Service Desk

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Service Desk

The Service Desk is the way that you can log issues, ask questions, or get help with your myClubhouse site. Each new issue gets its own ticket with a unique number to help you and us to find it.

Opening a ticket

  1. Head to https://simmetrics.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals.

    Or click the medical briefcase icon on your site to be taken there.

  2. Enter your question into the search box to check the Knowledge Base for related articles. This will potentially answer your question straight away. If it doesn’t, select a question type to ask your question.

  3. If these articles don’t answer your question, select the criteria that your issue falls under:

    1. Licensing and billing questions: These questions are related to your myClubhouse license, or if you wish to add modules to your license.

    2. Product trial questions: These questions are about new customers trialing the product or existing customers trying a new module.

    3. Technical support: If you’re having an issue on your site, or need help setting something up, choose this option.

    4. Other questions: If you are unsure of where your question should go, just choose this option.

    5. Report a bug: If there’s a problem with something not working properly, choose this one.

    6. Suggest a new feature: If you have a new idea for the site, let us know here.

    7. Suggest improvement: If something could be better, let us know here.

  4. Complete the wizard. While the fields may vary slightly, these are the common fields:

    1. Summary: A short title, summarising your issue.

    2. Suggested Articles: This will search the Knowledge Base for articles relating to your question.

    3. Description: A full description of your issue, including specific examples, names and times, where appropriate. If your issue is related to the mobile app, please include the version of the app (found on the profile page in the app), and your phone operating system and version.

    4. Components: Select from the dropdown which parts of the website the issue refers to.

    5. Attachments: Attach any screenshots or other related documents to your issue.

    6. Club name: The name of your club.

    7. Web Page URL: The URL to your myClubhouse site. This can either be to the home page, or the specific page your ticket is referring to.

    8. Your Full Name: Enter your full name so we know who we are talking to.

    9. Your Email Address: Enter your email address.

    10. Email Confirmation To: Enter the email address that you want all correspondence from the ticket to be sent to, even if this is the same as the email address in step i.

    11. Send: Once you’re happy with all the details, click “Send” to submit your ticket.

Adding a comment

When your ticket has a new comment, you will get an email. To add a comment in reply:

  1. From your email, click on “Click here to reply or view request”.

  2. Click “Add comment”.

  3. Type your comment and click “Save”.

Adding Participants/Sharing with others

If you want to share a ticket with someone else within your organisation or invite them to join you in adding comments to the discussion, you can do so from the portal.

  1. From your email, click on “Click here to reply or view request”.

  2. Beneath the “Shared with“ heading in the right-hand column, click “Share”.

  3. Type in the participant’s name, if they already have their own Service Desk account, or type in an email address and select the appropriate option from the dropdown.

  4. Add more names/emails if you want to add multiple participants.

  5. Click “Add” to add the participants.

  6. These participants will now receive the same updates on the ticket as you, as well as be able to comment on the ticket.

Closing tickets

When your issue has been resolved you can close it by marking it as “Resolved”. To do this:

  1. From your email, click on “Click here to reply or view request”.

  1. Click on “Resolve this issue”.

  2. Add a comment and hit “Resolve this issue”.

  3. You will get an email confirmation that the ticket has been resolved. Don’t forget to give us 5 stars!

See all tickets

You can see all of your current and closed tickets and all comments on them.

From any page on the service desk, click Requests > All.

You can then filter the tickets between open and closed, as well as by type.

Click on any ticket to view it.

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