Email Templates

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Email Templates

Email templates are a new feature that allow you to write an email, save a copy, and then send it again in the future. They help you save time as you don’t have to type out the same email over and over again. As it is a template, you can make any tweaks or changes you need to before you send it.


Creating the Template

The best way to create a template is from the Send an Email page, as this has all the formatting, fields and partials you may need.

  1. Navigate to Email > Send an Email.

  2. Compose your email template by completing the Subject and Email Body of your template.

  3. Use the “Insert Field” and “Insert Partial” drop-downs wherever possible, to minimise the amount of custom editing required for each email sent.

  4. Tip: highlight any areas requiring manual customisation with colour and/or by inserting square brackets around the area to be changed, this will make them easier for the sender to spot.

  5. Once your template is ready, save it using the “Create Template” button.

  6. This will open up the Create Template Wizard with the “Subject” and “Email body” fields pre-completed. Complete the rest of the template as follows:

  7. Name: The name of the Template.

  8. Description: A short description about what the Template is for, including a summary of what it contains.

  9. Owner: This is by default the person creating the Template.

  10. Share with: Choose who to share this Template with. It can be specific members, a Member List, a certain role, a security level, or a combination of all of them.

  11. Subject: The subject of the email (pre-completed).

  12. Email body: The main text of the email (pre-completed).

  13. OK: Once happy with the template, click “OK” to save the Template so it is ready to use.

Using a Template

  1. Navigate to Email > Send an Email.


  2. Sender: Choose who the email is being sent from.

  3. To: Choose who to send the email to. This can be specific users or a Member List.

  4. Exclude: Choose anyone you wish to exclude from the selection in the “To” field.

  5. Category: Select a messaging category to send the email under.

  6. Click “Apply Template” and select your chosen Template.

  7. Confirm the Template selection.

  8. The Subject and Email Body are now filled in with the Template. You can make any edits or changes required at this stage (looking out for areas that are highlighted or enclosed in square brackets).

  9. When you are happy with the email, click the “Send” button at the bottom.

Alternative Method

  1. Navigate to Email > Email Templates.

  2. Either

    1. Click the green “Create Template” button in the top right.


    2. Make use of the green “Copy” button next to an existing template to create a new template based on an existing one.

  3. The fields to complete are the same as those available when creating a template from the Send an Email page, but there are no “Insert Field” or “Insert Partial” drop-downs available.

  4. Click OK to save.

Editing a Template

  1. Navigate to Email > Email Templates.

  2. Click the yellow “Edit” button next to the template you wish to modify.

  3. Edit the fields as required.

    Tip: if you wish to insert new Form Fields or Partial Fields into your template do the following:

    1. In a new browser window or tab go to Email > Send an Email.

    2. Click “Apply Template” and select the template you wish to modify.

    3. Make the modifications in the Email Body editor, including any Form Fields or Partial Fields required.

    4. Copy the edited text.

    5. Switch back to the Edit Template browser window.

    6. Paste the text into your template editor.

  4. Click OK to save changes.

Deleting a Template

  1. Navigate to Email > Email Templates.

  2. Click the red “Dustbin” button next to the template you wish to delete.

  3. Click “Yes” to confirm.

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