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Every club likes to collect a set of data that is unique to them, for this, we can use Forms. These can also be used to poll members on any topic. You can create as many Forms as you like and they can be used for various purposes such as:

  • A questionnaire to find out members' opinions

  • A poll for voting on a club proposal

  • To add questions to a Registration Wizard (see this guide for more help on Registration Wizards: How to Create a Registration Wizard )

  • Gather additional information when a member signs up to an Event (see this guide here for more help on Event forms: How to Add Custom Fields to an Event Sign-Up )

  • Gather additional information when a member buys certain items from the Club Shop, requests particular types of Subscriptions, applies for certain Certifications, or makes a Booking of certain assets.

As part of the 6.1 “Kreacher” release, Forms and Attributes have been separated to make them more intuitive and easier to manage as separate entities. Despite this, Forms still operate in a very similar way to previous versions. Learn more about Attributes in this guide: Attributes


Creating a New Form

  1. Navigate to Forms > Forms Manager.

  2. Select the type of Form you want to create:

    1. Questionnaires: To gather your members' opinions or to poll them. Each Member can only fill out these forms once.

    2. Incident Reports: For members to record incidents. Each member can complete these Forms multiple times.

    3. Member Reports: For admins to record information about particular members. These can be completed multiple times for the same member.

    4. Event Sign-up Forms: For gaining extra information when members sign up for particular Events.

    5. Event Feedback Forms: For gaining feedback from members on previously attended events.

    6. Subscription Forms: For gaining extra information when prospective members request particular types of Subscription.

    7. Shop Product Forms: For gaining extra information when purchasing particular products from the Shop.

    8. Certification Forms: For gaining extra information when members apply for particular Certifications.

    9. Booking Forms: For gaining extra information when members make particular Bookings.

  3. Click the green “Add new form” button in the top right.

  4. Details: Enter the details about the Form. The options in steps d, e, and f will only be shown for “user” based Forms: Questionniares, Incident Reports, and Member Reports.

    1. Name: The name of the Form.

    2. Description: A short description of the Form, including the nature of the questions it is asking.

    3. Owner: The owner of the Form.

    4. Member Access: Select the level of access members can have to this Form and their answers.

      1. Changeable: Members can enter their own answers, view them, and edit them later.

      2. Settable: Members can enter their own answers and view them, but can’t edit them later.

      3. Read-only: Members can view the answers but only admins can enter or edit them.

      4. Hidden: Only admins can view, enter, or edit the answers on this Form.

    5. Anonymous: If set to “Yes”, the Form will be filled out anonymously and admins won’t be able to see who gave which answers. This is useful if using a Questionnaire Form to poll members.

    6. Restrict to Member List: If set, this Form will only apply to people in the selected Member List.

    7. Notifications: Select the settings for emails surrounding this form.

      1. On form completion: If checked, the Owner (set above) will be sent an email every time a user completes the Form.

      2. On form edit: If checked, the Owner (set above) will be sent an email every time a user changes an answer on the Form.

  5. Entitlements: Set the Entitlements for this form. If nothing is changed, the site defaults will be used.

    1. Print Blanks: These users will be able to print a blank copy of the form to be filled out on paper

    2. View All: These users will be able to view all users' answers to this form.

    3. Enter All: These users will be able to enter or change answers to this form on behalf of any user.

    4. Administer: These users will be able to make changes to this form including adding and removing questions.

    5. Analyse: These users will be able to perform analysis on the answers to this form. See more about Analysing Forms in the “Other Functions” section.

  6. Introductory Text: This text will appear at the top of the Form. This can be a short description of the Form or instructions on how to complete it.

  7. Add: Click to add a new Question.

  8. Questions: Set all the questions for the Form.

    1. Name: A short name for the question that can be used to identify it easily.

    2. Question/Help Text: The main body of the question.

    3. Type: Select the answer type for the question:

      1. Text: The user can type any text.

        1. Sub-Type: Select the sub-type of Text for the answer.

          1. Free Text: Any text can be written as the answer.

          2. Email Address: The answer must be a valid email address.

          3. Phone Number: The answer must be a phone number i.e. no letters.

          4. URL: The answer must be a valid URL.

          5. Unique Pin: The system will generate a unique four-digit PIN for the answer.

          6. Calculated: The answer can be calculated based on another question’s answer. You can refer to another question by placing its name between two % symbols. To refer to a question in this way, it must come before the current question in the Form, e.g. the third question on a Form can refer to the first or second, but not the fourth.

        2. Single/Multi-line: Select whether the answer box will be a single line or a multi-line field. This will normally be dependent on the nature of the answer and the expected length.

        3. Max. Text Length: If you select “Single Line” above, you can set the maximum number of characters that the user can use. Note that anything above 255 will automatically change it to “Multi-line”.

      2. Yes/No: The user can select yes or no.

      3. Yes/No/Maybe: The user can select yes, no, or maybe.

        1. 'Maybe' Label: If you want the “Maybe” option to be named something else, set it here.

      4. Single Select: The user can select a single option from a pre-defined list.

        1. Edit Options: Click this to add options individually or in bulk.

        2. Allow Other: If set to “Yes”, members will be given an “Other” option at the end of the list so that they can enter an answer that doesn’t appear in the list.

      5. Multi Select: The user can select multiple options from a pre-defined list.

        1. Edit Options: Click this to add options individually or in bulk.

        2. Allow Other: If set to “Yes”, members will be given an “Other” option at the end of the list so that they can enter an answer that doesn’t appear in the list.

      6. Integer: A text box into which the user can type any whole number.

        1. Sub-Type: Select the sub-type of Integer for the answer.

          1. Integer: The answer must be a whole number.

          2. Calculated: The answer can be calculated based on another question’s answer. You can refer to another question by placing its name between two % symbols. To refer to a question in this way, it must come before the current question in the Form, e.g. the third question on a Form can refer to the first or second, but not the fourth.

      7. Date: A calendar from which the user can select a single date.

      8. Currency: A text box into which the user can type any valid monetary amount.

        1. Sub-Type: Select the sub-type of Currency for the answer.

          1. Currency: The answer must be a monetary amount with exactly 2 decimal places.

          2. Calculated: The answer can be calculated based on another question’s answer. You can refer to another question by placing its name in between two % symbols. To refer to a question in this way, it must come before the current question in the Form, i.e. the third question on a Form can refer to the first or second, but not the fourth.

      9. Decimal: A text box into which the user can type any decimal number.

        1. Sub-Type: Select the sub-type of Decimal for the answer.

          1. Decimal: The answer can be any number with any number of decimal places.

          2. Calculated: The answer can be calculated based on another question’s answer. You can refer to another question by placing its name in between two % symbols. To refer to a question in this way, it must come before the current question in the Form, i.e. the third question on a Form can refer to the first or second, but not the fourth.

      10. Member: An auto-complete text box from which the user can select a member. Note: Anyone filling out this question will have to have the appropriate Entitlements to look up members. If the public will be filling out this form, they won’t be able to look up users, regardless of the settings in Entitlements.

      11. Document: The user can upload a document to be submitted as part of the Form.

    4. Mandatory: Set whether this question is optional or must be answered.

    5. Member Access: Select the level of access members have to this question and its answer.

      1. Editable: Members can see and answer this question.

      2. Read-only: Members can read the question but not answer it. Admins can answer it.

      3. Hidden: Only admins can read and answer the question for a member.

    6. Depends on: You can make this a sub-question of another question. This only works for Yes/No, Yes/No/Maybe, Single Select, and Multi Select type questions. You can configure which answers will need to be selected for the question to appear. Note: If you select multiple options, it will work in an OR capacity. For example, if you choose “North” and “South” from a previous Multi Select type question for the depends on, if the member selects just “North”, they will be shown the question, or if they select “South” and “West”, they will also be shown the question, etc.

    7. Hide Editor: Click to hide the editor, making the page easier to navigate when looking at all the questions on the Form. When the editor is hidden, the following options become available: Show Editor, Copy Question, Delete Question and Obsolete.

  1. Show Editor: Click to show the main editor to make changes to the question.

  2. Copy Question: If you want to create a similar question, click “Copy Question” then edit your new question.

  3. Delete Question: Click to delete this question. Note: The question won’t be fully deleted until the form has been saved.

  4. Obsolete: If this question is no longer required, but has been answered, you can make it obsolete which means it will still exist but not be shown to users when they fill out the Form.

  5. Re-order: Click to drag the list of questions into the desired order. Click “OK” to save the new order.

  6. Save: When you have finished working on the Form, click this to save the Form and return to the Forms Manager.

  7. Repeat these steps to make all Forms.

Other Functions

Next to each Form you can click the Action button and then select one of the following functions:

  1. Amend Answers: Amending Answers allows administrators to edit or set answers for multiple users in an editable table format.

    1. All users are shown in the table, regardless of whether they have completed the form already.

    2. Locate the user for whom you want to change their answers, possibly using the search bar.

    3. Change the answer in place, from the table.

    You can save a view of certain searches/filters to come back to at a later date. Help on views can be found here: Views

  2. Active Entry Locks: When a member is filling in a Form, an Active Entry Lock is put on the Form so that no one else, including admins, can edit the answers at the same time. This is to prevent concurrent editing of the same Form by two different users. Locks should be automatically removed when the user stops editing the Form. There is also a time-out that ensures that no lock is held for longer than 30 minutes. In the event that a lock has not been removed when it should have been, you can use the controls on this page to forcibly remove a lock.

  3. Print Blank Form: Sometimes you may want to provide a paper copy of a Form to be filled out.

    1. Right-click on the page and select “Print”.

    2. Follow your browser/printer instructions to print.

  4. Email Members: You can email a Form to members to prompt them to complete it.

    1. You will be taken to the “Send an Email” page.

    2. Select the email recipients.

    3. Make any changes to the message.

    4. Click “Send”.

  5. Copy: If you want to create a similar form, you can click “Copy” to have a starting point when creating your next Form.

  6. Edit: Make changes to this Form e.g. add new questions or change entitlements.

  7. Move Questions: Questions can be moved from one Form to another.

    1. Complete the wizard:

      1. Target Form: Select the Form to which you are moving the questions.

      2. Questions: Select which questions you are moving. If a question is dependent on another question’s answer or another question is dependent on it, that question must be moved too.

      3. OK: Once happy, click “OK” to move the selected questions to the new Form.

    2. Repeat the steps to move all questions.

  8. Delete: Click to delete the Form. If the Form has been answered, a warning symbol will be shown next to the option, as in the screenshot above. If it has been answered, ALL answers will be deleted and cannot be reinstated so only do this if you are certain.

  9. Answer Table: The Answer Table allows you to view all form completions in a table format. You can select which questions (columns) you want to display, reorganise the columns, sort, filter and export.

    You can save a view of certain searches/filters to come back to at a later date. Help on views can be found here: Views

  10. Charts: Charts can be a very easy way to visually see how users have answered questions in a Form. This is especially useful for Forms being used as polls. A Chart will be shown for each Yes/No, Yes/No/Maybe, Single Select, and Multi Select question on the selected Form.

    You can save a view of certain searches/filters to come back to at a later date. Help on views can be found here: Views

  11. Queries: You can create Queries to find users who answered questions in particular ways. This guide will help you create Form Queries: Form Queries

  12. Print Forms: You can print all the completed versions of a Form if you want a PDF or hard copy.

    1. If desired, filter the completed Forms using the search bar, and filters.

    2. Right-click on the page and select “Print”.

    3. Follow your browser instructions to print.

  13. Lock/Unlock: Forms can be locked in order to prevent new completions.

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