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How to Update Member Contact Details

Member’s contact details are held on your club’s site, but this information can sometimes change. Members can change their own contact information, as well as administrators doing it on their behalf.

You can also require members to update their contact details automatically on an annual basis using Profile Confirmation. Follow this guide to set it up: Profile Confirmation



  1. Navigate to Your Name > My Profile.

  2. On the left-hand side of the page, find the Contact Details section.

  3. Click the little pencil next to one of the Contact Details.

  4. Edit the Details.

  5. Is Shared: Check this if you want the contact detail to be shared with/visible to other Members.

If you cannot see “Is Shared” you will need to switch on Contact Sharing from the Profile tab in General Club Settings.

  1. Click the green tick to save.

  2. Repeat for all contact details.


Administrators can also change details on a member’s behalf, as long as they have the “Edit another member's details” Entitlement in Entitlements Manager.

  1. Navigate to the member’s profile page:

    1. From the Member Directory:

      1. Navigate to Information > Member Directory.

      2. Search for the member you are looking for.

      3. Click “View” next to their row in the table.

    2. Or using the site-wide search:

      1. Click the Magnifying glass in the menu bar.

      2. Type in the name of the member.

      3. Press Enter.

      4. Click on their name in the dropdown.

  2. On the left-hand side of the page, find the Contact Details section.

  3. Click the little pencil next to one of the Contact Details.

  4. Edit the Details.

  5. Is Shared: Check this if you want the contact detail to be shared with/visible to other Members.

If you cannot see “Is Shared” you will need to switch on Contact Sharing from the Profile tab in General Club Settings.

  1. Click the green tick to save.

  2. Repeat for all contact details.

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