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Quick Start: How to Create an Event Series
The events module is a great way to keep track of all the events and courses happening at your club. Users can sign up to the events, you can track attendance, take payment, and more! A series is a group of events that are the same, for example, a coaching course that lasts 6 weeks would be a series as there are 6 separate instances of the same event. Users can sign up to either the whole series or individual instances, depending on their preference and your settings. Below is a quick start guide on how to create a basic event series using the most common options.
You are reading the Quick Start Guide, for the full guide please click here: How to Create an Event Series
If you want to create a single event, read the Quick Start Guide here: Quick Start: How to Create a Single Event
Series: Refers to the group of events as a whole.
Instance: Refers to one event within the group of events. e.g. 1 week of the 6 week course.
Sign in to your myClubhouse site with an Administrator-level account.
Navigate to the Events Calendar page:
by default this is under the Events menu.
or type “/Events/Calendar” into your browser’s address bar e.g.
Click “Create Event” in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Details: Enter the basic details of your event.
Event Name: The name of your event.
Event Type: Events are sorted into types to help display them in the Events Calendar. In this example, “Coaching” is used.
Event Description: A description to cover the whole series of events. It is good to put clear information here including cost, time, date, and place. Use photos and graphics to attract attention and entice people to attend. This content will be copied into the email body when publicising the event by email.
Dates & Times: Enter when your Event will take place.
Single Event or Event Series: Select “Event Series”. (For single events, read this guide: Quick Start: How to Create a Single Event )
Generate Recurrent Instances: Use this to create multiple instances that happen at regular intervals.
Start Time: When each instance will start. You can type in a time and date or select it from the dropdown.
Duration: How long each instance will last. Changing this will update the End Time automatically.
Recurrence: Set how often the event recurs: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annual. In this example, it repeats every Tuesday
Start: Set the date the first instance will start by typing in the box or clicking on the calendar control.
End: Choose how many instances, or when the last one will occur. In this example, end after 6 occurrences.
Generate: This will generate all instances meeting the criteria you just defined.
Organisers & Venue: Enter details of who is organising the event and where it is taking place.
Organiser: The person who is organising the event. By default, this will be the person creating the event. Start typing the name of the organiser then select from the drop-down list.
Notify on sign-up: Set to “Yes” so that the organiser will be notified by email when somebody signs up to or withdraws from the event.
Venue Name: Where the event is taking place.
Venue Map Location: Enter the postcode of the event and then a map will appear on the Event page with the venue location. You can also use a what3words location. Learn more about what3words in this guide: what3words Integration
Sign-up: Define who can sign up to this event. Note: These restrictions do not apply to organisers and administrators.
Attendees can be signed up: Set this to “Yes” so that users can sign up to the event.
Sign Up Mode: Choose whether attendees can sign up to the whole series, individual instances, or both. In this example, users will only be able to sign up to the whole series.
Registration Wizard: Leave this as “No guest registration”.
Sign Up Window: Set when users can sign up for an event, this can be expressed in specific dates/times or a length of time before the start of the event. In this example, sign up closes 1 day before the event.
Approval Required: Turn this off so each attendee will be automatically approved upon sign-up.
Attendees can withdraw: If turned on. attendees can withdraw themselves from this event, if not, only the organisers can withdraw attendees.
Allow multiple sign-ups per attendee: Set this to “No”.
Costs: Define the costs for this event.
Event has cost: Select “Yes” for paid events.
Payment Options: Select “with money”, so that attendees can pay with money.
Sign-up Payment Scheme: Select the payment scheme which defines which payment methods will be accepted for this event.
Cost Type: Set to “Fixed Prices” and enter the cost of the event into “Series Cost”.
Series Product Categories: Select “Event Sign-up” (as defined under Admin > Finance > Manage Product Categories).
Auto-refund on withdraw: Set to “No”.
Restrictions: Define the restrictions for the event.
Who can sign up: Choose “Attendees: Anyone” so that anyone can sign up themselves or another person to the event.
Eligible Participants: Choose “Current Members Only” to limit who can sign up for this event.
Allow Guests: Select “No” to not allow guests to the event.
Description: A short description of who is eligible to sign up for the event that is used in the Events Calendar.
Visibility: Define who can see this event.
Public or Private: Make your event Public so that everyone can see it to sign up.
Sign-up List: Set the Sign-up list to “Public” so users can see who else is attending the event before they sign up. For events with children, the attendee list may want to be kept private for safeguarding reasons.
Attendee Count: Set this to “Public” so that users can see how many people are signed up to the event.
Promotion: Choose the options relating to how the event is promoted.
Draft event: This needs to be set to “Live” so that users can see it and sign up.
Publicise in event feeds: Set to “Yes” so that this event will be publicised in event feed widgets on other pages on your site (usually including the home page).
Publicise all series instances: Set to “No” to only show the next instance of the series in event feeds.
Custom description for event feeds: Set to “No”.
Save Changes: Press the Save changes button on the bottom left of the screen.
Invite Members: Upon saving, you will be presented with a pop up asking if you would like to invite members to this event. If you select ‘Yes - let’s do it!' you will be redirected to the “Send an Email” page. The email Subject and Body will have been pre-populated with all the event details, but can be modified before sending to the appropriate members.
Alternatively, you can send the same email at a later date. From the Events Calendar (Events > Events Calendar) you can find your event and click Actions (cog) and choose “Invite Members”.
Repeat all steps to create more events. Please make use of the green “Copy” button to create an event with similar settings.
For a more detailed description of all of the options available when creating a new event series, read this guide here: How to Create an Event Series