Profile Confirmation

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Profile Confirmation

Ensuring that members’ contact details are up to date is very important as an administrator, but getting members to log in and update their information can be difficult. Profile confirmation allows members to be prompted to update their contact details when they sign in, on an annual basis. You can even coincide this with your annual renewals so when members sign in to accept their renewal, they can update their contact details at the same time.

User Attributes are also included in the Profile Confirmation, which means custom fields can be updated too. Learn more about User Attributes in this guide: https://simmetrics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CLUBSD/pages/639860737

Emergency Contacts are also included in Profile Confirmation, to ensure that they are up to date and that members are providing the required minimum number. Learn more about Emergency Contacts in this guide: https://simmetrics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CLUBSD/pages/3272933380


  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > General Club Settings.

  2. Click on the “Profile” tab.

  3. Scroll down to the “Profile Completion and Confirmation” section:

    1. Force Profile Completion: Set to “Yes” to turn on Profile Confirmation.

    2. Restrict to Member List: If set, only the members in the selected Member List will be prompted to confirm their profile.

    3. Force Annual Reconfirmation: If you want members to update their information every year, set it to “Yes”.

    4. Confirmation Date: Select the date each year on which members will have to confirm their profile again.

    5. Restrict to Member List: If set, only the members in the selected Member List will be required to reconfirm their details annually.

    6. Include Attributes: Select whether all, no, or only certain Attributes should be included in Profile Confirmation.

    7. Introductory Text: This text will appear at the top of the Profile Confirmation page

  4. Navigate to “yourdomain/Profile/Confirm” to see what the page looks like. You may want to edit some Forms based on the questions that appear on any Forms that have attribute questions. Get more help on Forms and Attributes in these guides: https://simmetrics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CLUBSD/pages/2111111175 | https://simmetrics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CLUBSD/pages/639860737

  5. Now when members next sign in, they will be prompted to confirm their details.

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