How to Create a Registration Wizard for Group Slot Memberships

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How to Create a Registration Wizard for Group Slot Memberships

This article shows how to create a Registration Wizard specifically for Group Slots within a Group Membership. This is not to apply for the group membership, but to add extra users to an existing group membership, to fill the slots. For more help on creating Registration Wizards, follow this guide here: How to Create a Registration Wizard

If you are creating a registration wizard for a slot within a new group membership category, make sure the group category has already been created. If you need help doing this, you can find a guide here: How to Create a Group Membership Category

You are reading the full guide, for the Quick Start Guide please click here: Quick Start: How to set up a Group Membership


  1. Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.

  2. Navigate to the Configure Registration Wizards page:

    1. by default this is under Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Registration Wizards.

    2. or type “/Registration/Admin/” into your browser’s address bar e.g.

  3. Click the “Create New” button to add a new Registration Wizard.


  4. Enter the basic details of the wizard.

    1. Name: The name of the registration wizard.

    2. Description: A description of the registration wizard, give a short overview of which membership categories it is for. Date of creation can sometimes be useful too.

    3. Owner: This will usually be the person who created the registration wizard.

  5. Availability: Defining who has access to this registration wizard.

    1. Public: This will make this registration wizard available to members of the public who are not logged in to your website. This should be unchecked, as when adding additional users to a group membership, the user will already be logged in.

    2. Restrict to Member List: This allows you to restrict who can use this registration wizard to a specific group of people using a member list. This is unlikely to be used for adding members to group memberships.

  6. Completion: This will decide what happens when a user completes the registration using this wizard.


    1. Send Emails: If checked, the appropriate club officers will be sent an email confirming that the registration as been completed along with the user who filled it out.

    2. Registration Complete Message: This is not used when registering for group slots.

    3. Next Steps: These are not used when registering for group slots.

  7. Design

    1. Title: The title of the registration wizard as displayed to the user.

    2. Caption for Completion Button: What is written in the button at the bottom of the registration wizard that will complete it.

    3. Child Registration: This is help text that can be shown on the registration wizard that aides a parent registering their child for membership. For example, if asking for Date of Birth, the help text will remind the user that it must be the child’s date of birth that is entered. You can choose to turn these hints on by default and/or set it so the user can turn them on and off while using the registration wizard. Always show the switch if the wizard is to be used for both adult and child memberships.

  8. Elements


    When adding elements, you can gather lots of information, however for a group membership, the minimum you will need is “Name”, “Date of Birth”, “Email Addresses”, and “Group Membership Slot Assignment”. If the group membership is for a family, it is also recommended to include the “Family Group” element, but leave it hidden so that the user will be added to the existing user’s Family Group.


    This is what the “Group Membership Slot Assignment” element looks like when the registration wizard is being used. It will allow the user to be added to the existing group membership and choose which membership they want (and are eligible for) from the selection chosen when creating the slot in the membership category.

    For more information about the other elements available when creating Registration Wizards, follow this guide here: How to Create a Registration Wizard

  9. At any point during the creation of a new registration wizard, you can click “Preview” at the bottom of the screen to see what it would look like to the user. Once you have completed the creation of the wizard, you can save it by clicking “Save Changes” at the bottom of the screen. This will raise any issues that will not allow you to save the wizard, which you will be able to correct before saving.


  10. This new registration wizard now needs to be included in the group membership.

    1. Go to Subscriptions > Membership Categories. Next to the your group membership, click “Edit”.

    2. Go to the “Group Slots” tab and change the Registration wizard from default (or whatever it is) to the newly created registration wizard.


    3. In the example above, the wizard “Additional Family Member” is the default to be used for registering for any of the group membership slots. You can override this default for individual slots if required e.g. you may wish to create a wizard specifically for additional junior family members and assign it to the appropriate slots. To do so click the yellow “Edit” button against a slot and set the registration wizard in the pop-up form.


  11. Repeat these steps for registration wizards for group memberships that require different information.


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