Configuring the Contact Us Page

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Configuring the Contact Us Page

The Contact Us page is a way for prospective members to contact your club to find out more about you, ask questions, make enquiries, and find where you are. The page can be configured and customised which this guide will help you to do.


  1. Navigate to Information > Contact Us.

  2. This is what your Contact Us page currently looks like, most likely in its default state.

To configure and customise the Contact Us page:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Contact Us Page.

  2. General Contact Details: These are the basic contact details for your club.

    1. Club Telephone: The main contact number for your club. Check “Include in Contact Us page” if you want it included on the Contact Us Page.

    2. Club main Venue Address: The main postal address for your club. Check “Include in Contact Us page” if you want it included on the Contact Us Page.

    3. Map Link URL in Contact Us Page: Enter a link to a map to your club. This can be a postcode for Google Maps, or a specific URL to another mapping website. Check “Embed Map in Contact Us Page” and enter your club’s postcode to include a map to this postcode on the Contact Us page. You can also use a what3words location. Learn more about what3words in this guide: what3words Integration

    4. Introductory Text on ‘Email Us’ Form: Enter a short introduction to the contact form. You may want to include instructions regarding a user making an enquiry using the form.

    5. Contact Us Email Form: If set to “Yes”, users will be able to complete the form to send an email to your club. The recipient of the email is defined in Email > Auto-generated Email Editor, with the “CONTACT_US” email.

    6. Save Changes: Once happy with the details, and any other changes, click “Save Changes” to save them. You can then navigate to the “Contact Us” page to view the changes.

  3. Email Form Settings: If the Contact Us Email Form is set to “yes” you can configure it with these settings.

    1. Email Form Title: The title that appears above the form.

    2. Offer Enquiry Options: If turned on, users can select different types of Enquiries that can then be sent to different people or roles within your club.

      1. Caption for Option Selector: The caption that will appear before the dropdown menu with the Enquiry Options in it.

      2. Enquiry Options: Click the green “Add” button to add a new Option.

        1. Name/Caption: The name of the Enquiry that will appear in the Options dropdown.

        2. Email Subject: The subject of the Email that will be auto-filled in the form.

        3. Recipients: Enter users, Roles, or Member Lists of who will receive this type of Enquiry.

        4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Option.

          Note: If you add several Options, you will want to go to Email > Auto-generated Email Editor, and click “Edit” next to the “CONTACT_US” email. Change the first line of the body from “Dear {{MembershipSecretary.Forename}},” to “Dear {{Member.Forename}},”. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page to save the new email. This will make sure the email is addressed correctly when being sent to someone who isn’t the Membership Secretary.

    3. Enquirer Name Heading: The name of the field asking for who the user is who is contacting your club via the form. This is most commonly some take on “Name” but could also be “Company Name”, “Member Name” or something else entirely.

    4. Heading for Address and Contact Details Section: The title for the section that will ask for the Enquirer’s contact information which you can configure in steps 3e-g below.

    5. Ask for Address: Choose whether to ask for the Enquirer’s postal address.

    6. Ask for Telephone: Choose whether to ask for the Enquirer’s telephone number.

    7. Ask For Mobile: Choose whether to ask for the Enquirer’s mobile number.

    8. Save Changes: Once happy with the details, and any other changes, click “Save Changes” to save them. You can then navigate to the “Contact Us” page to view the changes.

  4. Custom Sections: The custom sections allow you to include text and images to help you make the Contact Us page your own. Just like on a CMS page, you can add text, images, and links to the custom section, either using the WYSIWYG editor or by editing the HTML. Follow the CMS guide to help you navigate the editor.

    There are three available custom sections (as shown in the screenshot below):

    • Section 1 - Below the Page Title, across the full page width

    • Section 2 - On the right-hand column, directly below Section 1 or Page Title (but above the Telephone and Location)

    • Section 3 - On the right-hand column, below Telephone and Location


At regular intervals, remember to click “Save Changes” (found in several locations throughout the page), and go back to the Contact Us page to see the progress and to see what it looks like.

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