and against your team.

    3. Save changes: Once happy with the details, click “Save changes” to save the Result.

Alternatively, from the Team page, you can click the tally button to enter the Result.

Played Counts

Once a Fixture has been played, each Player will be marked as played overnight but only if their role in the Team is a playing role (as set in League Set Up under Fixtures Selection Types). You can also do this manually using the switches on the Fixture page, such as if someone didn’t end up playing in the Fixture because they pulled out last minute.

Play Counts are viewed on the Team page, where each Player is listed with how many Fixtures they have played in.

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