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Resources allow you to track a finite set of items and assign them to members. While the possibilities are endless, common Resource sets are lockers and boat parking spaces. You can have more than one Resource Set for different purposes and Resources.

Subscription Resource Sets

This example will show how to add a Resource to a Core Subscription. You may want to do this with a Linked Subscription so that only members can access it and to keep it separate from Members' annual Subscriptions. This also allows the Core Subscription to change, but the Linked Subscription to not change. Learn more about Linked Subscriptions in this guide: Linked Subscriptions

  1. Navigate to Subscriptions > Membership Categories.

  2. Click the green “Add Category” button.

  3. Navigate to the “Workflow” tab.

  4. Scroll to the “Resource Bindings” section.

  5. Next to “Resource Set”, click the green plus.

  6. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Resource Set.

    2. Resource Term: Define the term for each Resource. This example uses “Locker”, but can be whatever each Resource is.

    3. Resource Form: Select a Form (or click the green plus to add one) to gather more information about each Resource. This could be information about size, name, or location. Get help on creating Forms by following this guide: Forms

    4. Subscription Form: Select a Form (or click the green plus to add one) to gather more information about the Subscription. For example, if the Resource was a parking space, the information may be about the vehicle that will be parked there. Get help on creating Forms by following this guide: Forms

    5. Roles: Add Roles if you want to be able to assign multiple people to the same Resource at the same time. An example may be assigning a two-person locker to two different members.

    6. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Resource Set.

  7. Complete the rest of the Membership Category setup as normal. This guide will assist you: How to Create a New Membership Category

  8. Click “Save Changes” to save the Membership Category.

You can locate a Subscription Resource Set by clicking the blue Resource button next to any Membership Category (under Subscriptions > Membership Categories) that is using it as its Resource Set. You can also add it to the menu to make it easier to find by following this guide: How to Customise the Main Menu

Adding Resources to a Resource Sets

You can add Resources to a Resource Set either individually or by importing many at once. You may want to use a combination of both methods at different times, depending on your requirements and how the Resources available to your club evolve.


  1. Navigate to the appropriate Resource Set.

  2. Click the green “Add Locker” button. “Locker” will be replaced by whatever Resource term you defined above in step 6b (for Subscription Resources) or 3b (for Event Resources).

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Resource.

    2. Description: A short description about what the Resource is. This can contain any relevant information.

    3. Has Address: Check if the Resource has a physical address. You can then enter the specifics of the address. Note: This only applies to Subscription Resource Sets.

    4. Ordinal: The order the Resources are displayed in. The smaller the number, the higher up it will appear in the list.

    5. Obsolete: Leave this unchecked, unless the Resource is no longer needed or is unavailable.

    6. Save changes: Once happy with the details of the Resource, click “Save changes” to save it.

  4. Repeat to add all Resources.

When a new Resource is added, the new Resource appears at the bottom of the table on the current page, not necessarily in the correct place based on the sorting (often the Ordinal or ID column). For the new Resource to appear in the correct place, you will need to refresh the page to re-filter and re-sort the Resources.

In Bulk

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Resource Set.

  2. Click the white “Import Lockers” button. “Locker” will be replaced by whatever Resource term you defined above in step 6b (for Subscription Resources) or 3b (for Event Resources).

  3. Select the Excel file you want to import from.

  4. Select the relevant worksheets you want to import the Resources from.

  5. Choose whether to load everything from the sheet, or certain sections of the sheet.

  6. Click “Map Import Fields”.

  7. Assign the fields for each of the columns. Make sure that the myClubhouse Field doesn’t appear more than once across all the columns.

  8. Import settings:

    1. All or nothing: If selected, the data will only be imported if there are 0 errors. Otherwise, if any rows have errors, they will be missed but the rest of the data will be imported.

    2. Treat "NULL" as no value: If a cell is filled with “NULL”, this will be treated as the field being blank, if this option is checked.

  9. Click “Import” to import the Resources.

Event Resources

Resources can also be assigned during Events. A good example of this could be club assets (such as club boats) that members can borrow for certain Events. There is a finite number, so you don’t want to promise loans of more assets than you have!

Learn more about Event Resources in this guide: https://simmetrics.atlassian.net/wiki/x/B4DMsw

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