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Blogs makes up one half of the Blogs and Discussion Forums add-on module. Blogs allow you to create a series of posts for members to see and be updated with information about goings on at your club. Posts can contain a mix of text, images, and file attachments, and can be saved as drafts before posting to allow a more flexible workflow.

The full content of Blog posts are also included in the site-wide search, making them easier to find.

These instructions don’t include the creation of the CMS Space. That information can be found in this guide here: CMS

Add Blog

  1. Navigate to the CMS space you want your Blog to be in.

  2. Click the green “Add Blog” button.

  3. Complete the wizard:

    1. Name: The name of the Blog.

    2. Description: A description about the Blog. This could include some of the things that will be talked about in the Blog, or an introduction to the author.

    3. Tags: Enter as many tags as you like, these can be used to help identify the topics being discussed within the Blog.

    4. OK: Once happy with the details, click “OK” to create the Blog.

Make a Post

  1. Navigate to the Blog you want to post in.

  2. Click the green “Post new blog entry” button.

  3. Enter the post Details:

    1. Title: The title of the Post.

    2. Abstract: A short overview of the Post.

    3. Thumbnail Image: This image will be used on the Blog Feed to help advertise the Post.

    4. Author: Whoever wrote the Post. Start typing the user’s name and select their name from the dropdown.

    5. Publication Date: Enter the date of Publication for the Post. If left blank, it will be set to the date when the Post is published.

    6. Tags: Enter as many tags as you like, these can be used to help identify the topics being discussed within the Post.

    7. Image: Select an image to appear at the top of the Post. This image will also be used for the thumbnail if no thumbnail image was selected above.

    8. Comments Thread: If you want users to be able to leave a comment on this page, check this box. Who is able to read or leave a comment will depend on the Entitlements for the Space.

  4. Write your post. The WYSIWYG editor allows you to just type, or copy and paste the appropriate information in, as well as add images and links. You can also enter into HTML mode for those who have the appropriate knowledge.

    1. HTML: Click this button to enter HTML mode, where you will see the HTML for any existing content in the block/column. You can also write using HTML mark up in this mode. You can find an introduction to HTML here: HTML Tutorial

    2. Format: Click this button to change to a preset text sizes, for things like titles and subtitles, as well as bits of text you want to stand out such as quotes or code. Highlight text and select the Format type, or select the Format type and start typing.

    3. Style: Click this button to change to a preset text style. This can be used when you want something to stand out from other normal text such as for code. Subscript and superscript are also kept here. Highlight text and select the Style, or select the Style and start typing.

    4. Bold: Toggle Bold on and off.

    5. Italics: Toggle Italics on and off.

    6. Strikethrough: Toggle Strikethrough on and off. Strikethrough will be a single line through the middle of the text, like this.

    7. Lists: Choose between an ordered (numbered) list, or an unordered list (bullet points). If selecting an existing list, you can also choose to indent or outdent highlighted parts of a list from this menu.

    8. Image: Click to add an image into the block/column. Either upload a new image or select one already uploaded

    9. Video: Click to embed a video into the block/column. Enter the link to the Video Embed Code or Youtube/Vimeo Link into the box (best to use copy and paste) and click “Insert”.

    10. File: Add a file to your page with this button. Enter a name that will be shown for the file, and then click to upload the file.

    11. Table: Use this menu to insert a table, as well as access all the table-related options to edit existing tables. Read more about tables in this guide here: CMS Tables

    12. Link: Click to add, edit, or remove a link from text. You can enter the URL of where you want the link to go, change the text that is displayed for the link, and choose if the link opens in a new tab, or in the current tab.

    13. Align: Choose how to align the text: Left, Right, Centre, or Justified.

    14. Text Colour: Set the text colour. You can also highlight text here too.

    15. Size: Set the text size.

    16. Line Height: Set the line height here.

    17. Fullscreen: Click to enter full screen mode, to open the block/column into a full screen view for easier editing. Click the button again to exit full screen mode.

  5. Click “Save Draft” to save a draft version of the Post to come back and complete it later.


  6. Click “Publish” to publish the Post and make it available to be read by anyone with View permissions for the CMS space.

Delete a Post

  1. Navigate to the Blog post you want to delete.

  2. Click the red “Delete” button.

  3. Click “Yes” to confirm.


If the Comments Thread is turned on for a Post, this is how to add and moderate comments:

Adding a Comment

  1. Click in the “what would you like to say...?” box at the bottom of any Blog Post.

  2. Enter your reply.

  3. Click “Add Comment” or press “Enter” when you’re happy with the reply.

Comments can be edited after they have been posted by clicking the “Edit” button next to any of your own replies. A note is made when the comment was last edited at the bottom of the comment.

Comments can also be replied to by clicking “Reply” instead of the “what would you like to say...?” box.

Moderating Comments

Comments can be moderated to ensure that all the rules are followed with regards to what is posted. This could include swearing, being rude to others, or going off topic.

  1. Click “Delete” next to a comment that you want to remove.

  2. Enter a reason.

  3. Click “OK”.

Comments can be restored if they are deemed to not have broken the rules by clicking “Undelete”.

Watching Blog

Any signed-in user with “View” permissions can click the “Not watching” button for any Blog in order to receive an email every time there is a new Post in the Blog.

To no longer watch a page, click the “Watching” button and it will revert to “Not watching”.

Adding a Blog to the Menu

It is often a good idea to add a link to your Blog in the menu to make it easier to find for members. Wherever you choose to put it, it will only appear for users who have permission to view the page. Follow this guide to help you add your Blog to the menu: How to Customise the Main Menu

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