Photo Galleries

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Photo Galleries

The Photo Gallery is a CMS Widget that allows you to show a range of images in a section together very easily. This can be used as an alternative to the Image Carousel on other CMS pages where you want different images, but the Carousel is already on the Home page. Each image can have a caption, and can easily be swapped out for another if you want to update it easily.

Read about other CMS Widgets in this guide here: CMS Widgets

Read more about CMS pages, and customising the Home page here: CMS


  1. In a new block or column, click “Widget”.

  2. Select “Photo Gallery” in the Widget list.

  3. Click “OK”.

  4. Click “Configure”.

  5. Complete the Wizard:

    1. No. Of Columns: Select how many columns the photos will be distributed across in the Gallery.

    2. Add Images: Click this button to select an image already uploaded, or to upload a new image.

    3. Re-order: Click “Re-order” to drag and drop the images into a new order. Click “OK” to return to the main wizard.

    4. Caption: Enter the caption for the photo which will appear at the bottom of the Photo.

    5. Column Span: Select how many columns you would like the Photo to take up.

    6. Change: Click “Change” to swap out the Photo with another.

    7. Bin: Click the red rubbish bin to delete the photo from the Gallery.

    8. Page Jump Links: You can add a button at the top of the page to jump to this component when clicked. Enter the link name (for the link itself) and the caption (for the button).

    9. Device Visibility: This page element can be hidden on devices of different sizes by de-selecting the appropriate options. E.g. If you do not want it displayed on mobile phones, de-select the “Phones” option.

    10. Custom CSS: If you have added any custom CSS in Site Styles & Colours, you can add CSS classes here that you want to be applied to this component.

    11. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Photo Gallery.

  6. This is the result:


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