Common Links Widget/Home Page Links

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Common Links Widget/Home Page Links

The Common Links Widget is a CMS Widget that allows you to include menu items as buttons on a CMS page. They are a feature included in the default configuration of the home page too. Common Links can be fixed or dependent on the viewing user’s role on the website.

Read about other CMS Widgets in this guide here: CMS Widgets

Read more about CMS pages, and customising the Home page here: CMS

Adding the Widget

  1. In a new block or column, click “Widget”.

  2. Select “Common Links” in the Widget list.

  3. Click “OK”.

  4. Hover over the widget and click the “Cog” in the top right-hand corner.

  5. Complete the Wizard:

    1. Mode: Select the Mode of the Widget:

      1. Links appropriate to role: The displayed links will depend on who is logged in and which roles they hold. See the section below for setting these up.

      2. Custom Links: If this Mode is selected, the Links displayed will be the same for all users.

    2. Plus: If “Custom Links” was chosen, click the green plus button to add links.

      1. Complete the Wizard:

        1. Link: Select a Menu Item or CMS page to link to.

        2. Caption: The title of the link. This will fill in when a Link has been chosen but can be edited.

        3. Description: A short description of what page the link goes to. This will fill in when a Link has been chosen but can be edited.

        4. Icon: This will fill in when a Link has been chosen, but can be changed for a different Icon.

        5. Link URL: Enter the destination URL for the link.

        6. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Link.

      2. Repeat to add all links.

    3. Reorder: Click to drag and drop to change the links into a different order.

    4. Colours: Set the colours for the widget.

      1. Icon: Select a colour for the Icon next to the Caption.

        1. Default: The default colour settings for the widget.

        2. Reference Colour: Select a colour based on the Primary or Secondary colour, as set in Site Styles & Colours.

        3. Select Colour: Select any colour from the colour picker. You can also set the opacity using the slider to the right of the picker.

        4. Black: Set the colour to black.

        5. White: Set the colour to white.

      2. Caption: Select the colour for the Caption at the top of the widget.

      3. Underline: Select a colour for the line beneath the Caption.

      4. Text: Select the text colour for the widget.

      5. Background: Select the background colour of the Links.

      6. Border: Select the colour of the border around each Link.

    5. Dimensions: Set the dimension settings for the widget.

      1. Margins: Set the margin around each link. You can change the unit from the dropdown.

    6. Page Jump Links: You can add a button at the top of the page to jump to this component when clicked. Enter the link name (for the link itself) and the caption (for the button).

    7. Device Visibility: This page element can be hidden on devices of different sizes by de-selecting the appropriate options. E.g. if you do not want it displayed on mobile phones, de-select the "Phones" option..

    8. Custom CSS: If you have added any custom CSS in Site Styles & Colours, you can add CSS classes here that you want to be applied to this component.

    9. OK: Once happy with the Widget settings, click “OK” to save.

If you want to add a link that is outside of myClubhouse or is more specific than the default options available, you can use this guide to create new Menu Items: How to Customise the Main Menu | How to Add a New Menu Item for Re-Use

Assigning Links for Specific Roles

Different users may require different easy-access links (such as on the Home Page) as not every link is relevant to every user. For example, the public may not have access to the booking system, and members won’t need to be prompted to register.

Club Roles can be created, edited, or have users assigned to them in Admin > Settings > Club Roles. Read this guide to learn more about Club Roles: Club Roles

  1. Navigate to Admin > Page Customisation > Configure Home Page Links.

  2. Role: Select the Role you want to assign links to, and then click “Configure”.

  3. Add: Click the green “Add” button to add links to the appropriate role.

    1. Complete the Wizard:

      1. Link: Select a Menu Item or CMS page to link to.

      2. Caption: The title of the link. This will fill in when a Link has been chosen but can be edited.

      3. Description: A short description of what page the link goes to. This will fill in when a Link has been chosen but can be edited.

      4. Icon: This will fill in when a Link has been chosen, but can be changed for a different Icon.

      5. Link URL: Enter the destination URL for the link.

      6. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to save the Link.

    2. Repeat to add all links. For the best results, don’t have more than 4 or 5 links per role.

  4. Position: The order of the links can be changed, by using the red arrow to move the link down one position, and the green arrow to go up one position.

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