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How to Send an Email
Keeping in touch with your members is a vital part of any club, and in the modern age, email is one of the easiest ways to do this. Sending an email through myClubhouse is very easy. Emails can be sent to large groups of members easily using Member Lists and can be made unique for each recipient using Fields. Emails are sent in an HTML format so they can be formatted and styled in almost any way you want.
For a user to be able to send an email, they will need the “Send an Email” Entitlement in Admin > Settings > Entitlements Manager.
Navigate to Email > Send an Email.
Sender: Select the Sender from the dropdown. The options will always include the logged-in user and their roles, but you may also be able to send emails from the club or any other role if you have the correct Entitlements. You can also use the text box to adjust the name/Role that will be shown as the sender.
From: This will display the name and email that the email is being sent from.
Reply-To: This will display the name and email that users will respond to if they reply to the email.
To: Enter who to send the email to. This can be a mixture of Member Lists, specific users, Roles, or email addresses. Only users who have opted to receive emails of the Message Category in step 7 will be sent the email. More information about Member Lists and Roles can be found here: Member Lists | Club Roles
Bulk Lookup: This option is a way to add many specific members to the “To” field at once without the need to create a Member List. This can be especially useful if you are copying and pasting attendees from another platform. Click the button and complete the wizard:
Member Names: Type or paste in names, making sure there is only one per line.
Lookup: Once happy with the names, click “Lookup” to search for matches for each name.
Match: The most likely match is shown for each name. If there is more than one match, you can switch between them from each drop-down.
OK: Once happy with the matches, click “OK” to add all the matches to the “To” field of the email.
Distribution: Select how the email will be distributed.
One per person: The email will be sent to every person in the To field.
One per email: If multiple users in the To field share an email address, the email will only be sent once.
Advanced Options: Check the box for which Advanced Options you wish to set. These options are restricted by their own Entitlement, “Access advanced features when sending an email“, found in Entitlements Manager.
Cc: Anyone entered here will get a copy of every email sent. Be careful using this, as including them in the “To” field may be better suited.
Bcc: Anyone entered here will get a copy of every email sent, but without the recipient being aware. Be careful using this, as including them in the “To” field may be better suited.
Exclude Recipients: Enter any users, emails, or Member Lists that you do not wish to receive the email.
Category: Select the Message Category this email will be sent under. Learn more about Message Categories in this guide: Message Categories
Recipients: Based on the “To” and “Category” fields, this will provide a list of recipients who are in the “To” field and have consented to receive the chosen Message Category (where appropriate).
Users with no email address: Similar to the “Recipients” button, but will show a list of users in the “To” field who do not have an email address, so will not receive the email.
Subject: Write in the Subject line of the email.
Attachments: Click the green “Add” button to upload a file to send with the email. Repeat for each Attachment.
Email Body:
Insert Field: Fields allow you to write a generic email that will then be tweaked slightly for each recipient. In the example above, {{Member.Forename}} has been used. This means that each recipient will get “Dear their name” at the beginning of the email, rather than a generic “Dear member”. There are varying fields to choose from depending on the roles you hold within myClubhouse.
Insert Partial: Select a Partial to include in the email. Partials allow you to add pre-written sections to your email. Learn about Partials in this guide: Email Partials
HTML: Click this button to enter HTML mode, where you will see the HTML for any existing content in the email. You can also write using HTML markup in this mode. You can find an introduction to HTML here: HTML Tutorial
Format: Click this button to change to a preset text size for things like titles and subtitles, as well as bits of text you want to stand out, such as quotes or code. Highlight the text and select the Format type, or select the Format type and start typing.
Style: Click this button to change to a preset text style. This can be used when you want something to stand out from other normal text, such as for code. Subscript and superscript are also kept here. Highlight text and select the Style, or select the Style and start typing.
Bold: Toggle Bold on and off.
Italics: Toggle Italics on and off.
Strikethrough: Toggle Strikethrough on and off. Strikethrough will be a single line through the middle of the text, like this.
Lists: Choose between an ordered (numbered) list or an unordered list (bullet points). If selecting an existing list, you can also choose to indent or outdent highlighted parts of a list from this menu.
Image: Click to add an image to the block/column. Either upload a new image or select one already uploaded
Table: Use this menu to insert a table, as well as access all the table-related options to edit existing tables. Read more about tables in this guide here: CMS Tables
Link: Click to add, edit, or remove a link from text. You can enter the URL of where you want the link to go, change the text that is displayed for the link, and choose if the link opens in a new tab or the current tab.
Align: Choose how to align the text: Left, Right, Centre, or Justified.
Text Colour: Set the text colour. You can also highlight text here too.
Size: Set the text size.
Line Height: Set the line height here.
Fullscreen: Click to enter full-screen mode to open the block/column into a full-screen view for easier editing. Click the button again to exit full-screen mode.
Apply Template/Create Template: Email Templates allow you to save emails in order to send them again easily. Learn about Email Templates in this guide: Email Templates
Send: Once happy with the email, click “Send” to send the email.
You will get a notification when the email has been sent to all recipients.
You can check emails that have been sent in Email > Sent Emails.
You can also check to see if emails have been delivered using the Delivery Reports. Read more about them in this guide here: Diagnosing Email Delivery Issues
Resend Email
You can resend an email that has already been sent through your myClubhouse site, either to the same person or to someone else.
Navigate to Email > Sent Emails.
Locate the email you are looking for.
Click “Resend”.
You will be redirected to the “Send an Email” page, where the Subject and body of the email will have been populated with the selected email. Enter who to send the email “From” and “To” and click “Send”.
Sender Email Address
The system can only set the sender address (who the email comes from) to be an address on an approved domain. “” is an approved domain, but if you have your own domain, it can also be approved.
When sending an email, the system looks at the email address of the actual sender. When sending as the club, that will be the club email address as set in the General Club Settings, e.g. When sending as a user, it will be their “Email 1” field.
If the actual sender's email address is on the approved domain, the system will use that as the sender on the email and leave the “reply-to” blank. If it's not, then the system uses the approved default sender email address and sets the “reply-to” to be the actual sender email address.