Leagues/Teams: Import Fixtures

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Leagues/Teams: Import Fixtures

When you have lots of teams and lots of fixtures, entering them individually into myClubhouse can be a bit of a chore. However, if you collate your fixtures into a spreadsheet, you can import them into each Season much more easily. You can also save the configurations to make it easier to add more fixtures in the future or to other Seasons.


Creating Your Fixtures File

The columns you need are:

  1. Date: The date of the fixture.

  2. Start Time: The time the fixture starts.

  3. End Time: The time the fixture ends. (This might be an estimate if your match doesn’t have a fixed duration.)

  4. Team: The name or ID of the Team playing in the fixture. This MUST match what is written in myClubhouse.

  5. Home, Away or Neutral: Use “H”, “A”, and “N”, or “Home”, “Away” and “Neutral”, to represent whether the match is being played at Home, Away at the opposition’s club, or at a Neutral location.

  6. Opposition: The Name of the opposing team.

  7. Venue: The name of the venue. Adding information about a specific pitch or court can be beneficial.

Other optional columns are:

  1. Fixture ID: Use this when editing or replacing existing fixtures. This is not recommended as it can cause problems if not done correctly.

  2. Notes: Enter any notes about the fixture. These will be shown on the fixture page and can be included in Auto-generated Emails.

  3. Venue Directions: Enter directions to the location of the fixture. This is useful for Away and Neutral fixtures. These will be shown on the fixture page and can be included in Auto-generated Emails.

  4. Venue Map Location: Enter the postcode or what3words (learn more about what3words in this guide: what3words Integration) of where the fixture is taking place. This will generate a map on the fixture page.

  5. Venue Longitude: Enter the longitude of where the fixture is taking place. This will generate a map on the fixture page.

  6. Venue Latitude: Enter the latitude of where the fixture is taking place. This will generate a map on the fixture page.

You can find a sample file as a starting point from the Import page:

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Seasons.

  2. Next to any Season, click “View”.

  3. Click “Import Fixtures”.

  4. Click “Sample file with comments” to download the file.

Importing Your Fixtures File

  1. Navigate to Teams > Browse Seasons.

  2. Next to the appropriate Season, click “View”.

  3. Click “Import Fixtures”.

  4. Click “Choose File”.

  5. Selected Worksheets: Choose the worksheets from your file that you want to import from.

  6. Select Data: Choose how much of the data you want to include from the selected worksheets.

    1. Load all data from worksheet(s): This is the most common option. This will load all rows from every worksheet selected from your file.

    2. Load selected data from worksheet(s): If you choose this option, you can select the Header row and any Constant Fields. Constant fields can be used where a field is the same for all fixtures being imported. For example, if all fixtures being imported are for the same Team, you can select a constant field that will be applied to every row.

    3. Load using configuration: Load using the saved mappings saved from a previous import.

  7. Map Import Fields: Click to proceed with the data selected.

  8. Assign Fields: This section allows you to match up the columns of data being imported with the fields in myClubhouse they should be saved to.

    1. Input CSV Field: The header from each column of your import file.

    2. myClubhouse Field: Select which field in myClubhouse the field from your import file should feed in to.

    3. Mapping Option: Where appropriate, select the format that your data is in.
      Important! Forgetting to set this field is a common cause of import errors!

    4. Sample Value: This shows the values from your first row, as an example to help you select the correct options.

  9. All or nothing: If checked, if an error occurs on a single row, none of the rows of data will be imported.

  10. Treat "NULL" as no value: If checked, cells with “NULL” in them will be treated as if they were blank.

  11. Save Import Mappings: You can save the import mappings for importing fixtures in the future.

    Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: Name the mapping configuration.

    2. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the mappings.

  12. Import: Once happy with all the mappings, click “Import” to start the import.

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